Mattel 89 Batman and 1978 Superman figures

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The Dark Knight Collection Bruce Wayne is an awesome figure, and an excellent likeness of Keaton. Was one of my favorites growing up.
yeah the kenner lines are superior to almost any batman toy line of the last 10 years. I still have most of my kenner toys. the only figure im really excited about is penguin because kenner never made an accurate penguin.

I do wish that they would stop only producing stuff from the burton and Nolan movies and realize there are people who would love to see Forever based figures, and yes even batman and robin.
im being serious, not talking to haters.

I would love if they made a SA riddler and twoface, sonar suit batman in the same scale. I think its completely unfair to always have figures based on the first 2 but not the other 2. Batman Forever is my 2nd favorite batman, it needs more love!
I can agree with Forever, but I don't see how you can even put Batman & Robin in the same league as the first two. Forever had a lot of potential, and I think that's what made it good for me, rather than great.

I loved Kilmer's Bruce Wayne, and Batman.

It seemed like it could work as something of a continuation of the previous films.

Good plot.

Great Casting.

Too steeped in 90's culture; one of the things that made the other Batman films so great was the timelessness; Gotham felt like a place that existed outside of reality; where Prince could be playing in a city that felt like a 1930s/1950s hybrid.

Over the top villainy; while I would've liked to have seen Billy Dee Williams' interpretation, I thought Tommy Lee Jones was a great choice for Two-Face, and he's a phenomenal actor to boot, but, at the end of the day, the man can only do so much with what he had, and they have him a ****ing cartoon character; hell, TAS Two-Face was way more serious than that, and that is a cartoon.:lol

Carrey as Riddler was great casting, too, but, between the weird stylistic choices, and, again, the over the top cartoon acting, it just felt like a wasted opportunity.
I've said it a hundred times: my dream shelf would be the two keaton batsuits and the Panther suit from Forever. All I need is those three and I'll be happy.

Got one from Hot Toys.....still waiting on the second one...
Forever to me is not only one of the favorite childhood films, but its just a very easy film to just put on and enjoy the hell out of, hence why it did so well back in the day and why kids like me watched it so often on video. I look at all the batman versions of the original anthology as thoroughly entertaining and fun. its the new ones I just cant get into, they bore me. what can I say, I like what I like. but riddler and twoface are very colorful wild villians that I really enjoyed. I always loved carreys riddler costume, he pulled it off really well and both of them are very visually stimulating characters i would love to see them do in a modern line. however if they don't, that is fine with me because kenner i think did justice to both characters in toy form. but, he got screwed over back in the day. so im VERY happy they will be making a modern version that looks like hes supposed to, and will hopefully fit in well with the kenner line. penguin is already short anyway lol.
And is it just me, or did Kenner produce a FAR superior Micheal Keaton headsculpt on their figure almost 25 years ago?

And that was the mass-produced piece! Look how soft and lazy the Mattel prototype looks in comparison...and toys only LOSE details when they go into production! Does not bode well.

Wonder if the vintage head can be popped on that new body...

This may sound nitpicky, but I don't like how brown the hair is on both Keaton figures. His hair was pretty dark, almost black in both films. Bruce Wayne should have dark hair. Keaton with lighter hair looks older. Interestingly enough, Kenner painted the blond Val Kilmer's hair black when they did the FOREVER Wayne figure.