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there is a local store whose president screamed at me one time I asked them a question, who does the number and letterings on the jerseys for the basketball team near me, so honestly I am happy the strike is going on if it affects their business for the worse.
there is a local store whose president screamed at me one time I asked them a question, who does the number and letterings on the jerseys for the basketball team near me, so honestly I am happy the strike is going on if it affects their business for the worse.

LOL! :lol oh poor baby did the big bad president hurt your little feelings? Grow some balls and man up. Geezus christ, the crybabies that are on this forum.
well it was very unprofessional on his part, i had just asked a simple question about the positioning of letters and numbers and he screamed at me that it is the teams orders they are just following. so then he also says something inaccurate and I gently corrected him and he gave me lip that I was trying to 1 smart him. if youre wrong admit it dont go screaming at me some more.
Looks like we'll be having no season this year or a very abbreviated one. So, until this dust clears this is going to be my fix until then.

Who's got game XBOX 360? I'm taking on all board member challengers...:)

I'm sure I'll get no one to play, but I'll put it out there for anyone willing to take a whoopin'...:lol

Really hoping that nash has the game. I would love just to really put the beat down on him!


Plus if you did get the game which cover did you guys choose? #32's cover for me!:D
maybe its destined to have abbreviated season and the Heat will win the finals so peeps can * Lebrons first title.
Not the Timmy D '99* title...:lol

no that was karma because of Aloysius Ewing being on the Knicks that got beaten and his involvement in the 1998 strike, how cruel twist it was to injure the achilles right before getting to the Finals and had to sit on the bench watching it. thats why even today no team wants him as a head coach because of the stain he made from the strike.
what's your XBOX gamer tag? I want to compare achievements for this

Same as the name that you see here. You won't find anything to compare other than I have the game, because I have been putting in the work on my friends 360. I've been playing/gambling over my buddies house since it came out. Don't play online much because most just quit with the going gets tough. But, I'm willing to play any forum member that has the game. Send the me a friend invite and we can get it on. No smack talking, just playing the game. Unless you start in on me then I'll just have to join in on the fun, or you're NASH...:thwak Shoot I wish I could just get that guy on the real court...LOL!
thanks Ill send you a request, can you also help me boost some Gears of War 3 achievements also?
yeah now Im up to the part where they're trying to get to the father but the Gunker keeps killing me so I need some help with that also.
I'm sure I'll get no one to play, but I'll put it out there for anyone willing to take a whoopin'...:lol

Really hoping that nash has the game. I would love just to really put the beat down on him!

Plus if you did get the game which cover did you guys choose? #32's cover for me!:D

ROFL, you're good at talking ____ only until you get shown up as the _____ you are. then you disappear from all sight. Grow some balls then you'll 'maybe' be worthy to challenge me at anything.
ROFL, you're good at talking ____ only until you get shown up as the _____ you are. then you disappear from all sight. Grow some balls then you'll 'maybe' be worthy to challenge me at anything.

Sounds good _____ch!!!:lol

If you feel you got the game bring SUCKER!!!:wave

I'm not running, but you are running your mouth. I have something for that...:monkey1...:wink1:

Surprised you're not being my fanboy and leaving messages for me like you usually do.

IronLungs31 gamer tag what's yours and don't forget to wear your head set. GET IT!