Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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There's a difference between stylized, like the Kotobukiya Bishoujo line which looks nice, and Square Enix, which has become awful now. Then there's Variant PAKs, which have become pretty bad. I really want to sell my Variant Batman, but no one's buying him on eBay, and it will probably be a while considering how long my Dark Knight PAK took...But the worst part is
It will always pain me that SE has an iron grip on their licenses. So many characters from FF and other franchises that will never see anything more than a God awful PAK as their only figure. Sorry to those of you that like them, but man...
This is so awful, yet true. Drake (especially after SSC), Metal Gear now, Agent 47...also the price. I might just call it quits after Arkham Knight and MGS V.
Finally! An announcement on something I'd spend money on: MGS Alarm clocks!

As well as his signature face :/.


I'm surprised we don't have one from MGS1 or 2. Even one from MGS3 would be cool. Happy with the TPP one, though.

I seriously doubt we'll see anything MGS2 related because companies are still capitalizing on the TPP hype train.

Well, isn't the dude who designs FF stuff in charge of those?

My god his designs are puke-a-delic...


The DC fantasy line is what I imagine how satan dresses up to torment nerds when we're all in hell.
it doesnt say theyre alarm clocks, it says when you walk by them they make alert noises from the game.

Whoops, my bad. THIS is the clock.


The clock looks lame imo, Those question/exclamation mark things are light up displays with sound, I hope I can get those.
i was wondering what the thing next to those was. the clock looks like its a piece of card stock under the screws and plexi, kinda cheap imo. im not too fond of the clock either but i defo want the !/?.
i was wondering what the thing next to those was. the clock looks like its a piece of card stock under the screws and plexi, kinda cheap imo. im not too fond of the clock either but i defo want the !/?.

That clock looks more lame than my lame-ish brain could even conjure up. That light up !/? looks sick, definitely a must buy to me. I just hope they make it available outside Japan.
maybe not sick but good enough. they look really cheap too. well see what they look like down the road. the question mark is embarrassingly bad, it doesnt even fit evenly in the plexi and the plexi is cut so half assed around it.
im really into the ocelot, i looked at game shots and stuff and he does look on par with the game. lets hope for good paint on release. (yeah right) this is also the first im seeing him painted.

rampagesss, dude, you must be rich or have good friends in high places because i buy a lot of expensive **** and i cant keep up with your ass. wtf!!! all those vga rated games must have costed a bomb! or, it could be that youre getting your own stuff rated!?!?!? dunno.

im not sure i agree with people that the mgs stuff has been low quality. i do agree though that the !/?/clock are atrociously bad, they look like something i can pick up at the flea market.