Statue New LOTR Maquette Line Announced!

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Beren, which PF likenesses do you feel aren't as good as they could be? Just curious, as I think we all have different tastes. I had all of the SSW collection at one time too, but I have prefered the PF line in most cases. They aren't perfect, and some paint applications really would help the final product. I love Frodo, but just a little paint in his mouth would help the likeness a ton, and I have seen some Legolas figures that are quite wall-eyed.
The other thing I don't like about this announcement is the Arwen in riding gear. I was hoping for one of those in PF. :monkey2
I would do anything for a fountain guard. I know the chance of seeing one in the PF line is slim to none but this line seems perfect for him. I love the custom one someone did on the S&F but that one isn't as easily attainable but I would absolutely love a fountain guard. :love

I still remember how hugely popular the Gondorian helm set was in the SSW days (largely because of the fountain guard helm in the set), and I can see a full figure fountain guard being just as popular.
Why is it that everytime there is a PPO now every sideshow link takes you to the order page?? I WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO and not a stupid SW doll pre-order!!
Why is it that everytime there is a PPO now every sideshow link takes you to the order page?? I WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO and not a stupid SW doll pre-order!!

There is a streamline PPO right now the site will be back to normal after.
Given that I have all of the SSW pieces except the Watcher in the Water, I'm personally disappointed by this news. Means Weta won't be doing 1/6 for years to come. And I really would have liked to get my 1/6 from them. Aggghhh...

Yes, I have also been disappointed by likenesses with a number of the 1/6 Weta pieces but Sideshow hasn't exactly knocked me senseless with the likenesses of their 1/4 PFs either! And you'd think 1/4 would be easier.

If Sideshow comes up with pieces that Weta didn't represent in the original line, like Denethor, then I'll most likely get those. If done 'right'.

Otherwise, I have my SSW Strider, 12" Strider, PF Strider. Don't need another one, that's for sure.

Expansive line? I doubt it. It's called marketing, people! They want to assure you this line will be long-lived but no one can know that. If they sell well, they will go on. If they don't...

And what's the definition of expansive, anyway? 30, 50, 100? Weta came up with 52 statues in the end. Over 3.5 years or so?

On top of everything, I'll stick with the Eaglemoss collection, 160 figures at most recent count and everything is in there that has been done at SSW and SS. Including Gondorian Armored Boromir. :) And I can display 20 figures in the space two 1/6 take up. :D


Beren I think you are spot on here, no one can know how it's going to go however I do think that seeing as we are all worldwide supposed to be coming out of our various recessions and that a little flick (called The Hibbit or Hobnob or something!:lol) is coming in the not too distant future then maybe the interest will be sufficient enough to keep this line going to it's completion which is "expansive" we hear...........:naughty will that be expansive a la Buzz Lightyear???:lol
Beren, which PF likenesses do you feel aren't as good as they could be? Just curious, as I think we all have different tastes. I had all of the SSW collection at one time too, but I have prefered the PF line in most cases. They aren't perfect, and some paint applications really would help the final product. I love Frodo, but just a little paint in his mouth would help the likeness a ton, and I have seen some Legolas figures that are quite wall-eyed.

The only PF I can see where the Weta likeness is superior is GTW. I don't particularly think much of either company's Galadriel, and I do agree with you about Frodo. It's not great, but a little touch up really helps. Touch up or not however, the likeness is still better than the SSW version. As for Legolas and Aragorn, it's not even worth talking about, clearly the Weta's likenesses aren't even in the same ballpark.

I too had all the SSW good guys at one point, but started selling them off at the peak of the LOTR craze. Sure, the obscene prices they were fetching was great, but that wasn't my primary reason for selling them was the less than adequate likenesses of too many of them.

One look at SS's Aragorn maquette sneek peak and I can see why some Weta fans are going to be upset. They are going to have to decide to bite the bullet and purchase this statue, or hold onto the one they have knowing there is a much better version out there. :naughty
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Beren I think you are spot on here, no one can know how it's going to go however I do think that seeing as we are all worldwide supposed to be coming out of our various recessions and that a little flick (called The Hibbit or Hobnob or something!:lol) is coming in the not too distant future then maybe the interest will be sufficient enough to keep this line going to it's completion which is "expansive" we hear...........:naughty will that be expansive a la Buzz Lightyear???:lol

Good point Alan! [I can't believe I just said that :lol] No doubt the Hobbit is going to help. Still, even without the Hobbit, LOTR has remained a solid SS licence for many years now. And there will always be people interested in quality collectibles at reasonable prices. If the other maquettes look as good as Aragorn, this line will be going strong for many years to come. :D
Good point Alan! [I can't believe I just said that :lol] No doubt the Hobbit is going to help. Still, even without the Hobbit, LOTR has remained a solid SS licence for many years now. And there will always be people interested in quality collectibles at reasonable prices. If the other maquettes look as good as Aragorn, this line will be going strong for many years to come. :D

