1/6 MMS188 The Dark Knight Rises: Selina Kyle/Catwoman Figure Full Specs & Pics

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Totally disagree, worst figure from HT in the last three or for years. Yuck. I wish I didn't need her to complete the batman guys. Just opened it, wish I could put it back and forget the horrors.

My kingdom for a ht female without looking like she's wearing depends.
Totally disagree, worst figure from HT in the last three or for years. Yuck. I wish I didn't need her to complete the batman guys. Just opened it, wish I could put it back and forget the horrors.

My kingdom for a ht female without looking like she's wearing depends.

I have to agree with you. I'm not saying people shouldn't like it but anytime I read someone say that its a 10/10 out of the box it just really sounds like they're trying to convince themselves. You can like it but this is more like a 7/10.
I have to agree with you. I'm not saying people shouldn't like it but anytime I read someone say that its a 10/10 out of the box it just really sounds like they're trying to convince themselves. You can like it but this is more like a 7/10.

I was going to cancel before it shipped and then i decided to wait and see it in hand. I figured i could sell it pretty easily if i did not like it.
It was 30 minutes before i took the plastic off the hair and anther 15 before i decided to put the explosive headgear on.

In the end I was impressed how good she looks and she is amazing on the shelf. I give her a solid 9/10 but that is just my opinion. I was really trying to convince myself to not like her but I ended up loving this figure.
I tell ya, I can't believe how well this gun goes with her

I actually like how the eyes show through the mask, IMO I definitely can see Anne this way, almost has a realistic Keaton Bats feel to it.

Totally disagree, worst figure from HT in the last three or for years. Yuck. I wish I didn't need her to complete the batman guys. Just opened it, wish I could put it back and forget the horrors.

My kingdom for a ht female without looking like she's wearing depends.

I'm glad many are enjoying theirs, but I agree with you on some aspects here. While, I don't think it's their worst in years, IMO it's the lowest of the Dark Knight line. Definitely nowhere near on the level of the prototype we were promised. The prototype was amazing, and with the recent Christian Bale HS and Heath Ledger HS, I had good reason to believe they'd deliver on that promise. After all, for a figure like this, we really are shelling out for the head sculpt. But after 5 months of delays, and the head sculpt wasn't what we were promised, I can't help but feel disappointed. Even the "ticking timebomb" of a mask is inaccurate, I feel the eye holes are far too small. Personally, I give it a 6.5/10. There is room for improvement on an Anne Hathaway figure, so who knows, maybe someday down the line. I want to sell it, but am keeping it for now, to finish the Dark Knight Rises line. In it's defense though, it doesn't help that it released alongside the Iron Man MKVII which in itself has problems too (price not withholding), but is arguably one of Hot Toys greatest releases yet.
she totally works for me (and apparently for bruce as well).

but then i'm not spending any energy worrying about what her butt looks like.

I was going to cancel before it shipped and then i decided to wait and see it in hand. I figured i could sell it pretty easily if i did not like it.
It was 30 minutes before i took the plastic off the hair and anther 15 before i decided to put the explosive headgear on.

In the end I was impressed how good she looks and she is amazing on the shelf. I give her a solid 9/10 but that is just my opinion. I was really trying to convince myself to not like her but I ended up loving this figure.

I love this figure and I honestly don't think that I'm trying to convince myself that she's better than she is.

Granted I haven't been collecting for very long, but I still can't figure out why some people don't like her all that much. In fact, I'll come out and say that I think the head sculpt actually came out as well as the prototype. Not identical to the prototype, but nicely done.:dunno

Ticking time bomb goggles and a panty line from behind isn't enough for me to rate this figure any lower than an 8.5 out of 10. I guess like anything, opinions vary and that's ok. That's what keeps things interesting.
Ill sort of elaborate as to why I think it sucks, someone listed it as about a 6.5 out of 10. I'd give it a 6 here's why:

-The head looks plasticy, undersized compressed vertically almost and has a mearly a passing likeness to Hathaway,

-the hair looks really fake, most of their real hair attempts look fake but if you look at some customizers attempt like Lalla, you know real hair can be pulled off convincingly. The hair is also a frizzy mess

-her neck is too short

- the hair line is atrocious, it's a very unsightly gap and the attempt to blend it with paint hurts more than it helps

- the mask holes are too small for the eyes and rhe goggles are fragile

- the body frigging sucks. Odd proportions aside, I hate hot toys female bodies. They are terribly unfeminine and have a poor range of motion. You can't get them in feminine poses that look realistic. The Eva body from triad was a peice of junk but the best female body ever. Hot toys needs to buy that design.

- hand pegs are flesh not black?

- you can't pose this thing at all, her legs won't bend front to back which eliminates a lot of good posing same for the ankles it's not easy to bend them side to side. Maybe of you twist the joint in the peg after you tear up rhe pleather boot trying.

- oddly proportioned doll looking overall,

- the texture in the suit is pretty cool I like it but its too thick,

- it's not about panty lines on the butt it's that it looks like a huge diaper she is wearing, i don't get how anyone can say its simply "panty lines" panties over depends maybe. For the record the the way her shoulders look bug me as much as her butt does , I don't care if you're not looking there all too much it's an unsightly area in a premium highly realistic figure. Every area should look good. It's the same reason why Keaton batman loses huge points with me with that stupid chunk in the back of his head.

And to the guys urging me to sell it, I feel like that's maybe innevitable but I'm a completionist in the sense where i want the character in the line up. Lets face it Two Face sucks also. At least I was able to fix him up. Mayne catwoman can be worked with if Hot Toys figures out how to do a decent female one of these days.

To me the redeeming points are few and far between. To be honest I take back my original statement; Indy is by far the worst in recent years. Ironically a lot of the batman figures suck IMO. Two face (though its older) Scarecrow was bad, begins batman (again it gets the older pass) DX01 ( hated it so much but totally love 11) DX12 (I like it after mods, but come one, the eyes, the cape the FACE? Too much to fix to say its a winner). Bane (sorry I'm not a fan either, his mask dips too far in on his nose, his costume is inaccurate he can't assume the proper poses, his body type is wrong for him. Etc. etc.

Every release has problems theres no way I'm expecting perfection, but i was more or less totally satisfied when I got Reeves superman, DX sparrow, avatar, mark 4, spider man the list goes on and on (interestingly it seems my buying of 1/6 has not slow downed but hot toys is not offering figures i care about recently). People could pick apart things about all of the above releases and some times I think nitpicking goes to far, I look at overall presentation and the total package to determine of its a pass or fail. I think catwoman is a fail.
I have been saying from day zero, she dosnt look like AH. I know with some lighting etc and some angles she does but mostly does not look like AH. I ignore all other issues usually as head sculpt is mostly what matters to me so long other things are in a good enough likeness catagory. Hot toys still do not have the capability to do female face scultping with same precision as the male figures.

I look at it like this: we wait close to 10-12 months on each figure and if the likeness is "somewhat looks like" types, its not impactful for me.
6.5 is what i gave her. I think mostly cause they fixed the bums better than they looked in the image so i had some wow factor coming in from there ;)

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