NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I don't know what to think of the new Ripley head. If you look at Trevor Grove?s deviantart page you can see it?s a fantastic sculpt, but I think it?s a 1/6 scale on there, and after being downsized and the paint added it doesn?t quite work for some reason. His sculpt might even be better than the Hot Toys version, which also used the open mouth look, but looked kind of off too.

It?s lazy that they didn't paint the weyland utani badge on her chest.
Linda Hamilton's likeness came through very well in the T2 and the Dark Fate figures. For whatever reason none of the Ripley figures scream Sigourney Weaver and I'm only half-joking when I say they could have avoided paying for her likeness, put out those same sculpts, and gotten away with it. :lol

All that said however, I'm still thrilled to have these figures.
Kane's son has arrived.

I don't know why I'm such an Alien nerd, but I don't think getting any collectible gets me more anxious and excited than getting Alien collectibles.
So anyway, here are my first impressions and some pics.


Amazingly enough, I got a well nigh-perfect figure!
Paint apps are decent, only moderately stuck joints (almost in the "just too tight" category), perfect dome (no blemishes, no warping), only a slightly bent leg (will get to that later) and small problems with the hands. I know, it sounds like a lot, but for NECA standards, I think I'm one lucky bastard!

Well, it's pretty much the same sculpt as the 35th anniversary version that had the lowered upper lip and cloudy dome, so in terms of accuracy, it's about the same, but with some slight modifications...


The actual changes have more to do with the engineering of the articulation than anything else.


The legs are the most obvious change, where a completely different articulation was designed for the knees. I'm really not too sure it was for the better, I thought the earlier double joints worked fine, but it is what it is. Also, the upper leg, where it connects to the hip is now one piece, whereas in the earlier sculpt it was two different pieces... why this is so I've no idea, it seems to have absolutely no effect on the articulation or range of motion.
The hips however, are much slimmer, making the silhouette of the figure a lot less feminine.
There's also a slight adjustment to the torso/chest, which it seems to me has a longer peg connecting it to the waist, giving it more freedom of movement (although it also means that the chest wants to look misaligned all the time), the chest was also slimmed down a bit under the armpits, allowing for the arms to come down much more than on the earlier version. Speaking of the arms, they have also been modified slightly: no more bicep swivel (great for the sculpt), but now there's a double joint at the elbows (great for articulation).
The tail now has a swivel cut at the base, which I'm not too keen on... seems unnecessary and breaks up the sculpt.




The face I believe is the same as the one from the Walmart exclusive of a few years ago. Basically the same as the 35th anniversary, but with the teeth lowered so that they are fully exposed. It doesn't really work for me, because it completely screws up an already problematic side view... If the dome came down lower in the front, covering the ribbed detail, it'd be much better. But no such luck. I wonder why NECA don't just do what Mafex and other companies do and give the dome a damn peg so that it adjusts the way it's supposed to.

The rest is pretty much the same, as far as I can see.

Paint apps
I call this "variations on a theme". It's glossy black plastic with some dry-brushing (greenish-brown) and some splashes of airbrush (grey). The paint on the teeth looks a lot more metallic, and the finger- and toe-nails are more gun-metal than silver.
If NECA were really serious about an "ultimate" figure, they'd use the "prototype" version and paint that one up, instead of doing the lazy all black thing again.


Compared to the 35th version though, the detail on the skull does look fantastic.

What can I say, it's improved. The new joints, the slight adjustments all work to make this figure much better at posing than the 35th one. Special mention goes to the ankles, which actually work now! The tail is also made of a different material, softer and easier to bend.

They're nice. It's cool to have a properly sized egg and an Alien-specific face hugger. Having said that, it would've been cool if NECA had made the egg translucent like in the movie. The chestburster is great.

QC issues
It wouldn't be NECA if it didn't have any, would it?


Something happened to its left hand. I don't know if it's the mould that gave up, or if it's just mine that has those stubby fingers. And the right hand has the peg for the wrist articulation misplaced. Thankfully, it's not very noticeable and doesn't affect movement.


The right leg was poorly placed in the tray, which resulted in it being a bit warped. But since I prefer my Giger aliens with properly shaped Bolaji Badejo legs, that was actually quite fortunate, because it meant I only had to heat up the left leg to get the legs looking right (I did the same to the 35th version).

So that's it!
Is it an improvement over the 35th anniversary version? It certainly is, and I would recommend it to any Alien fan.

