Pirates of the Caribbean 4

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Not awful. Not really good. Not a lot of action. Not terribly funny. Not too much of anything.

Disappointing villain and ending. Oddly unexplained supernatural powers.

no real threat driving things forward... mermaids were OK, mostly because they had the only real set-piece in the entire 2nd act.

I enjoyed watching the movie. Left forgetting most of what happened. Final scenes felt very awkward, especially the last shot.

Sums up a lot of my thoughts on the film as well........In the end it was good to have Jack back in the theater.
Not to mention that mosst people who know a little about pirates. Know that Blackbeard was killed off the coast of NC, not looking for the fountain of youth.

Yes, but this movie is meant to have happened after history claims he was killed, as Jack mentioned him losing his head, then he mentioned the myth about Blackbeard swimming around the ship three times after losing it. So in this movie's story he some how survived this ordeal. Was it explanied? Nope Blackbeard just smiled and said nothing. Lazy storytelling
Why is it lazy? Perhaps they liked the idea of us simply not knowing. I know I sure do. I don't need every single detail explained I like the mystery.

Somewhere along the lines Blackbeard aquired a magic sword and it grants him powers. Its no stranger then somewhere along the way Davy Jones fell in love with water in human form and turned into a fish man with a submarine.

How did Davy survive cutting out his own heart? Will died and the crew did it to him before he was ressurected but were told Davy carved out his own? Why does Superman have a cellophane S he can throw off his chest?
Why is it lazy? Perhaps they liked the idea of us simply not knowing. I know I sure do. I don't need every single detail explained I like the mystery.

Somewhere along the lines Blackbeard aquired a magic sword and it grants him powers. Its no stranger then somewhere along the way Davy Jones fell in love with water in human form and turned into a fish man with a submarine.

How did Davy survive cutting out his own heart? Will died and the crew did it to him before he was ressurected but were told Davy carved out his own?

Well I never said I liked any of the sequels.
The first one is good, and that's about it
Rebooted 'Pirates' sets overseas box office record


Made more then Thor's 3-4 week gross its opening weekend.

Watched the movie yesteday and i loved it. Not as good as the first, but still great. It was what i expected from a potc movie: fun, adventure, humour and great action. Plus sparrow and barbossa (i got chills when he put his pirate hat on, near the end of the movie) are awesome.

Overall, i think it's a great addition and i'm sure i'll like it even more with each view, now that i know what to expect.

Regarding 3D, i'd say definitely go watch it but only on IMAX. People should stop saying 3D sucks if they won't see it properly.
Rebooted 'Pirates' sets overseas box office record


Made more then Thor's 3-4 week gross its opening weekend.


Not surprising. Sparrow (Depp) is a beloved character worldwide. Beyond comic fans Thor is relative unknown commodity.

I have seen repeated viewings of Thor and neither had kids or females. Thor's reigning atop the box office for two weeks is pretty impressive IMO.

Pirates audience on the other hand had the full compliment of male, female, kids etc. I expect it to dominate the box office.
Not surprising. Sparrow (Depp) is a beloved character worldwide. Beyond comic fans Thor is relative unknown commodity.
Pirates audience on the other hand had the full compliment of male, female, kids etc. I expect it to dominate the box office.

:lecture Thor is a new franchise, and Pirates is already an established series. In Thor they had to establish everything in this movie as well as explain who/what he is, but in Pirates we start off with Jack doing Jack's thing. Not a fair comparison IMO.
Thor is also a long running comic book and part of the Avengers with a direct relation to Iron Man 2, and based on Norse mythology, which was around a few years before ol' Walt built a theme park.

I'm also not surprised, Hemmsworth aint Depp, but it bodes very well for a 5th installment.
Oh come now Carl, you played cheerleader for all the negative crazy things you posted like the Fountain of Maggots. You also were quick to get ________ (we can't say butt hurt as one word?)to defend Crystal Skull when it is a totally fair comparison. Both are the 4th entry into an action adventure franchise starring a huge actor as a popular character, focused on a race for the treasure.

I repeatedly pointed out the franchise has plenty of problems, especially 3, but as I also pointed out several times, I feel the movie got undeserving reviews and was trashed by people with alterior motives. I read outright lies in the reviews about technical aspects of the film which don't amount to opinion. (Critics, not people here) I'm now exceptionally happy those people and their crusade failed.

I can enjoy a real classic Kubrick sort of film and still this kind of thing if done properly to envoke fun and excitment. Unfortunately I find things like SW Prequels do indeed let us down by comparison, but so do regular well made films by far greater directors/artists.
What "crusade"? It's perfectly acceptable to believe the negative reviews for this film are honest. Mine was, though I didn't go overboard and over-the-top with the hatred like some of those review (like Slant Magazine, especially). It's hardly high art, even for dumb popcorn Summer movies. Even the feedback among Freaks here has been mixed, at best.

My point is that you're quick to go overboard with hatred for the prequels, KOTCS, etc... even going so far as to literally wish death upon Lucas. And the next film/franchise you hitch your wagon to is THIS? Really??
it's funny how negativity spreads like wild-fire...
I for one, enjoyed the movie A LOT!!!
I think the story was great, and I had as much fun with this one as with the first one. I didn't find it boring at all!

Anyway, I really, really enjoyed it a lot, and felt all the characters did great, the story wasn't as convoluted and messy as ATW or DMC. Jack really shined in this one, and I thought the chemistry between Depp and Cruz was great!

Don't care what naysayers or critics say, I liked it, and I can't wait to watch it again!! :yess:
You went digging for the craziest negative reviews you could find. :lol I simply found this article on earnings while checking my email. You came into this thread with a crusade against my posts, and reviews, read back over the past dozen pages, :lol

Now your mad because I liked this? I'm not mad you didn't, calm down loser. I said it got undeserving reviews, you disagree but because I liked it now I'm not allowed to post here because it bothers you or something? :rotfl Why keep coming to the thread then, I don't return to that prequel thread for subsequent viewings.

No, I do not "wish" death upon Lucas, I simply look forward to it as the day Star Wars will no longer be bastardised by him, perhaps we'll get original versions in blu-ray etc.
You went digging for the craziest negative reviews you could find. :lol
I went digging? Uh, no. I visit most of those sites on a regular basis (except for Slant... I found that one from a link on the CHUD forums). I post different links and feedback on this site all the time. Sorry it affected your pirate lovefest this time.

Now your mad because I liked this? I'm not mad you didn't, calm down loser.

I don't care that you like it at all. I just find it amusing given your reaction to other genre films that aren't any worse than the PIRATES sequels.

And "loser"? Glad to see this has devolved into name-calling so quickly. :lol