Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

That's a good possibility , i was thinking there not on earth because something had happened .She said why do you hate us so much?So i think its more personal but how knows
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Oh, and am I the only one who thought David was falling in love with Shaw? I thought it was kind of obvious.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

My guess is it was an accident. The Engineers wised up and wanted to wipe out the human race because in doing so, they'd also wipe out the risk of the Xenomorph incident happening again.

Can you imagine having the power to wipe out an entire world or create an entire race of bio weapons (xenos).:panic:
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Can you imagine having the power to wipe out an entire world or create an entire race of bio weapons (xenos).:panic:

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

There's some trollish behaviour invading the the Prometheus threads. It's fair enough posting your opinion and thoughts on the film but I don't understand why these people keep coming back to talk about something they don't really like.

To talk with other people about WHY we didn't like it of course.

Sure it's a fair enough movie if you want to turn your brain off and just enjoy the spectacle but I thought the man who gave us Alien, Blade Runner, and Gladiator was better than that.

Hope the "trolling" comment wasn't directed at me as I wrote what I felt was a very cogent and thoughtful commentary on the weaknesses of the film only to be met with an . . . "eh . . . I liked it."

I'm also open to other people's interpretations of the movie. Perhaps they can explain to me why my complaints were not well founded or maybe I missed something they got on multiple viewings.

That's the value of discussing a movie and dissecting it in my opinion.

I also find the argument that people who are criticizing the poor writing and plot of Prometheus aren't "thinking" enough.

Does anyone here seriously think this movie is on the same order of magnitude as say Christopher Nolan's Inception? Now THAT movie requires some thinking and introspection along with multiple viewings. Repeated viewings of this film will only serve to HEIGHTEN the inane points already discussed ad infinitum.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I keep just thinking about the mythology of Prometheus and that he stole fire from the gods to give to the humans and was punished for it. So thats what i think happened here, the Engineer in the beginning took this black substance to create life, but instead he created something evil and the Engineers were punished for it.

That's an interesting interpretation and one of many.

Maybe the original Engineer was a criminal or outcast from his own kind and was placed on the desolate rock as punishment?

Maybe he was the originator of the black goo? And the black goo was given to him much as a gun with one bullet would be given to a cast-away stranded on a desert island as a "mercy"?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

dfchang - you articulated my sentiments perfectly. well written. furthermore, i completely agree with your assertion that "critical thinking/for yourself" has anything to do with the QUALITY of this film.

except, ahem, it was the "nostromo."

You're right, I'm embarrassed. Brain fart there. LoL
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Does anyone here seriously think this movie is on the same order of magnitude as say Christopher Nolan's Inception? Now THAT movie requires some thinking and introspection along with multiple viewings. Repeated viewings of this film will only serve to HEIGHTEN the inane points already discussed ad infinitum.

Inception's a great film but even with an explanation it still requires thinking that will probably never make sense.:lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

There's some trollish behaviour invading the the Prometheus threads. It's fair enough posting your opinion and thoughts on the film but I don't understand why these people keep coming back to talk about something they don't really like.
They're human. It's what they do. And you can't reason with them. No point in trying. They're all abominations. Mr. Engineer knew this after listening to them for a few seconds, and destroyed them.

Kudos to him.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

By way did anyone else think that Holloway's initial reaction was sort of weird on finding the dead Engineers?

Is anybody that entitled, arrogant, and childish as to be DISAPPOINTED they didn't speak to God??

Did he honestly think he was going to sit down and have a fireside chat with the CREATORS OF THE F'ING HUMAN RACE about the meaning behind life, the universe, and everything?

This is another example where a character's reaction just rang false to me on initial viewing. It was like "uhhhh?"

I did basic science research for a few years in college. Any other scientists here? This is NOT the sorta reaction I would expect from a scientist. Shaw's reaction is more apropos in my mind there. You keep an open mind, you continue do do the research and you go where the data takes you. You don't throw a tantrum and get drunk cause you didn't get everything you were expecting . . .
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You were not trolling, df. Often the t-word is thrown about when poeple want to silence dissent, this is a very common tactic online.

The examples you gave cannot really be refuted, hence the t-word. :slap
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

They're human. It's what they do. And you can't reason with them. No point in trying. They're all abominations. Mr. Engineer knew this after listening to them for a few seconds, and destroyed them.

Kudos to him.

LOL that's actually pretty funny, dude. :rotfl

Speaking of that scene, I wonder what David really WAS saying to the Engineer.

Oh we know what Weyland TOLD him to say but did he?

There were a few hints earlier that David had some . . . ambiguous feelings about his creators. Remember that line "everybody wants to kill their parents" or something to that effect? Also the whole concept of "freedom" if Weyland were to die.

Just think it would be pretty funny if David basically told the Engineer to suck a donkey's behind or some such nonsense which led to the flip-out.

Then again, maybe asking the Engineer for eternal life would have served much the same purpose as the above from the Engineer's point of view . . .
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Exactly. Research should enhance a film. It should not be required.

I see what you're saying, but i'm talking like a quick 2 second research.

I mean, its like what happened to Cloverfield.

People hated it because they didn't know it was a handy cam movie. 2 seconds of research would've determined that to be truth.

You could've looked up, Prometheus alien Prequel, and got a number of Ridley Scott 'It's in the same universe, but not a prequel, in a sense" vague stuff. So you'd know the movie was in the universe, but doesn't tie with Alien exactly.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I totally agree when they said they understand the disappointment, but to have actual hate for the film after dog____ like the AVPs and some of the Alien sequels, also other movies like Jack and Jill, it's a total over reaction. Whether you were let down or not, it looked great and it was ambitious regardless if it worked for you or not.
Hey if you do hate the film maybe knowing that Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles is coming out to a cinema near you in the not too distant future might cheer you up?

I love their reviews. I won't say I 100% agree, but I 100% understand.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I have several issues with this film. Not a single one has anything to do with whether or not it's an actual ALIEN prequel.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I want the people who didn't like it to talk about it. But I'm getting tired of them going OMG IT SUCKS.

Talk about why you didn't like it, so we can discuss it. But do it in a matter which makes it easier to discuss. Not "Why did they do this...OMG SOOO STUPID"
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Yeah, that means you're a rational person. Honestly, I can't deal with those guys. They don't have anything to add other then "I wanted to see marines and aliens! And the end with the Jockey in his chairrrrr".