So far I only own the white spacesuit Ripley, because it has the best likeness of any ALIEN release of said character. I would have much rather bought the iconic blue jumpsuit figure, but I just couldn't get past how off the likeness was. Here, with this release, everyone would have finally been able to purchase a quality representation of that look, but somehow NECA managed to release an even less accurate figure.

Seems like now the chances of them attempting another ALIEN Ripley headsculpt are slim to none, unless they'll do a underwear version with sleeping pod- kind of the Huttslayer Leia of this franchise. Also, a similarly risky release Disney's Cooperate Overloards wouldn't be happy to sign off on.

Or how about a 1/4 scaled Ripley to go with the 1/4 Xenomorph?
I think Lucky Star Ripley essentially has the same face as the original release of Nostromo fatigues Ripley, no?

There's still other variants they could do from Alien that aren't underwear Ripley - offhand I can't remember exactly if or how her outfit changes - could just be a case of her jumpsuit being more open - but she definitely has her hair tied up during her escape to the shuttle. I'd love a figure of that plus her look from the Ops battle in Aliens - more open shirt and wearing a headset.

I noticed on recent viewings of Alien 3 that she wears at least one different jacket than the one NECA made which I also wouldn't mind seeing although I doubt they'll make anything else from 3 sadly. I'd happily buy guys like Dillon, Clemens, Morse and 85, smashed up Bishop and human Bishop.
After the standard Aliens Newt rescue and bomber jacket looks, I'd be down for a full blue jumpsuit from the mess hall/medbay rescue. From Alien, though I passed on the regular jumpsuit, since I have the HT figure, they could still do the flight suit down/WY uniform shirt look from the chestburster scene. It alternates between unbuttoned and half buttoned.


I wouldn't mind an underwear Ripley, but I don't think it would really end up looking too great in figure form. Something like that, I think, lends itself better to a statue.
After a quick look at the film what I was talking about as her 'Escape to the shuttle' look probably wouldn't get made. It's the full jumpsuit but with the top more open, exposing more of the undershirt - they just wouldn't bother sculpting that minor of a difference to the outfit. So you'd just be talking about the headsculpt change to reflect her tying up her hair a bit - even that has fallen back out by the time she boards the shuttle - although her hair by that point is soaking which would distinguish it somewhat from the dry-hair look we have. Still, I don't see it being considered different enough to be worthwhile.

Chestburster scene Ripley certainly looks more standout. For that matter I wonder would they do a whole Chestburster scene diorama considering its fame.
Just saw your post over on Toyark. You're allowed curse over there? I might have to join!

Yeah, I was surprised it didn't get censored.

As for 40th anniversary Ripley, I think she'll look fine in hand. These figures are small, at regular viewing distance they look fine, unless the paint apps are really terrible. Besides, the accessories are very cool. If I can find a place to order her from, I will.
I do wish they had splashed out and given us a second sculpt with the hair up...

Oh, and I love how everybody just ignores my "review"! :lol

Which reminds me...
Remember how I said I was happy that there were no stuck joints? :slap
Well, both elbows are stuck along the swivel joints! It's actually amazing, we're talking four points of articulation where the posts of the joints go into the upper and lower arms, and they are all frigging (no cursing here) stuck! I had the same problem with the A3 ultimate (I also got that one, more thoughts on that figure later), but dunking the joints into hot water for 30 seconds did the trick. With the Big Chap absolutely nothing worked! I even tried loosening the joints by carefully inserting one of those tiny watchmaker screwdrivers into the sockets while they were warm and pliable, and still nothing.

So, back to the list of QC issues on the Ultimate Big Chap: bent right leg (a blessing in disguise for me), deformed left hand, misaligned articulation on right wrist, and one I forgot to mention because it's actually par for the course: right leg longer than the left leg.
Yeah, I was surprised it didn't get censored.

As for 40th anniversary Ripley, I think she'll look fine in hand. These figures are small, at regular viewing distance they look fine, unless the paint apps are really terrible. Besides, the accessories are very cool. If I can find a place to order her from, I will.
I do wish they had splashed out and given us a second sculpt with the hair up..

I've ordered Ripley and Dallas on ebay from the UK, they're on their way. No interest in the concept Alien so I didn't order that. The main draw of Ripley is the new accessories. An extra headsculpt with tied-up hair definitely would have brought it closer to Ultimate status even with the likeness as it is. I agree though, in person and at this scale, iffy likenesses don't bother me that much. I'm still more than capable of enjoying the figure.

