Mezco: Breaking Bad

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I wouldn't get too worried about this - while it's annoying to see stupid get a voice (especially with only 8000 signatures, a paltry number considering the exposure), it's nothing new or different. Remember when the mom freaked out because her son's half nekkid, hairy chested Austin Powers figure asked her if he made her horny? Dexter was another, as was the Red Riding Hood from Scary Tales, as was the 18" Alien, etc. etc. etc. Hell, I remember Mickey D's getting in a controversy over the Batman Returns happy meal toys, because parents thought the film was too scary for kids.

For me, the most amusing case of parental censorship gone terrible wrong is with Tipper Gore and the whole TV/Video Game/Music ratings. She started the crusade, upset by the extreme language, violence and sex, demanding that companies rate their material, and that TV's all have a way to block shows with certain ratings. And what happened? This rating system opened the floodgates. Almost overnight, shows like South Park were able to take their material and amp it up ten fold. The same happened with music and games. Why? Because now the companies could do it and put the responsibility back where it belonged - with parents. Don't want you're kids to see South Park? Then simply block rated M shows. Instead of less sex, violence and profanity in media, they got more, an ironic but fitting result. And I'm all for it.
Here's an interesting article I found.

I mean, obviously no one here is going to agree with his viewpoint, I don't either. But it's funny to me how this guy takes his viewpoint so seriously. Though, he does approach a good point, one that I've often considered, about what the subject (were it a real person) would think about the idea of himself/itself as an action figure, i.e. Fight Club action figures. Why would you own an action figure of a character who extolled the virtue of not having any possessions. But as I said, he takes his approach far too seriously, and demeans an entire group of folks, which I think is pretty poor form

From the comments, it turns out, earlier he wrote an article about the joy of playing with Legos, but that it's completely different, yet never explains why. I'd wager because Legos encourage creativity, while action figures just stand there.

Actually, it's different because he does it. This is cognitive dissonance at its most obvious. Mr. Myers believes himself an 'adult', defined by him in whatever way makes him happy. However, he plays with Lego and enjoys it. This doesn't seem to line up with his definition of 'adult', so he rationalizes his behavior - it's creative, it's intelligent, whatever - and defends Beckham when it comes to light that he loves Lego as well. However, to keep his personal definition of an adult and of himself whole, he can't allow other kinks in the armor, so anyone that might be construed as 'playing' with other toys is clearly immature. Attacking them makes him feel further secure in his own particular interest, and allows him to remain an 'adult' in his own mind.

Never mind that in 25 years of collecting toys, I've never met a collector that actually plays with them like they did when they were a kid. Lego, of course - train sets, sure - model builders, absolutely. But action figure collectors have far more in common with stamp collectors or coin collectors. There's nothing wrong with any of those hobbyists playing with their toy of choice, except in Mr. Myers rather simple mind.
I wouldn't get too worried about this - while it's annoying to see stupid get a voice (especially with only 8000 signatures, a paltry number considering the exposure), it's nothing new or different. Remember when the mom freaked out because her son's half nekkid, hairy chested Austin Powers figure asked her if he made her horny? Dexter was another, as was the Red Riding Hood from Scary Tales, as was the 18" Alien, etc. etc. etc. Hell, I remember Mickey D's getting in a controversy over the Batman Returns happy meal toys, because parents thought the film was too scary for kids.

For me, the most amusing case of parental censorship gone terrible wrong is with Tipper Gore and the whole TV/Video Game/Music ratings. She started the crusade, upset by the extreme language, violence and sex, demanding that companies rate their material, and that TV's all have a way to block shows with certain ratings. And what happened? This rating system opened the floodgates. Almost overnight, shows like South Park were able to take their material and amp it up ten fold. The same happened with music and games. Why? Because now the companies could do it and put the responsibility back where it belonged - with parents. Don't want you're kids to see South Park? Then simply block rated M shows. Instead of less sex, violence and profanity in media, they got more, an ironic but fitting result. And I'm all for it.

I wonder how that could translate into toys. Like, they already have a rating and they already had an adult aisle. Makes me wonder where else could they push it
Seems to me that the future of adult figs maybe a lot brighter in the future because of this crazy mom, wouldn't surprise me if you see a whole new breed of ultra violent uncensored figs with all kinds of adult accessories that you would've never seen at TRU being made and sold at comic book shops, specialty stores and online.

