Masters of the Universe Classics

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I'm bothered by it too,but it's pointless talking about it among some of the members here (and elsewhere). All is good to them as long as they get what they want,regardless of the tactics

So when we get what we want and don't complain about it (which is stupid. It's like looking for something you already found, just becuase you didn't look everywhere. It's pointless and what else are you going to get, other then exactly what you got and that's what you wanted..silly)

And yes, some people find other people's tactics just as irritating as you do. If it's ok for you to complain about someone (Mattel) why can't others complain about someone (you)? And if you don't even collect (motuc)it's stupid to be running around sites complaining about how the customers are treated, when your not one. If you didn't buy the sub, then there's no chance you where promised ANYTHING (snake torso, steak knives, a yacht, whatever. You didn't buy the sub so it's moot.) I'm no fan of Mattel for the most part. I hate how much of this line has been handled. But I see zero point, benefit, or reason to continue to complain over and over about it. If it bothers you to that point why continue to immerse yourself in it? If all you want to do is complain start a blog. Not all of us think every action you have had issue with is wrong. But some how we are dumb or sheep or whatever just becuase we (or at least I) have a view that is counter.

I remember what it was like after the original line stopped and wanting new toys and not getting them. Then we got NA. Which was a huge departure from motu but I still enjoyed it. But then it went away, and nothing for a decade. I'd rather have a flawed process that got me product I liked then a great buying experience that got me little or nothing. I like motuc figures. I am happy it has been successful enough to generate licensing deals for motu again. Finally. Something we hardly got even with 200x. Is everything about it perfect? No. But obviously there's still support for the line. And I don't think that makes the supporters anything to be looked down on.

Anyway...hope the new script actually gets approved this time for the movie. I'd love to see it done well.
That's totally fine and understandable but it was played like it was PowerCon itself footing the bill which they aren't. We the fans are. I don't like people taking praise and getting big props for something that they are actually not doing. The figures are also over priced so coin is going in back pocket. It just feels a little underhanded is all. But as I appear to be the only one remotely bothered by this, I will drop it now.

You are not. Totally agree woth you that the figures are overpriced. 45$ for a figure is just too much. Add the ticket, shipping and taxes and I will be at ~ 350 for all three. That is far too much. Of course taxes and international shipping are not the fault of the Con guys. But still the raw figure prices are totally overpriced.

Personally I was asking myself if I really want to spend so much money for 3 He-Man figures. The one thing that annoys me about the price, is not the price itself but the feeling that the Con guys are getting far too much out of it. I can see such high prices for a figure limited to 100-200 figures, but apparently these figures will be pretty much available as they do not seem to be very limited judging from the current sale status (when did a figure not sell out on Matty?).
Anyway, in the end I have decided to buy the set of 3 - although the price is redicoulous - because I simply wanted to. I will still be able to enjoy them which is the most important to me.
In the end I figured that if they were not available outside of the Con, I would have paid the same price in the aftermarket and would have bought them anyway.
I dont smoke, drink or waste money in any other way than buying toys, so I figured I can make an exception and buy the set for a totally inappropriate price. :)

But I totally agree with your points. Honestly I hope this will be the last Power Con Excl. I dont like the way they have promoted theirselves with the Excl. I dont even care about the con.

I'm bothered by it too,but it's pointless talking about it among some of the members here (and elsewhere). All is good to them as long as they get what they want,regardless of the tactics

The reason why people do not want to discuss about this anymore is because the discussion is getting annoying. Some people take this far too personal. In the end it is really up to everyone to either accept the price and buy or not. You can always try to get a better price on the aftermarket or simply skip them. These figures are no essentials, so skipping wont be the end of the day. It is really the fact that a few people are simply not able to discuss in a respectfully way, so I rather chose to not discuss with them at all.
So when we get what we want and don't complain about it (which is stupid. It's like looking for something you already found, just becuase you didn't look everywhere. It's pointless and what else are you going to get, other then exactly what you got and that's what you wanted..silly)

And yes, some people find other people's tactics just as irritating as you do. If it's ok for you to complain about someone (Mattel) why can't others complain about someone (you)? And if you don't even collect (motuc)it's stupid to be running around sites complaining about how the customers are treated, when your not one. If you didn't buy the sub, then there's no chance you where promised ANYTHING (snake torso, steak knives, a yacht, whatever. You didn't buy the sub so it's moot.) I'm no fan of Mattel for the most part. I hate how much of this line has been handled. But I see zero point, benefit, or reason to continue to complain over and over about it. If it bothers you to that point why continue to immerse yourself in it? If all you want to do is complain start a blog. Not all of us think every action you have had issue with is wrong. But some how we are dumb or sheep or whatever just becuase we (or at least I) have a view that is counter.

Once again,are you nuts or just like to troll me? :cuckoo:

I do collect MOTU Classics and have been a subscriber (x2) since the beginning and probably been collecting the line way before you
Honestly, we don't have the full story, and making assumptions without any proof is dangerous. I think you may be blowing this a bit out of proportion, as we don't have the whole story (and bad feelings about other events with the involved parties might be tinging your view a bit). I think it's fair to bring up your concerns, and hopefully someone from Power Con will address them (they've been very good about answering other questions on the forums).

