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wasnt that SA last year?...
Isn't he supposed to be banned from the league for repetitively effin' with the code of conduct? :dunno As if he adds value to the league, he's no longer the star he once used to be.
I said a month or so ago that the bulls will be in the finals, i think I wanna take that back, going with the Pacers now I think.
With Artest out 7 games, I can see a very real possibility the Lakers falling to the Grizz, Nuggets or Mavs....:clap:clap:clap

I can only see the Grizz beating them without Artest and it looks like that isn't gonna happen. Second round Thunder vs. Lakers will be a great series.
You and everyone else are the ones that looked so smart :rolleyes: last year when you and everyone else picked Boston and Chi to roll them over. "We told you so"? :rotfl:rotfl. Give me a break. Keep acting like you know so much by calling other people's comments asinine when you were dead wrong about the Heat last year, but never had the balls to admit it, but it doesn't surprise me that you would ever admit your wrong.

It's like talking to a wall with you, especially coming from someone that never watches them play. The Bulls beating sub .500 teams without Rose, yea, that proves sooooo much. Obviously you never watched Chi against Miami in the playoffs last year, that proved how much Chi relies on Rose and you think adding Rip is going to all of a sudden change that? You don't know jack about Baketball if you think Battier, Haslem, Miller, and even their rookie pg Cole are scrubs.

HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAH :rotfl:lol Allow me to educate you...

You think Battier, Haslem, Miller, and Cole aren't scrubs? Well I don't know how we can measure who is a scrub and who isn't but I think a player's PER is a good start. (I use PER because that's what your boy, Wake, loves to brag about and professes as the end all be all of stats...).

Battier= 8.84
Haslem= 10.45
Miller= 13.84
Cole= 10.78

Just to give some kind of context, the highest ranking player, PER-wise, is Miller, his ranking is 172. 172! :lol Who are such legendary bona fide scrubs ranked ahead of Miller/Battier/Cole/Haslem? (who are not scrubs according to you) Matt Bonner, Lavoy Allen (who?), Kosta Koufos (who?), Enes Kanter (WHO? lol). Shall I go on? Now if you want to somehow PROVE other than your "opinion" that these guys are invaluable role players, I'll listen.

And yeah, they beat Boston and Chicago last year, but do you remember the "not 4, not 5, not 6, but 7 championships" quote? Anyone with half a brain knew the Heat WOULD NOT WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP LAST YEAR, and that absolutely came true. Granted they lost later than what we expected but they still came short of their goal.

And I hate to break it to you but the Bulls are a better offensive team than last season, Rip notwithstanding. Last season they were ranked 20th, this year they are ranked 8th so they are most definitely improving.

Now let the insults begin because we both know, you have NO LEGIT ARGUMENT :wave

I don't know where all this PER stuff is coming from, but as long as Wade, LBJ and Bosh are all on the same team, nobody would expect those players to put up great stats, that doesn't make them scrubs, except to you alone of course. They don't make stats for players that do all the little things that win games, and that's all the Heat need. With the starting line up they have, they don't need guys coming off the bench to put up great numbers. If you think no team would want any of those 4 players coming off their bench, I don't know what to tell ya. Just watch I guess............

Also who wouldn't want a guy shooting 52% from 3 (miller) or a reserve that pulls down 8 rpg (Haslem). And norris cole has the EXACT SAME PER and stats as Jimmer Freddette. Not bad for a 2nd round drafted rookie.

I just want to put a big LOL out the above the posters who claimed the Heat were deep. Well, the "deep" Heat team was able to muster a whopping 66 pts tonight without the big 2 1/2

I TOLD YOU HEAT FANS YOUR TEAM IS FULL OF SCRUBS AND YOU DIDN'T LISTEN. How do I know more about your crap team better than you do??? :rotfl:lol
Congrats to the Jazz for making the playoffs, not prepare to get destroyed by The Spurs in the first round....

(awaits replies saying the Spurs will get exposed by the Jazz and get swept)