PS3... What are the must buys?

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thought so

conger just pwnd himself :rotfl

1.Uncharted Drakes Fortune
2.Call of Duty 4
3.Ratchet and Clank(if youre a fan of these type of games)
Those 3 are Must haves!

Army of two is pretty cool too,but not a must.
I just finished Ratchet and Clank (twice, I had to play it on the hard mode too) and what a great addition it was to the series, I loved it.

I am playing guitar hero 3 and just finished it on medium, now comes the rediculesly hard part.

As soon as I finish playing Super Mario Galaxy on am going to start in on the copy of Uncharted I have sitting on top of my entertainment center.
Must haves:

Ratchet & Clank
Ninja Gaiden
Assassins Creed

There's soon to be about 20 added to the list this year alone, so save up.

GTA 4, MGS 4, SF IV, Tekken 6, Gran Turismo 5, FFXIII, FFXIII versus, Haze, Killzone 2, Fallout 3, Force Unleashed, Resistance 2, Soul Caliber IV, Lego Batman, Lego Indy, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Tomb Raider: Underworld. Prototype, etc....etc...the list goes on.
I bought mine at Costco, a bundle for $500. Got me a PS3 40 GB, Spider-Man 3 on Blu-Ray, Rachet and Clank, The DVD Remote and Additional Wireless controller. I thought it was an all inclusive deal if I ever saw one.

Check out Blockbuster. I know it sounds funny but having a Dist Manager living with me I hear about the deals they have. They had the 80 gb a movie not sure what it was, remote, HDMI cable(the PS3 only has regular old composite cable), motorstorm and it had like 20 free game or BLU ray rentals.

I overheard a conference call the other day that they should have 40gb bundles too soon.
The Show is kind of a spiritual successor to MVP, it has a lot of similarities...but better. The 2K series is a joke. There is a demo for The Show, so be sure to downlaod it and see if it works for you...I'd be shocked if you didnt like it.

Thanks for posting about the demo I didnt know about it, Looks like a purchase after GTA comes out. I liked the pitching and hitting systems its nothing like the horrible 2k setup.
Damn, I was just gonna post up something like this cause I'm getting my PS3 tomorrow. Thanks guys!

Hey Jesse, were did you get that BT-IR USB Dongle and who makes it?? I need one too for my Harmony One.

Well, I guess I'll only be getting COD4(again) and I'll pick up GT5P next week. I'll also end up buying 2 copies of GTA4(one for 360 and PS3) and I already got MGS4 LE on PO for June. Can't wait to play the MGS Online beta!!!!