Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM COMPANY!

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

I do think siting a personal Facebook feed here to prove a point (though it didn't) is a personal attack. My personal Facebook is irrelevant but whatever.

Oh wow so there is actually one woman here. Bravo. Totally proved wrong there wasn't I!! [emoji106]

I have no vested interest in M8 or a dog in this race. I won't be doing work for them if that's what folks are thinking. Vijay seemed like a nice dude on the podcast. That's all. I've always reacted badly to stupidity or over reactions, go see other threads I am talking in.

As both a collector and designer of figures I think fans are a bit crap to be honest. Entitled, whiney little boys many of them/us. There just a lot of unceccessary mean spirited comments and folks seem to actively go out of their way to be really negative. Just in general. Personally I feel the entire 1:6 collector community needs a serious ***** slap. But that's just me and I doubt I am alone there.

I still don't think M8 deliberately set out to fool or lie to folks. But they are doing things that allow folks to think the worst and that that's leaving them very open to redicule.
I'm not going to argue any more at this stage as they have allowed room for the negativity.

It's just too much work to just get a basic message across here so I'll no longer try.

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

As both a collector and designer of figures I think fans are a bit crap to be honest. Entitled, whiney little boys many of them/us. There just a lot of unceccessary mean spirited comments and folks seem to actively go out of their way to be really negative. Just in general. Personally I feel the entire 1:6 collector community needs a serious ***** slap. But that's just me and I doubt I am alone there.

I still don't think M8 deliberately set out to fool or lie to folks. But they are doing things that allow folks to think the worst and that that's leaving them very open to redicule.
I'm not going to argue any more at this stage as they have allowed room for the negativity.

It's just too much work to just get a basic message across here so I'll no longer try.

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This! :clap

The entitlement is out of control in all aspects of this hobby. So many people are entitled and want to criticize. Many of the haters for m8 likely aren’t Lennon fans, and have not / will not even order this figure. They just like making noise. Unless you spent money on their product, they owe you absolutely nothing.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Yep. A few people who see themselves as guardians of the duped are really closer to hate mongers. Finding joy at any pitfall and taking glee from their supposed fury.

Anyhoo. I’m out of this thread too.

Flame away. :devil
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

It's an interesting philosophy, that's tantamount to "I don't give a **** about anything unless money is involved, and nether should anyone else".

The point a lot of people have been making here - "whiney" or otherwise - is that what some people (I assume quite young & naive) are calling "hype" is actually a company talking absolute crap, exaggerating the truth, making promises they don't keep etc. Ultimately, all this company do is make toys, so the effect on the wider world is roughly nil, but the fact remains it's a shady and unprofessional way to carry on; especially when it's being done to clearly get money in up front.

Hyping your product is not about making stuff up and over promising; it's actually about managing expectations, while simultaneously delivering quality as deadlines come. That's the principle I've seen followed by all the best people in all the industries I've worked as freelancer for the last 15 years (music, film, videogames, design, advertising - yes, even advertising, the nth circle of hell itself), and it works out pretty well for people.

Whiney, entitled; hell yes, there's a LOT of that on this forum, and all over most of the rest of the internet where (mostly) men gather to anonymously blab about inconsequential rubbish. Things get hugely blown out of proportion. All of that. I'd go as far to suggest we've nearly all been guilty of that at some point in our online lives, tho I also think we usually learn pretty fast, most of us. But trying to reduce things to either "everyone's an entitled nerd and they should all shut up unless they are happy" OR "everything is all appalling and everyone should shut up unless they also think it's appalling" doesn't really work in the real world, and doesn't work here.

It's almost like it's not about being "owed", and actually about a company making a real bog of selling itself, and very much not helping itself either, which not unreasonably, a number of people think is pretty poor. Others may not want to agree with that, may even have some skin in the game themselves so are keen to defend it, but you can't say it ain't so, anymore than anyone could claim (even tho I know some have) that it's the greatest scam since the invention of the pyramid scheme.

At the risk of accidentally paraphrasing the name of a unintentionally hilarious novel, it's shades of grey here, not black or white. It's a bit too easy to just decide all who are for or against a view can be belittled/ignored.

