Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Nam-Ek is indeed the large, 9 foot tall Kryptonian we see Supes fighting with Faora. They also make mention of other Kryptonians such as Dev-Em and they also show some of the Krpytonian chest emblem designs they conceptualized for the film.

Does it say anything about why hes so tall? With their genetics so tightly manipulated it seemed odd that he was so much bigger than any other Kryptonians shown in any scene.
Yes I agree, the book is really quite good. Greg Cox fills in some background (names, motivations, context) quite well and his prose isn't the usual monotonous drone that many of these mass-market adaptations are...I also recommend the "Man of Steel" Art-of/Making of book...rivals the recent Marvel ones in going behind the scenes with production art and commentary...some great world-building here....the folks behind this movie really wanted to present something unique and man....did they!

Just saw this again last is by far my favorite genre movie in a long while. Not "better than" all of the recent similar releases, just so well-done that I'm seeing something different and terrific with each viewing....

Here's a link to what I consider one of the best reviews/commentaries I've read about this movie...and I agree with the writer wholeheartedly.

I can't wait to see where they go next with this....
I am enjoying browsing through the art book, it has a good amount of text to read through on nearly every page rather than just the usual annotations and quotes here and there. The cover is classy as hell too.
Yes I agree, the book is really quite good. Greg Cox fills in some background (names, motivations, context) quite well and his prose isn't the usual monotonous drone that many of these mass-market adaptations are...I also recommend the "Man of Steel" Art-of/Making of book...rivals the recent Marvel ones in going behind the scenes with production art and commentary...some great world-building here....the folks behind this movie really wanted to present something unique and man....did they!

Just saw this again last is by far my favorite genre movie in a long while. Not "better than" all of the recent similar releases, just so well-done that I'm seeing something different and terrific with each viewing....

Here's a link to what I consider one of the best reviews/commentaries I've read about this movie...and I agree with the writer wholeheartedly.

I can't wait to see where they go next with this....

Sloooow down sir. I completely disagree with your review of the "Art of the Man of Steel". :slap

The book does not even hold a candle to the Marvel film art-books. The book struggles to be both a "Making of..." and a "Art of..." but falls short on BOTH!

There is ZERO concept art on Superman's suit. There's some art with him in it, flying around or whatever, but they completely lack showing any conceptualizing of the Superman suit, the "House of El" emblem, etc. etc. The Marvel studios books on the other hand DO show the thought process and artistic concepts that the filmmakers go through. Not only of the characters, but the props as well.

The Man of Steel artbook shows FINAL concept design. There's some concept art of Jor-El, Zod, Lara Lor-Van but the art is so close to the final work that's it's not worth a mention.

There is no design work of the props such as the Kryptonian guns, ships and the world of Krypton. Just some environmental art and storyboarding.

Now, the one place I will agree with you is that the Text of the book is good and adds some insight into the filmmakers' thoughts and processes, but it really falls short on the visual dynamics that a lot of us want to see in these movie artbooks.

The complete lack of Superman concepts is VERY disappointing. This is a nice addition of you're a Superman fan, but don't expect the quality of a Marvel Studios artbook. Check the reviews for added insight.
If Goyer makes Superman spin the earth backwards in MOS 2 because of all the destruction/death whining i'm blaming Jaws/Celtic. :lol

This single moment has more emotion, character, and heart then anything in MoS. So Bring it on!!!!!!

In that gif, you can see Reeve's teeth fillings as Superman. Superman had fillings? How does that work?


This single moment has more emotion, character, and heart then anything in MoS. So Bring it on!!!!!!


The opening of Superman 1 with the little kid talking all the way up to the destruction of Krypton is still tied with Raiders as my favorite movie opening of all time.

Superman silent with nothing but the wind blowing over dead Lois and him taking off is also very emotionally powerfull stuff.



Donner's original plan of having Superman spin the Earth back at the end of part 2 (changed to part 1) would've (and did) destroy all that built up emotion from the great story telling that came before it.

What good is a ton of great character moments and emotional connections when it gets all reversed at the end.
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What good is a ton of great character moments and emotional connections when it gets all reversed at the end.

Superman and the audience still knows.

Imagine Lex Luthor's surprise when Superman manages to catch both missiles and comes back minutes later after just having that discussion with him. Priceless.
Superman and the audience still knows.

Imagine Lex Luthor's surprise when Superman manages to catch both missiles and comes back minutes later after just having that discussion with him. Priceless.

At least they didn't show the rollerskater going forward during the NYC battle reverse scene. :rotfl

One thing MOS definately lacks in is a memorable opening that will last for decades. :(

The floating little robot opening with the baby heart beat will not be memorable.

That being said, Superman walking out for the first time in his costume and also floating over the military are the 2 most beautiful Superman images ever put on film, equal to CR first time Fortress of Solitude costume scene.

If they continue to produce movies that the public find entertaining then I don't see this "bubble" bursting in any case these movies are just another offshoot of science fiction movies only the source material is now the comic books.

My only real issue is since these movies are using the source material to craft their movies what would they do if they were forced to create their own stories with no reference. I mean Captain America has a great story in the winter solider but after that I don't know of any other popular captain America stories they can use to produce the third movie
Dam people still complaining about the movie bottom line were you entertained or not . Analyzing the movie to this extent its fiction.
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JAWS well I don't get defensive in a personal way, just like to defend my side of the argument when I think I have valid points.

Personally I like to argue over movies, I know it's silly, but it's fun!

Most of the times it deepens my understanding of a movie or changes my mind about it completely with the help of other people's POV.

But in MoS literally nothing has made me change my mind about how I liked it.

Still think the Donner movies are great, just MoS surpassed them for me.
Maybe this will remind the people of how bad superman returns [ame=""][/ame]

People need to come back down to reality and note that original and superman returns movie has tons of crap wrong with it, but oh nah man that movie was a master piece PLEASE it was so outdated and full of camp it was ridicules at times.
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