Now Collin we'll have more of that from you thanks very much!! :lol

I will definitely be buying the Arwen piece and I think we are due to see her in PF and what about poor Eowyn didn't she put in enough screen time to get more exposure? She hacked the crap outta a load of baddies!!:lol
The SSW line was an amazing line with many great pieces as the SS lines have had their awesome pieces as well. I'm sure this new line will be quite well done and will only ADD to any LOTR collection. That's why we collect these right cause we like LOTR not to piss and stir up other fans?
The SSW line was an amazing line with many great pieces as the SS lines have had their awesome pieces as well. I'm sure this new line will be quite well done and will only ADD to any LOTR collection. That's why we collect these right cause we like LOTR not to piss and stir up other fans?

I gottta agree Josh, and a lot of this collecting comes down to tastes and preferences.

I can see people being concerned that a new line will have an effect on the perceived value of the collectibles that they already have, but I've always collected what I like, not what is valuable.

I am really excited to see this maquette line in a more finished state, as some of the sketches shown could be some amazing statues!

I am a little bummed that Arwen in her riding dress is coming to the maquette line, as I was hoping for that for the PF line too, but she has a lot of other frocks that would look great as a PF. Just not a white dress like GTW or Galadriel, my shelves could use some more color!!
The SSW line was an amazing line with many great pieces as the SS lines have had their awesome pieces as well. I'm sure this new line will be quite well done and will only ADD to any LOTR collection. That's why we collect these right cause we like LOTR not to piss and stir up other fans?

Great post Josh!

I'm really excited for the new line, and there are certainly some pieces that can be greatly improved over what we have previously received, but there are some pieces in the SSW line that I will be very surprised if the new line can beat, such as the Ringwraith on Steed, or Sam and Bill. Those are two of the most amazing statues I have ever owned in ANY format.
Great post Josh!

I'm really excited for the new line, and there are certainly some pieces that can be greatly improved over what we have previously received, but there are some pieces in the SSW line that I will be very surprised if the new line can beat, such as the Ringwraith on Steed, or Sam and Bill. Those are two of the most amazing statues I have ever owned in ANY format.

I gottta agree Josh, and a lot of this collecting comes down to tastes and preferences.

I can see people being concerned that a new line will have an effect on the perceived value of the collectibles that they already have, but I've always collected what I like, not what is valuable.

I am really excited to see this maquette line in a more finished state, as some of the sketches shown could be some amazing statues!

I am a little bummed that Arwen in her riding dress is coming to the maquette line, as I was hoping for that for the PF line too, but she has a lot of other frocks that would look great as a PF. Just not a white dress like GTW or Galadriel, my shelves could use some more color!!

Thanks guys! I've still got a few great posts left in the chamber. For me its all about LOTR be it actually buying the piece or just enjoying someone shots of it. These lines are a great representation of what has made these movies amazing and enhanced the story.
Great post Josh!

I'm really excited for the new line, and there are certainly some pieces that can be greatly improved over what we have previously received, but there are some pieces in the SSW line that I will be very surprised if the new line can beat, such as the Ringwraith on Steed, or Sam and Bill. Those are two of the most amazing statues I have ever owned in ANY format.

And I hope that they don't try; I think that Sideshow should have a certain respect for a piece like the RWOS or even the Daddy Rog, truth be told those pieces largely made them who they are today - it wasn't Marvel and it wasn't Star Wars. :read

Before I am accused of having an ulterior motive, I don't own the Daddy (I do have the RWOS, CT and WKTF :naughty); so it isn't completely a secondary value issue. I don't think the lightning will be captured in a bottle again, what we saw 5 years ago isn't likely to be repeated again. As I have said before, I am going to be very selective with this new line; I will use it as an opportunity to fill in the characters that are presently lacking from my collection, should Sideshow choose to release them - so far it's Arwen and the armored Boromir.
That's a good point. The RWOS was the piece that got me hooked on the SSW line. I can still remember the day I first saw a photo someone posted on another forum, when they received theirs. I had just gotten Gandalf the Grey, and hoped that would be the only piece I purchased (boy was I wrong :lol). But I saw that photo, picked my jaw up off the floor, and immediately ordered it - and it is still sitting on display right behind me as I type this :D.

This new line has that same potential, but I don't think they should try to outdo those pieces that are already universally accepted as masterpieces. There are so many other pieces that need to be made that there is plenty of room to grow.

I do wonder, though, what will be the "hook" piece for this line? The one that brings a whole new group of collectors to the LOTR maquette table?
Well Aragorn/Strider (yes, another) seems to be talked about a lot; and that is a bit surprising to me, but good buzz is good buzz.

We will undoubtedly see a Balrog (though like the SSW line not in 1/6 scale) it seems every line HAS to have one (ok, not the PFs :lol), so some classics are destined to be repeats. :sick