Marvel characters that should be made into PFs

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What's wolvie doing on the Avenger side? What a traitor!!! Off with his head!!!

Honestly I'd like to see more currently relevant characters that are big in the Marvel Comics today, and would like to see the more modern incarnations of those characters.



So characters like modern cyclops, Spiderwoman, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Dr Strange, Storm, Beast, Magneto, Modern Wolverine, modern Thor, etc...

A lot of those are classic characters anyway so it really shouldn't be a problem. I get my kick out of collecting Marvel Universe figures because I feel sometimes the high end market doesn't want to touch anything post 2000.
These guys have been the main characters of today's flagship titles for over a decade now, it's about time the high end market catches up with what's relevant in Marvel today.

I like that Sideshow did Bucky Cap and Scaar, I'd love to see it followed by Daken, son of Wolverine. As well as Iron Patriot and commander Steve Rogers.


Many of the modern incarnations are actually older costumes. Storm's current costume debuted in 1999:

I agree with you, but Magneto and Spider Woman are currenty using old costumes. Psylocke, Angel and Colossus (minus helmet) are also back in old costumes. Cap and Spidey always go back. What people call Ms. Marvel's "modern" look has been recycled off and on since the 70s.

Probably one reason why SS mostly does the "classic" costumes is because they end up becoming the "modern" costume in many cases. I also think they go with what most people would recognize. Surely the 90s X-Men outfits aren't always the best outfits (pouch belt Cyclops), but everyone knows them. A modern Cyclops PF would be great.
Kraven the Hunter!!! Put him on an awesome base with tombstone/grave 'Here lies Spider-Man'...BAM!

Love the idea but that would mean Kraven would be a stand alone piece.
I personally rather have SS make Kraven part of the Sinister Six line like the way they did with the Spider-Man trio.
Love the idea but that would mean Kraven would be a stand alone piece.
I personally rather have SS make Kraven part of the Sinister Six line like the way they did with the Spider-Man trio.

True, but I'm afraid they will make him in 1:5. I would still def buy a/my Kraven at the grave PF. It tells such a great story.
A Mr. Sinister PF would be cool!


But a minor problem in doing him in 1/4 scale is he has absolutely no consistant height.

1st Appearance, Larger than Sabretooth. And chumps him good, too.

But then...


Just slightly larger than Gambit, who appears to be the same size as Rogue in this pic which is also a problem, but whatever.

But by Messiah Complex

He grew again.

Currently in the new volume of Uncanny he's the smallest I've ever seen him.

How tall should Sideshow make him? (I prefer Large)