Makings assumptions is indeed dangerous so kindly refrian from making assumptions about me yourself by suggesting that there are 'bad feeling" over other events that motivates this ;). Even if that was the case which it isn't, the questioning is still a valid one.
Scott was never given such benefit of the doubt and often roasted so I am not sure why so much is given here. It's not bad or evil. It just all feels a little exploitative and lets not pretend that great soapbox self aggrandizing speeches about being all about the fans are a fiction as the prices and upfront pay, charging extra for non attendees does not seem very "fan friendly" to me.
I agree that it's not the biggest deal in the world but then I didn't get too annoyed over the King Hsss situation.
Just consider this bullshit watch. :)
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So here's a welcome distraction and will get us back unto regualr chat, Thor The Dark World writer is doing MOTU script. Dunno about you guys but this whole movie seems to be in increasingly better hands and leads to think that it actually may be good and certainly better than any of the other toy movie slick Transformers and TMNT.
So here's a welcome distraction and will get us back unto regualr chat, Thor The Dark World writer is doing MOTU script. Dunno about you guys but this whole movie seems to be in increasingly better hands and leads to think that it actually may be good and certainly better than any of the other toy movie slick Transformers and TMNT.

Given how many times it's changed hands, I don't see it getting made anytime soon if ever.
Given how many times it's changed hands, I don't see it getting made anytime soon if ever.

Yeah another script rewrite just confirms to me that this thing is still stuck in development and will never move forward. If Sony was serious about this picture I think they would have pushed it ahead by now.
Yeah, it is another delay buy each time this movie is in the news, the quality of those involved, is in my opinion improved on. Having the writer of Thor is pretty flippen good and I do feel this could be the final draft that goes into production.

I think Warcraft may also help with speeding up the process?
Just a final comment on pricing for PowerCon Exclusives, but I end up paying almost $38.00 for a single MOTU between shipping and taxes... so there's that to consider...

As for the MOTU movie, I too am excited about this news as I loved both Thor movies. My only fear is that it's Sony who's giving us that Ghostbusters "revamp"... so there's that...
Just a final comment on pricing for PowerCon Exclusives, but I end up paying almost $38.00 for a single MOTU between shipping and taxes... so there's that to consider...
Well the key words there are shipping and taxes. These PC exclusive are still $45 with no shipping and no taxes. I like many others then have to get them shipped and will get import taxes (if we foreign)on top of that. You just have to go there and pick them up. You also get to see cool stuff, meet folks, have a laugh and be a fun event. Non attendees have to pay even more again just for the priveladge of buying these.

As for the MOTU movie, I too am excited about this news as I loved both Thor movies. My only fear is that it's Sony who's giving us that Ghostbusters "revamp"... so there's that...

Well you may not think it now but mark my words and I will bet you a pint at next years SDCC Kuzeh buddy, that Ghostbusters movie will be good. Why do I think it will be good? Because it's another bunch of saturday night live comedians at the top of their game just like it was back in 1984. I may of course be wrong but I have good feelings.

As for Masters We have gone from Kick Ass 2 writer to Thor 2 writer which is yet another step up again and even more suitable. I mean we did have orc type dudes with lasers and bazookas in Thor 2 which I bet we all thought of MOTU straight away? then that huge rock dude? :)
Yeah, I'm not saying they are cheap, because they are not, but at least you get a shot at buying them... I've missed out on several collectibles from other Cons because you can't even buy them unless you attend the show. So the only way to get them it's through scalpers...

I have zero interest in this so called Ghostbusters... There's certain movies that should be left alone...

I do have highly hopes about this new writer for MOTU but the development hell its been in, has me fearful... I won't believe it's happening until I'm watching it in theaters! Ha!!
Just got this month's figures, and surprisingly, Buzz Saw Hordak is actually my favorite of the bunch. I really like the more vintage toy like coloring, I think he's going to be my #1 Hordak from now on. Plus the white crossbow looks great.

Mara is probably my least favorite, if only because of the unpainted accessories. That's really becoming a big pet peeve of mine, especially when I look at how nicely the weapons in the Grayskull weapons pack were painted. What used to be a rare occurrence is now becoming a regular thing. Oh, and of course, none of the figures have any ankle pivot to speak of (something else that I think isn't getting enough attention - the joint is there, why not have it be available?).
Evil Seed is awesome! Really nice details on the vines!
But personally, I'm more impressed with how cool Mara looks! It's funny because most of the NA figures except for Karatti have been exceptional figures in my book!
How you finding Evil Seed? I am quite excited about him.

I definitely like him a lot, moreso in hand than just looking at pictures. I like all the new sculpted bits, and I think overall he fits in very well with Classics. I do feel like I would have preferred a 100‰ fully new tooled figure to better match the 200x look, but that's not really what this line is about.
I definitely like him a lot, moreso in hand than just looking at pictures. I like all the new sculpted bits, and I think overall he fits in very well with Classics. I do feel like I would have preferred a 100‰ fully new tooled figure to better match the 200x look, but that's not really what this line is about.

I agree that I'd like him to fit in a little better with the 200x figures. I'm glad we're getting figures from that line though. I have almost every original 200x figure released. So when they made a Club 200x I knew I had to join. I think my biggest complaint though is the shipping charge. It seems awfully high for shipping a single figure.
Does anybody have an extra "Heads of Eternia" pack they can sell?

There's a group on Facebook that sells a tonne of stuff, you might get lucky.

I will be keeping my heads but I am actually not sure if I will change any of them out. I am cool with the vintage heads as they are. I will try it and see how they look.