Those BB figs are pretty tame compared to what could be made, very surprising that TRU caved in and let the mom bully them into not carrying something that the kids weren't going to buy anyway.
Seems to me that the future of adult figs maybe a lot brighter in the future because of this crazy mom, wouldn't surprise me if you see a whole new breed of ultra violent uncensored figs with all kinds of adult accessories that you would've never seen at TRU being made and sold at comic book shops, specialty stores and online.

Those BB figs are pretty tame compared to what could be made, very surprising that TRU caved in and let the mom bully them into not carrying something that the kids weren't going to buy anyway.

what if this was an inside job from Toys R us to get rid of the toys they didn't sell? :rotfl
Aaron Paul tweeted the petition to keep the figures in stores and now that petition has double what the soccer moms did.
I like how in the petition the mother states that she does not want to explain to her child about who or what Walter White is.... Is that what they are afraid of? Having to explain something to their kids?

These kids are going to grow up being the most sheltered individuals imaginable. God forbid you have to teach your kid something instead of avoiding it. I frequent Toysrus from time to time and those figures are in their own section. The other day I saw a Freddy Krueger figure mean to tell me its ok to have a figure of a pedophile and murderer in a children's toy store? Its all ridiculous. I think the woman targeted Breaking Bad because it would get the most press.
I normally don't bother with online petitions but since this mess started with a petition, it must wield power in this case. So, I signed the counter-petition. I don't need to shelter my children from the possibility of seeing collectibles aimed at adults or having to explain them.
what if this was an inside job from Toys R us to get rid of the toys they didn't sell? :rotfl

Doubt it, did you see the $21 price, thats a huge profit margin for TRU considering they probably cost $3 to manufacture.
I already had one, so i am a bit *meh* about the whole thing(Considering TRU in the UK doesn't sell them here in any case).
I can actually see a point to the woman's petition(Even though, as has been stated, she could have gone after other items, but didn't), but i don't really care either way.
These items will *still* be manufactured and sold, just not sold at TRU, so who really cares?
Certainly there's the principle of the thing, adult collectibles being shut out of a brick and mortar store where they can actually see and compare the product they want to buy vs online, and of course there's the issue of a small group of radical aholes not being content to police their own families and deciding what is best for me and mine. Some of us don't want to live in a PC police state that caters to the stupidest and most easily offended among us. This time it's toys, next time and the time after, who knows... maybe they'll rise up to ban something more important. I know in my state of NC there's a vocal contingent determined to ban all contraception in the state, no doubt full of these same grumpy house fraus who "know what's best for you and your children" and how they will go about banning this and that in order to "protect" them.
The whole thing is stupid if you ask me. First of all I doubt the woman who started the petition even watched Breaking Bad or if she did she completely missed the point of the series. The drug trade was never celebrated, if anything it was the opposite. We saw how one person making a bad decision can lead to things spiraling out of control until eventually they lose everything.

Plus adult collectibles have been around for a long time. I don't see how these figures are any worse than horror icons or other questionable characters having action figures available for sale. Hell when I was a kid figures from R rated films like Robocop and Terminator 2 were directly marketed to kids.

The problem now days is that people are pansies and especially parents feel the need to shelter their kids from everything rather than just teach them morals on their own and set limits on what their kids can and can't watch.
It's not about sheltering their kids, they want to shelter YOUR kids too, and everyone else they can in a puritanical attempt to "protect" them from what they don't like. Another case of strangers trying to interject their views into your life, regulating what they deem "appropriate" for others.
still not back on the shelf at my local rus. plenty of serial killer toys tho, such as freddy and jason and the like. ha!

My mind is blown

Daniel Pickett
Manhattan Beach, CA
Oct 24, 2014 — I went to bed last night so happy and content that this petition had crossed the 10,000 signature mark. Knowing that we beat the FloridaMom's "remove" petition and giving a voice to the #AdultsCollect movement put a huge smile on my face... but this morning I wake up... and the petition signatures have TRIPLED!?!? As of this update we are about to hit 31k signatures! I'm speechless! Thank you everyone for spreading the word. Remember - this is about more than just Breaking Bad figures, it's about all the adult collector items that Toys R Us carries. You never know the next one that will cause an "outrage" and then get pulled because of a vocal minority!