New licences!!!

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Indiana Fett said:
Thanks for keeping the dream alive Anakin...Yes, I've been saying it for MONTHS!!! Please be...INDIANA JONES™

Indy!!! Indy!!! Indy!!!



Hey Indy, what's shaking? Long time bro!..
pjam said:

Hey Indy, what's shaking? Long time bro!..

Thanks pjam...I was away on vacation for a good chunk of September, then busy with work for the last few weeks. I've been frequenting the boards...but haven't had as much chance to post...except when I received my Aragorn 12"...I posted some photos in the Aragorn Image thread...I know some aren't happy with him, but I think he's GREAT...a little customization/weathering and he'll be perfect! I'm excited to see this LOTR line finally get started!

For now I'm DYING to receive my that thing looks AMAZING!!! :eek
ED rules! One of the sickest figures ever made!:D

Great to have you back for the new HT Aliens run-up too, now that we have Ripley we can shoot for the "ALIENS" Warrior and a HT Power Loader, hey if they can do ED, they can do that! I will be posting pics of my "completed" Marines set on that thread soon so stay tuned...

Anyway, back on track here... anyone for some HT Predator figs thru SSC? Can you imagine?
Didn't someone say the had a Resivour Dogs (sp) license?

I'd love to see PotC, Saw, Norman Bates, and Hannibal Lecter 12" figures
Davy Jones Davy Jones Davy Jones!!!!

Who am I rooting for? It's a mystery... actually it's both. I like people with the last name "Jones."
Here's my Dream List:

A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick Collection)
Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner
Full Metal Jacket (Stanley Kubrick Collection)
Highlander - (Midieval Kurgan and Ramirez, dammit!)
Mad Max/Road Warrior
The Shining (Stanley Kubrick Collection)
Star Trek - Original Series
Tron (with EL wire circuits)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick Collection)
I like some of the suggestions.. but I'll stick to...

Underworld!!! We have Vampires and Werewolfs... What more could you want! :chew
Hellraiser would be nice but would the studio pull the plug on all the old figures with a remake in the works?

Please no 12" Star Trek I just can afford that and what would I do with all those 12" playmates Star Trek figures. Wait, bonfire!!!!

Now the DC comic license for some PF figures would really rock!!! Not gonna happen but it would really be cool to have a PF Batman.
Yeah, they will be announcing that they have the Reservoir Dogs licence.But I hope for more horror licences.