Novice Head Sculpt Question

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Sep 4, 2009
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Alright guys, i know i maybe should have put this in the big questions thread, but ive looked through & cant find an answer.

I'm just starting to give head sculpting a go, but i'm a complete novice & need some help.

I'm using super sculpey. My question is about the neck, how do you get the correct size so it will fit on a hot toys, sideshow etc body?
Do i have to buy a ht neck joint and then sculpt around that with sculpey?
Ive started a head, and now realize i need the neck to be the perfecr shape & size to fit on a body. Sorry if this a stupid question but i aint got a clue about this at the moment. cheers guys, joe.
Please, somebody must know the answer? I just need to know how to get the correct size neck in sculpey so it fits on a ht truetype. then i'll blow you all away with my sculpting skills! (hopefully) seriously though, if anyone can help, let me know, i'm planning on making some horror/eurocult characters nobody has done yet. cheers guys.
There are a few options I can think of, and part of it depends on what kind of joint you are connecting to.

If you are doing a fully sculpted neck:
1) Take the neck from an extra head (if you are a customizer you probably have a few sitting around) cut off the head and build the sculpt around that neck.

2) (I do this) Roll a tube shaped piece of sculpey... then stick that flush onto a spare head. Get the correct shape/size by matching the tube to the neck. Once you have a good shape then take that and bake it. Once baked sculpt the remainder of the head around it. You won't make a head that will just fit on a body... all will eventually require dremmeling to get them to fit, and glue to hold in place.

If you are just doing a head to fit on top of a neck:
1) Take the ball joint you are connect the head to, create a ball of sculpy that fits around it... then bake that piece. After baked, sculpt the head around it and once completed it it should fit back on the neck joint.
Sideshow, Dragon models, and the like are right around or exactly 9/16ths inch diameter, so start with that and work the neck up giving yourself at least an 1/8th inch wall, that way you can drill it out with a 9/16ths bit after its cast.
Cheers dudes, not really a hands on sort of person! i'll give it a go though. thanks again.