Oh, and I love how everybody just ignores my "review"! :lol

Sorry, I read it and thanks for posting. I just don't have much to say about the figure itself because we've gotten so many 'Big Chaps' at this point - I'm mainly interested in the egg and facehugger from that one.

Which reminds me...
Remember how I said I was happy that there were no stuck joints? :slap
Well, both elbows are stuck along the swivel joints! It's actually amazing, we're talking four points of articulation where the posts of the joints go into the upper and lower arms, and they are all frigging (no cursing here) stuck! I had the same problem with the A3 ultimate (I also got that one, more thoughts on that figure later), but dunking the joints into hot water for 30 seconds did the trick. With the Big Chap absolutely nothing worked! I even tried loosening the joints by carefully inserting one of those tiny watchmaker screwdrivers into the sockets while they were warm and pliable, and still nothing.

So, back to the list of QC issues on the Ultimate Big Chap: bent right leg (a blessing in disguise for me), deformed left hand, misaligned articulation on right wrist, and one I forgot to mention because it's actually par for the course: right leg longer than the left leg.

Seems likely mine will have one issue or another (or three) but it'll be some weeks before I find out - leaving it in my pile of loot for now.
Yeah, I was surprised it didn't get censored.

As for 40th anniversary Ripley, I think she'll look fine in hand. These figures are small, at regular viewing distance they look fine, unless the paint apps are really terrible. Besides, the accessories are very cool. If I can find a place to order her from, I will.
I do wish they had splashed out and given us a second sculpt with the hair up...

Oh, and I love how everybody just ignores my "review"! :lol

Which reminds me...
Remember how I said I was happy that there were no stuck joints? :slap
Well, both elbows are stuck along the swivel joints! It's actually amazing, we're talking four points of articulation where the posts of the joints go into the upper and lower arms, and they are all frigging (no cursing here) stuck! I had the same problem with the A3 ultimate (I also got that one, more thoughts on that figure later), but dunking the joints into hot water for 30 seconds did the trick. With the Big Chap absolutely nothing worked! I even tried loosening the joints by carefully inserting one of those tiny watchmaker screwdrivers into the sockets while they were warm and pliable, and still nothing.

So, back to the list of QC issues on the Ultimate Big Chap: bent right leg (a blessing in disguise for me), deformed left hand, misaligned articulation on right wrist, and one I forgot to mention because it's actually par for the course: right leg longer than the left leg.

Great review mi Amigo, but where's the egg, face-hugger and chest-buster? If its any consolation yours turned out a damn site better than mine. Which reminds me I need to order a new one. As for Ripley she does look better in hand. The photos on Toyark really didn't do her justice.
I've ordered Ripley and Dallas on ebay from the UK, they're on their way. No interest in the concept Alien so I didn't order that. The main draw of Ripley is the new accessories. An extra headsculpt with tied-up hair definitely would have brought it closer to Ultimate status even with the likeness as it is. I agree though, in person and at this scale, iffy likenesses don't bother me that much. I'm still more than capable of enjoying the figure.

Yeah, I guess eBay will be my only hope, I'll keep an eye out for Ripley, I don't think I'll get Dallas (he's got his helmet on, so likeness or paint apps aren't that vital) or the new prototype suit (the first one has IMHO the best "face" of all of NECA's big chaps).

Sorry, I read it and thanks for posting. I just don't have much to say about the figure itself because we've gotten so many 'Big Chaps' at this point - I'm mainly interested in the egg and facehugger from that one.

No worries man, I was just messing around. I do the reviews and pics because it's fun and I'm a fan! :duff

Seems likely mine will have one issue or another (or three) but it'll be some weeks before I find out - leaving it in my pile of loot for now.

Maybe you can ask them to do a visual check?
Neca A1 face is the ****tiest **** ever, so no wonder. i don't know who buys them. blind people maybe.

Yeah, we just don't seem to learn...
However, I will say that from regular viewing distance, the "face" really isn't that bad. It's just when you really focus on it and look it up closely that the mess it is becomes apparent.
Great review mi Amigo, but where's the egg, face-hugger and chest-buster? If its any consolation yours turned out a damn site better than mine. Which reminds me I need to order a new one. As for Ripley she does look better in hand. The photos on Toyark really didn't do her justice.

Thanks man!
Yeah, sorry about the accessories, I just don't care enough about them to take pics... :lol
But they are very nice, especially the chestburster, it's amazing how much better this is than the earlier Aliens version.
Kane's son has arrived.

