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See - here and here we got a real flipper.

Lol oh well. Whatever, after fees, costs, etc profits are almost not there. Then time to pack, and claims if something goes wrong. I'm more annoyed by the people selling skaar now for 1300.00 or more on eBay. :cuckoo: but hey who am I to say what you can do. :lol
I don't think there is any amount of time for that...haha. To me, a flipper who buys a statue with the sole purpose of profiting is preventing someone else who really wants the statue from getting one at retail price. I see that as being a bit unjust. There is a reason SSC limits purchases to one per person. Sure, people just have their wives order one but that doesn't make it right. In any case, it can't be stopped so people will continue to do it no matter what. I will never do it though because it sucks to be on the losing end and I would never want to do that to a fellow collector who really wants a certain piece.

they also put up previews and newsletters etc. If you want a statue you have plenty of notice and time to get it ordered. So the only thing really preventing someone from getting one is being lazy. So I don't see how a supposed flipper actually takes it out of someones hands.

Lol yeah I remember some people here hates flippers and will never be like them. I'm just saying in general. :rotfl to be real no one in their right mind would sell ms marvel for retail.

Do these same people who complain about flippers also insist on paying full retail to someone selling a statue/figure that went down in value?

I think you are a scalper if you buy with the specific intention of reselling later, particularly if it is right after and it is particularly degenerate to sell before it is even in hand. However, if you buy for yourself and you later want to sell because you change your mind about it, there is nothing wrong in selling for what it would cost you to replace it at that time, ie current market value. Inflation is something to consider, too.

yeah, screw the free market system :yess:
they also put up previews and newsletters etc. If you want a statue you have plenty of notice and time to get it ordered. So the only thing really preventing someone from getting one is being lazy. So I don't see how a supposed flipper actually takes it out of someones hands.


I love how ms marvel has made a come back in the comics! I never even knew this until I saw a x men vs avengers comic today. Same goes for magik!
She is an awesome statue but a crappy character. I wish she would have had the Binary head for the EX.

Whhhhaaaat??? She is an awesome character! The new Captain Marvel series is off to a great start, and she's apparently joining the cast of Avengers Assemble (the comic) when Kelly Sue Deconnick takes over. Marvel has really given her a great push the last few years ever since House of M.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I guess... Carol is a GREAT character!
She is an awesome statue but a crappy character. I wish she would have had the Binary head for the EX.

Yeah we all wished, but at least back in tne days the ex really means something unlike these new release with no ES and super high numbers made. They should really set tne ex apart from the reg to give us some meaning to own it. I mean this way you make the ex collectors happy. Then you make the people who don't care about the ex happy as well. So both sides can be one big happy family. :)
they also put up previews and newsletters etc. If you want a statue you have plenty of notice and time to get it ordered. So the only thing really preventing someone from getting one is being lazy. So I don't see how a supposed flipper actually takes it out of someones hands.

There are many reasons someone may not get a chance to preorder something before it sells out that have nothing to do with laziness. Unlike most of us on the forums, there are plenty of people who don't follow the previews as close as we do or aren't registered for the newsletter or simply just are too busy and miss out on the PO dates. Or even someone who is a couple hours late to something that sells out quickly. Flippers definitely prevent others from getting statues at retail...esp the popular ones that do sell fast. This is fact or there wouldn't be flippers.
There are many reasons someone may not get a chance to preorder something before it sells out that have nothing to do with laziness. Unlike most of us on the forums, there are plenty of people who don't follow the previews as close as we do or aren't registered for the newsletter or simply just are too busy and miss out on the PO dates. Or even someone who is a couple hours late to something that sells out quickly. Flippers definitely prevent others from getting statues at retail...esp the popular ones that do sell fast. This is fact or there wouldn't be flippers.