Aaaand now I'll stop taking any of this seriously, cos I know I'll get a kicking over the next few replies anyway. I'm off down the pub now anyway, so shan't be worrying my little head about it ;)
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon


And Molecule8 are not doing this.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Let's hope the get their ***** together, learn from their mistakes, and deliver a great figure. Hopefully this will lead to better business practices moving forward and bring us a much desired Willy Wonka, Travis Bickle, etc. They have done what they have done, all the hype is in the past, let's move foward and put all this in the past.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

I do think siting a personal Facebook feed here to prove a point (though it didn't) is a personal attack. My personal Facebook is irrelevant but whatever.

Oh wow so there is actually one woman here. Bravo. Totally proved wrong there wasn't I!! [emoji106]

I have no vested interest in M8 or a dog in this race. I won't be doing work for them if that's what folks are thinking. Vijay seemed like a nice dude on the podcast. That's all. I've always reacted badly to stupidity or over reactions, go see other threads I am talking in.

As both a collector and designer of figures I think fans are a bit crap to be honest. Entitled, whiney little boys many of them/us. There just a lot of unceccessary mean spirited comments and folks seem to actively go out of their way to be really negative. Just in general. Personally I feel the entire 1:6 collector community needs a serious ***** slap. But that's just me and I doubt I am alone there.

I still don't think M8 deliberately set out to fool or lie to folks. But they are doing things that allow folks to think the worst and that that's leaving them very open to redicule.
I'm not going to argue any more at this stage as they have allowed room for the negativity.

It's just too much work to just get a basic message across here so I'll no longer try.

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I've never read a post that I wanted to be rude about more, and not just a little rude, not even very rude, but ocean-going, copper-bottomed, jaw-dropping, full-on vitriolic, abuse about your post. My God, even this post, which is about not posting, I've just deleted stuff from it that would get me banned in a heartbeat.

The sanctimony, the... the... no, MUST... CONTROL...MYSELF...
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

There are two tipping points in any transaction: 1. when you sign documents (like a lease or a promissory note); and 2. when you take someone's money in exchange for goods or services or the promise of the same (now or in the future). Each case gives rise to an obligation.

In my book, once they started taking people's money, they triggered an obligation.

And this is in ANY field, not just collecting. Imagine if you put money down for a car, or a new water heater, or a sofa. Then the people who took your money keep changing their story. They don't hold up their end of the bargain. You're not going to care how well intentioned they are. You're out of money. Way different ballgame IMO.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Good post man. I think that's a level headed take on whats happening in this thread.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

I do think siting a personal Facebook feed here to prove a point (though it didn't) is a personal attack. My personal Facebook is irrelevant but whatever.

Oh wow so there is actually one woman here. Bravo. Totally proved wrong there wasn't I!! [emoji106]

I have no vested interest in M8 or a dog in this race. I won't be doing work for them if that's what folks are thinking. Vijay seemed like a nice dude on the podcast. That's all. I've always reacted badly to stupidity or over reactions, go see other threads I am talking in.

As both a collector and designer of figures I think fans are a bit crap to be honest. Entitled, whiney little boys many of them/us. There just a lot of unceccessary mean spirited comments and folks seem to actively go out of their way to be really negative. Just in general. Personally I feel the entire 1:6 collector community needs a serious ***** slap. But that's just me and I doubt I am alone there.

I still don't think M8 deliberately set out to fool or lie to folks. But they are doing things that allow folks to think the worst and that that's leaving them very open to redicule.
I'm not going to argue any more at this stage as they have allowed room for the negativity.

It's just too much work to just get a basic message across here so I'll no longer try.

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You know, there's many times I wanted to post in this thread, but, I'm not even gonna get into this mess. Lol
I'm with you man.
First, I do think a lot of people have valid reasons to be upset and criticize how things played out with this figure. The process was not a well oiled machine.
But the problem is you can also tell, like what you pointed out that there were also people here, who have no interest on the figure at all, And that their comments are out of line, and just want to see this company fail.
It's like when you were young and one kid says, I can do this...and you have a lot of people saying, no you can't.

I will be honest and say, I'm not gonna buy this figure, but I wanted M8 to succeed...and I will add I'm a hot toys fan. Because it gives the community even more choices, like blitzway.
The problem with hot toys is that they play it safe, and majority of the times only release figures that will appeal to the masses.
That's why custom thread is popular to fill the void of having an obscure figure.
I get a sense that this is what M8 wants to fill the void. To produce some of these what would be custom, into mass produced figures.
So I want M8 to succeed, cause if they can be just as good...OR even be better than hot toys, I can have my batman and Ironman, etc...from hot toys, and the "not for the overwhelming masses" figure from m8.