I don't know why I'm such an Alien nerd, but I don't think getting any collectible gets me more anxious and excited than getting Alien collectibles.
So anyway, here are my first impressions and some pics.

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Amazingly enough, I got a well nigh-perfect figure!
Paint apps are decent, only moderately stuck joints (almost in the "just too tight" category), perfect dome (no blemishes, no warping), only a slightly bent leg (will get to that later) and small problems with the hands. I know, it sounds like a lot, but for NECA standards, I think I'm one lucky bastard!

Well, it's pretty much the same sculpt as the 35th anniversary version that had the lowered upper lip and cloudy dome, so in terms of accuracy, it's about the same, but with some slight modifications...

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The actual changes have more to do with the engineering of the articulation than anything else.

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The legs are the most obvious change, where a completely different articulation was designed for the knees. I'm really not too sure it was for the better, I thought the earlier double joints worked fine, but it is what it is. Also, the upper leg, where it connects to the hip is now one piece, whereas in the earlier sculpt it was two different pieces... why this is so I've no idea, it seems to have absolutely no effect on the articulation or range of motion.
The hips however, are much slimmer, making the silhouette of the figure a lot less feminine.
There's also a slight adjustment to the torso/chest, which it seems to me has a longer peg connecting it to the waist, giving it more freedom of movement (although it also means that the chest wants to look misaligned all the time), the chest was also slimmed down a bit under the armpits, allowing for the arms to come down much more than on the earlier version. Speaking of the arms, they have also been modified slightly: no more bicep swivel (great for the sculpt), but now there's a double joint at the elbows (great for articulation).
The tail now has a swivel cut at the base, which I'm not too keen on... seems unnecessary and breaks up the sculpt.

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The face I believe is the same as the one from the Walmart exclusive of a few years ago. Basically the same as the 35th anniversary, but with the teeth lowered so that they are fully exposed. It doesn't really work for me, because it completely screws up an already problematic side view... If the dome came down lower in the front, covering the ribbed detail, it'd be much better. But no such luck. I wonder why NECA don't just do what Mafex and other companies do and give the dome a damn peg so that it adjusts the way it's supposed to.

The rest is pretty much the same, as far as I can see.

Paint apps
I call this "variations on a theme". It's glossy black plastic with some dry-brushing (greenish-brown) and some splashes of airbrush (grey). The paint on the teeth looks a lot more metallic, and the finger- and toe-nails are more gun-metal than silver.
If NECA were really serious about an "ultimate" figure, they'd use the "prototype" version and paint that one up, instead of doing the lazy all black thing again.

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Compared to the 35th version though, the detail on the skull does look fantastic.

What can I say, it's improved. The new joints, the slight adjustments all work to make this figure much better at posing than the 35th one. Special mention goes to the ankles, which actually work now! The tail is also made of a different material, softer and easier to bend.

They're nice. It's cool to have a properly sized egg and an Alien-specific face hugger. Having said that, it would've been cool if NECA had made the egg translucent like in the movie. The chestburster is great.

QC issues
It wouldn't be NECA if it didn't have any, would it?

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Something happened to its left hand. I don't know if it's the mould that gave up, or if it's just mine that has those stubby fingers. And the right hand has the peg for the wrist articulation misplaced. Thankfully, it's not very noticeable and doesn't affect movement.

View attachment 488028

The right leg was poorly placed in the tray, which resulted in it being a bit warped. But since I prefer my Giger aliens with properly shaped Bolaji Badejo legs, that was actually quite fortunate, because it meant I only had to heat up the left leg to get the legs looking right (I did the same to the 35th version).

So that's it!
Is it an improvement over the 35th anniversary version? It certainly is, and I would recommend it to any Alien fan.

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I haven't opened mine yet from the package. Just need some advice, why eliminate the bicep swivel? I believe NECA had this on the first alien release? Not complaining too much, but if it worked before why not use it again? :confused:
Well, the bicep swivel always had the problem of breaking up the sculpt, besides, if you look closely, it caused a slight deformation of the upper arm. It?s noticeable on the pic of the 35th anniversary figure. Also, with the addition of the double joints (with swivel posts) in the elbows, you get a great range of motion.

Incidentally, a minor miracle happened today: as I was messing around with the figure I noticed that the swivel posts at the elbows were partially working! Maybe with some patience I will get them to work properly.

Also, I?ve noticed that this figure has much better balance than the 35th anniversary one. Not sure why, but it definitely stands much easier unaided.

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