:goodpost: .................. and that's why nrd, no es announced at order-time, open editions are good things - it kills the flippers but not completely as can been seen in this case (I don't think this piece will sell at this price - at least not at this time). But even with a huge es of say 1500 for an ex we still see flippers. That's one of the reasons I like the pretty steep price of the Weta Barad-Dur. With that price the flippers will probably steer clear of that piece, since the chance of making a profit is rather little and I rather give my hard-earned $$ to Weta than to some flipper.
:goodpost: .................. and that's why nrd, no es announced at order-time, open editions are good things - it kills the flippers but not completely as can been seen in this case (I don't think this piece will sell at this price - at least not at this time). But even with a huge es of say 1500 for an ex we still see flippers. That's one of the reasons I like the pretty steep price of the Weta Barad-Dur. With that price the flippers will probably steer clear of that piece, since the chance of making a profit is rather little and I rather give my hard-earned $$ to Weta than to some flipper.

also if someone is serious enough with his collection , could be his funds are all tied up with other orders, some likein hand pic to order rather than order blindly and end up like the psylocke, robocop, ultron,rogue fiascos
also if someone is serious enough with his collection , could be his funds are all tied up with other orders, some likein hand pic to order rather than order blindly and end up like the psylocke, robocop, ultron,rogue fiascos

Robocop? What happen? :dunno I have it and didn't see any flaws yet.
There are many reasons someone may not get a chance to preorder something before it sells out that have nothing to do with laziness. Unlike most of us on the forums, there are plenty of people who don't follow the previews as close as we do or aren't registered for the newsletter or simply just are too busy and miss out on the PO dates. Or even someone who is a couple hours late to something that sells out quickly. Flippers definitely prevent others from getting statues at retail...esp the popular ones that do sell fast. This is fact or there wouldn't be flippers.

:goodpost: late comers, busy workers, don't follow updated things due to schedules, or just the tbd bs that SS pulls etc. We are all still collectors some follow more than others.
There are many reasons someone may not get a chance to preorder something before it sells out that have nothing to do with laziness. Unlike most of us on the forums, there are plenty of people who don't follow the previews as close as we do or aren't registered for the newsletter or simply just are too busy and miss out on the PO dates. Or even someone who is a couple hours late to something that sells out quickly. Flippers definitely prevent others from getting statues at retail...esp the popular ones that do sell fast. This is fact or there wouldn't be flippers.

Aren't following previews = too lazy to bother following
Too busy to PO? Really? If you can't log onto a computer, tablet, smart phone, or call Sideshow within the week or so it generally takes something to sell out I can't really feel sorry for you. Sure back in the day before NRD things sold out in ten minutes, but that is rarely the case any longer. Bottom line if you want it bad enough make sure your at a computer or have someone order it for you when it goes up. You don't want someone to flip that piece you think your entitled to because your a "real" collector then get off your butt and beat him to it.
they also put up previews and newsletters etc. If you want a statue you have plenty of notice and time to get it ordered. So the only thing really preventing someone from getting one is being lazy. So I don't see how a supposed flipper actually takes it out of someones hands.

Do these same people who complain about flippers also insist on paying full retail to someone selling a statue/figure that went down in value?

yeah, screw the free market system :yess:

You miss the point on scalpers. The problem is they buy any of a limited item at ANY time for the sole purpose of a lazy greedy profit by exploiting collectors who buy because they want the item. As I've said before, scalping is disingenuous and exploitative, legal or not.

Sideshow manufacturing statues and dealers selling them are the free market system. Scalpers are just parasites who ruthlessly exploit other people for money because they can't make money by actually contributing to society, only by taking and bleeding it dry.
Do scalpers have business licenses? Do they pay income tax on their profits? No? Illegal behavior.
:goodpost: .................. and that's why nrd, no es announced at order-time, open editions are good things

I can live with all the things you listed above except open ES. As a collector, open ES doesn't work for me. I want numbers on my bases. I don't even care if they are high ES, so long as it's a closed ES. I don't care if my statues don't skyrocket in price. However, I sure don't want them to dive in value either. If SSC moves to open ES for all of their merch, I'm out.
I can live with all the things you listed above except open ES. As a collector, open ES doesn't work for me. I want numbers on my bases. I don't even care if they are high ES, so long as it's a closed ES. I don't care if my statues don't skyrocket in price. However, I sure don't want them to dive in value either. If SSC moves to open ES for all of their merch, I'm out.
