Most Anticipated PF Figure

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Just curious - people asking for Faramir - you do know that he'll be much bigger than everyone else in the SS/W line...?
serfup said:
Cave Troll
Tom B.
Shire Enviro
Sam & Frodo together
Gand & Frodo in cart
Cors. ship
High El. War.

You might want to go read up on what 1/4 scale is.:google

My wants:

1. Lurtz in Armor- Like many others, I always wanted this as a SS/W piece. I'm so glad I never caved and bought the newborn Lurtz piece.

2. Gandalf the Grey

3. Strider-There still hasn't been an acceptable Aragorn ever made, IMO.

4. Wiki in Trueform

5. Legolas- See Strider above, although I do like the upcoming Leg/Gim. piece, and will be buying it.
I doubt I'll be getting any, but I'll make a list anyway.

1. Gandalf the Gray
2. Prologue Elrond
3. Bilbo
4. Frodo
5. The Witchking
As long as I have my entire Fellowship including both versions of Gandalf in 1/4 scale. I would love to see Theoden or Eomer in armour as well as an Uruk, Easterling, Haradrim, Orc bad boys! Looks like my time to be a completionist has come. :banana
Faramir in his ranger garb.

I'm not very interested in another Gandalf. I already have three.
I really hope that this new line presents us with very different poses/environments of the LOTR figures.

1) Gandalf on his cart
2) Lurtz in armour
3) Theoden (possessed) on throne
4) Faramir as Ranger
5) Denethor enjoying meal
6) Eomer on Steed
7) Boromir in Boat

I'd really love to see these figures in actual LOTR scenes as you see.
Would it actually be possible to make the figures in a way so that combined with others they would depict a movie scene? Like Eowyn/Morgul Lord? I've just thought that the line might be a huge success if Sideshow went for this!
Do you hear me, Sideshow?!
PLEASE note that we want the entire Fellowship in their FOTR outfits this time! :)
If it weren't for Doom, I'd say any environment type of PF was out of the question.

But perhaps we will see Theoden on his throne. But I really wouldn't want something like a cart and a horse would be huge!
Sorry Gruson, you'll get a Fellowship Pippin and everyone else will be in ROTK attire. :banghead
has to be

1) sam carrying frodo

2) arwen facing ringwraiths

3) haldir ( helms deep )

4) numenorean infantry

5) high elven warrior ( one swinging sword ) ( one with spear and shield )

:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
1. Boromir (partly because he's my favourite, and partly because I'd love to see the detail Sideshow could put into his clothes and weapons.)

2. Faramir!

3. Aragorn (Strider)

4. Legolas

5. Elrond in his council robes

Really, most of all, I just want the whole Fellowship. And Faramir.
jaffakitkat said:
1. Boromir (partly because he's my favourite, and partly because I'd love to see the detail Sideshow could put into his clothes and weapons.)

2. Faramir!

3. Aragorn (Strider)

4. Legolas

5. Elrond in his council robes

Really, most of all, I just want the whole Fellowship. And Faramir.

Boromir 1/4 is already up for preorder and at a low price.

My list:

1. Aragorn
2. Boromir
3. Frodo
4. Arwen
5. Gandalf
I don't think they would do Sam carrying Frodo (as much as I'd like to see it)...I think they will be just the character itself.

I'd like to see:

1. Morgul Lord Witch King (the armor would be amazing)

2. Strider

3. Gandalf the Grey

4. King of the Dead

5. Sauron

It would also be cool to see if they could do a Barad-Dur.
Nope, it would be huge....

I doubt it will happen, but, we can dream right...?

1. GTG
2. Legolas (better portrait)
3. Aragorn (again, better portrait)
4. Saruman with staff (eyes open)
5. Lurtz in armour
Probably not realistic but:

1. Cavetroll
2. Sauron

Most realistic wish:
3. Lurtz/Uruk-hai