Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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I wonder what the ex will be. I hope its not the muramasa blade again. It actually looks pretty awesome in the convention shots. Id like to know why its underwhelming, that dude neverngot back to us.
He seems to be holding the murasama blade in pictures. He pretty much looks like a repaint to me. Not sure if the accessories are the same though..hope there is something different about him.
I have no idea what this version of Raiden is even supposed to represent. Looks like HT just wanted to repaint it in Iron Mang colors.

Would've been better if they spent more time correcting the spine accessory, hair color, and rubber elbows on the regular figure.
Red inferno version looks decent, i like black better. I'm sure they'll do a white one eventually. MGS4 costume variant would be instabuy for me.
I have no idea what this version of Raiden is even supposed to represent. Looks like HT just wanted to repaint it in Iron Mang colors.

Would've been better if they spent more time correcting the spine accessory, hair color, and rubber elbows on the regular figure.
To be honest, even with Iron Man, they chose colors that weren't even in movies. Not just the inaccurate red, but there were the gunmetal grey Mark IIIs and Mark IVs, and stealth camoflague Mark VII...they've repainted the Mark VII so many times if I'm correct, which makes it worse. Most of those were convention exclusives, so it's not like it's a necessary add. I have a feeling this may be a convention exclusive, but God knows.
Yeah, they should've gone full Yoji, #freethenipple and everything.
Indeed :lecture
To be honest, even with Iron Man, they chose colors that weren't even in movies. Not just the inaccurate red, but there were the gunmetal grey Mark IIIs and Mark IVs, and stealth camoflague Mark VII...they've repainted the Mark VII so many times if I'm correct, which makes it worse. Most of those were convention exclusives, so it's not like it's a necessary add. I have a feeling this may be a convention exclusive, but God knows. Indeed :lecture

So... Iron Man figures have inaccurate colors, but people still have no problems buying them? :lol

He was those colors in the game. It had nothing to do with the Iron Man

No he wasn't. Raiden's "Jack the Ripper" color scheme was a translucent red that covered his entire body, including his musculature. HT just painted over the armored parts in matching color with the Red Snapper figure.

I've also noticed that HT did the opposite of the red Raiden figure from PAK. Whereas the PAK figure had red muscles and black armored parts, this figure has grey muscles and red armored parts.

So... Iron Man figures have inaccurate colors, but people still have no problems buying them? :lol

No he wasn't. Raiden's "Jack the Ripper" color scheme was a translucent red that covered his entire body, including his musculature. HT just painted over the armored parts in matching color with the Red Snapper figure.

I've also noticed that HT did the opposite of the red Raiden figure from PAK. Whereas the PAK figure had red muscles and black armored parts, this figure has grey muscles and red armored parts.

People say it's inaccurate, some are definitely inaccurate like the Diecast Mark III and Battle Damaged Mark III. Shrug, Iron Man nuts shouldn't be questioned :lol

And I found that Raiden to be far more orange than red :lol almost bought it a few times. That is a really good point on the two figures though
Oh yeah, it's definitely more orange than red. I bought that version in 2013, and sold it later for $10 profit :lol. I got the white version from the UK LE later on, and it looks much better together with the regular, black figure.
Pretty sure that Raiden will be delayed to 2016, both Solid Snakes got delayed :lol though the proto was shown and colored pretty damn quick.