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Well put mate, and very respectful. I've been aware of the shortcomings of this piece from day 1, but I still think it's a bad a$$ looking piece. I had the chance to purchase the original Maquette, and whilst I'm aware it's more accurate than this, I never cared for the pose, and I felt this new Maquette would make a better companion piece for the Dutch PF

Thank you, and honestly, the pose is so much nicer in person, I think many of us who own that maquette had similar reservations until we actually got hold of one. If you ever get the chance to see one in person, take it. But yeah, I'm sure this will look good with the Dutch PF.
Thank you, and honestly, the pose is so much nicer in person, I think many of us who own that maquette had similar reservations until we actually got hold of one. If you ever get the chance to see one in person, take it. But yeah, I'm sure this will look good with the Dutch PF.

I've seen it in person. It's a beautiful piece and it's not that I hate the pose, I just thought the pose on the new one suited the Dutch PF better for the display I wanted to create, That's all. Was also hard to justify given the price people wanted for it.

Anyway, I'm keen to see what Prime 1 do as far as this character goes. I think I'd rather wait for that than get the original SWS Maquette, if I was to get another Jungle Hunter Predator.
Fine tell SS the give it a cloaking device and people will like it better lmao

I'm getting it and like it and nobody I know collects anything but age so they won't say anything bad.
So I guess those who ordered it are idiots? No offence to anyone in this thread, but it's getting tiresome coming in here and seeing the same people make the same negative comments over and over and over again...

We get it guys, you don't like it, you think it's not worth it, you want an exact replica of the Predator in 1/4 scale for this money, blah blah blah. Does it really need to be constantly repeated over and over? End of the day, most people who walk into your room and see it will instantly recognize it's the Predator from the 1987 classic.

Guess what? There's plenty of people that like it enough to have ordered it. It's a little disrespectful to make these people feel stupid for ordering it.

If I look at most of what Sideshow produce, I can find inaccuracies FFS. Can't tell me their likenesses for any of their human characters have been 100% spot on. Hell, Cinemaquette release statues with poor likenesses for thousands of dollars, and even their creatures have some inaccuracies. Steve Wang's Predator is an artistic interpretation of the character that sells for over 4 thousand these days, yet nobody doesn't mind the inaccuracies on it.

End of the day, it is what it is. This forum makes up a tiny percentage of Sideshow's overall customers, so the opinions of members on here mean diddly squat. To constantly complain and crap on a product is pointless, when you know Sideshow won't change it.

I made many of your same points. It's best to just try and ignore the comments and only come here to scan for a new pic or some new news... Otherwise it is all just the same.. Which is fine but boring. Then again it would be boring if it was no news and nothing but praise also..

Having said that.....

yeah i dont get why anyone would buy this given the glaring inaccuracies and price. It's not like this is a normal $400-500 statue, it's $1300 for crying out loud. For this amount of money, why would you compromise? especially on a character/license that accuracy is absolutely key

I think it's these sort of comments that sort of come across as "insulting" to those that got it or like it. Perhaps it would be different if it was the first time something like this was said but it's not... BTW I like gagaliya and take no offence to his comments but I have been around here for a long time....

I'd rather hear justified criticism then this noxious BS. People are frustrated and it can get testy. If you can't take the truth you could have waited for a better one or tracked down a SWS Maquette(or the NECA isn't actually that bad, it sure is a hell of a lot more accurate than this mess). Yea, nothing is perfect, even the SWS, but that is a poor argument to justify getting something this far off.

Buy it if you like it, just accept the truth and stop trying to make yourself feel better by complaining about people discussing its glaring flaws. Let the facts be known so the next guy can make an informed decision. The worse this sells the more likely they do a better job next time or stop camping on the license altogether.

I think most everyone accepts that it has issues... It's just strange to see the same people complain about it over and over. They are free to do that but I find it somewhat strange...

If the next guy has to have the "facts" spelled out for him then he was not that big a Predator fan in the first place but there is nothing wrong with pointing out those facts so he can make an informed decision... However there are plenty of facts that have been posted here... Some of them posted over and over and over :lol

Personally I saw some of the issues but other things I would not have noticed if people here did not start pointing them out.. Oh well... I still like it and I am happy about getting it.

I am more then sure that P1 version will be better (accuracy wise) but I like this one a lot and I really do prefer the scale. I like the pose and base. The Helmet looks too big from some angles but others it looks great IMO... My only real issues are the thigh armor and the fact that the unmasked head's mouth is completely closed. I like when the mouth is a little bit open... Like the 1/4 Neca figure. However I am not a Predator snob like many here (I do not mean that as an insult, I mean it as a complement, my son is a Predator snob :)) So the inaccuracies do not bother me as I like this as a whole.

There has been lots of hopes and prayers that SSC would just drop this license... Well now that Prime 1 has it everyone should be happy and have very little to complain about. Who cares if SSC has the license? The more Predator's to choose from the better.

I have wanted a Luke Skywalker in Bespin gear statue for a long time... Sideshow finally makes one and it really is bad IMO... I posted my thoughts three or four times in that thread and have never returned.. Nor have I ever questioned why anyone would want to buy it.

Good post! And just to be clear people are entitled to speak how they feel about a piece. I have no hate for people loving this. How I felt about it in a negative way was way before I even came on the forums to find out what others felt. It is what it is. And if this does turn out better once in hand then that's great also.

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This is true.

I Feel like the P2 maquette and P1 maquette are going to look great on both sides of my TV :)
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. . . I Feel like the P2 maquette and P1 maquette are going to look great on both sides of my TV :)

I thought they'd stopped making those 1960's black & white sets?