I listened to most of the podcast when you interviewed ViJay, and he did seem like someone who knows a lot about the figure collection, and someone who aimed big.
It reminds me of the guy who started enterbay, who wanted the best Bruce Lee figure, but he wasn't happy with what's out there, so company was started from having that vision of making the best Bruce Lee figure.
I think ViJay is the same. He's a collector, who wants to make figures that can be even better than hot toys.

I don't think M8 lied. If I recall correctly, he did say a lot is riding on Lennon, so they really want it to be an amazing figure, cause it can potentially make or break the company.
The problem with M8 is that not that they lied, but their inexperience caused them to trip and fall on their face.
I do think they had most of the components of a figure, and thought they would be able to deliver faster.
But that's the problem, when you assemble a custom figure, and now you try to turn that into a mass figure.
They're finding out it's not as easy as they thought.

But I honestly do Believe that they did not in the beginning meant to deceive people.
The man aimed too big, and fell on his face.

Let's hope they can pick themselves up and still deliver a figure that People can be happy about, cause I'm looking forward to see what else they can produce.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

I don't think M8 lied. If I recall correctly, he did say a lot is riding on Lennon, so they really want it to be an amazing figure, cause it can potentially make or break the company.
The problem with M8 is that not that they lied, but their inexperience caused them to trip and fall on their face.
I do think they had most of the components of a figure, and thought they would be able to deliver faster.

O.J. was innocent too, right?
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

So if OJ lied, Therefore M8 lied too right?
Ah, I see what you did there.

It's not reasonable to say M8 didn't lie, because they did. Kinda like earth is in fact round, not flat.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

To say that a lot of people here wanted M8 to fail is plain ridiculous..I have been one of their biggest critics and even I wanted them to succeed. Everyone on this thread collects 1/6 scale figures...we have nothing to gain if M8 fails but plenty to gain if they had of hands...given a choice, who on this thread would value making fun of strangers over having their centerpiece Grail figure show up at their door ready to be unboxed and displayed? The anger on this thread is mostly disappointment that this company got our hopes up only to dash them back to the ground.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

There is no doubt M8 continually released statements that ending up not being true.

Intentional or un-intentional.... One is deceptive , the other is incompetant. Either way its bad for collectors, and business....

Anyone who feels figure collectors are whiney, entitled and such...really has zero grasp of business ......and I mean ZERO. Expecting alot from a 300 dollar purchase (and by alot I mean accurate , truthful information) should be the norm. Unfortunately in this hobby it is not. I would suggest if your feel that way about your target should be in another business.

Go watch people line up to ***** about a 25 cent coupon not working , or a sellout of a sale item at Walmart if you wanna see entitled , whining crap fest....

I think a guy buying a top end car should ***** also if its delivered late and does not look as it does in the picture or the showroom model...

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Like I said numerous times, some say they lied.... I say they were overly optimistic. Regardless what does it even mean now? At this point just stop beating a dead horse and buy this of don’t. Eamon has a good point, this constant negativity and hate would discourage any company no matter what their track record is. Everyone makes like they are owed something and nobody has any patience anymore.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Like I said numerous times, some say they lied.... I say they were overly optimistic. Regardless what does it even mean now? At this point just stop beating a dead horse and buy this of don’t. Eamon has a good point, this constant negativity and hate would discourage any company no matter what their track record is. Everyone makes like they are owed something and nobody has any patience anymore.

They won't be discouraged because like every other company they are in the business of making money not being treated positively on an Internet chat site...they release a good product they get money and the wheels keep turning.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

'I think fans are a bit crap to be honest'.

Says it all. If there weren't such strong passions and so much intense discussion figures would not have evolved at all in the way they have.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Like I said numerous times, some say they lied.... I say they were overly optimistic.

They said they had everything complete ages ago. Then they said they would delay it for the sake of distributors. Then they said they were delaying again to add a guitar. Then when forced to show their cards months later it became apparent that all they had even then was a rough mockup prototype. There was other deception as well.

At what point is a lie a lie?
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

They said they had everything complete ages ago. Then they said they would delay it for the sake of distributors. Then they said they were delaying again to add a guitar. Then when forced to show their cards months later it became apparent that all they had even then was a rough mockup prototype. There was other deception as well.

At what point is a lie a lie?

Don't you know? Lies are not lies when the liars either have good hearts, mean well, get in over their heads, or sound passionate about 1/6 figures on podcasts...everyone knows that.