Statue Kotobukyia Daredevil Fine Art by Erick Sosa

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Super Freak
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
My radar sense is telling me a new statue is coming!


Daredevil Fine Art 1:6 Statue 855/1200 - Kotobukiya

Very appropriate timing since this morning I read Amazing Spider-Man #16 which is Spidey's (and my) first meeting with attorney Matt Murdock a.k.a. Daredevil!
Because I wasn't familiar with the character and the internet pics of the statue weren't thrilling I wasn't sure if I wanted him but since I've not yet been disappointed by Sosa's run at Kotobukiya so far I decided to take a chance... and I'm glad I did!
The sculpt is very nice, the muscle definition is great and the shading on the red is very well done. The base is very nice as well and weighs a freaking ton! I also dig the billy club, it's basically a thin wire similar to what was used in the Spiderman statue and that allows lots of different 'poses' for the wire which is nice.
The only 'issue' I found was that the pegs on the legs are just a tiny bit spread wider than the holes themselves so you have to do a fair bit of wiggle and push to get him in nicely but once in he's flush.
All in all a very nice statue that I'm glad I took a chance on.







Couldn't find a dedicated thread for this one so I made it. Merge if needed.
Very appropriate timing since this morning I read Amazing Spider-Man #16 which is Spidey's (and my) first meeting with attorney Matt Murdock a.k.a. Daredevil!
Because I wasn't familiar with the character...

Great statue and great pics, Drakul, congrats, but above all... boy, are you in for a treat when you get to read all those terrific runs by Frank Miller, Bendis, Brubaker and Waid for the first time. :wink1:
Congratulations, Drakul! I am so jelly because I want this piece so bad, but right now I am holding my money for some other pieces. Thanks for sharing. :)
Im not saying its not but does that looks smaller then 1/6 to anyone else?
Im not saying its not but does that looks smaller then 1/6 to anyone else?

No offense, but what the hell are you comparing it too, the window, bookcase, piece of paper it's on? C'mon unless you got something legit like another statue you can't call that yet. It's way to early
Great pics!! I'm a longtime Daredevil fan myself and recently picked up this statue. I really like it and am happy to hear other positive reviews.

I had been looking for a DD statue for quite some time - there aren't too many out there that I really love. I quite like the Hard Hero version - but my cousin has it and I didn't want to get the same one! I also like the SS comiquette, and was eyeing it on Ebay until I saw Koto was releasing a Fine Arts version. I've adjusted the wire on his billy club like 5 times trying to find the coolest pose.

BTW the Bendis into Brubaker run on DD is one of my very favourites of all time - so check it out!!
No offense, but what the hell are you comparing it too, the window, bookcase, piece of paper it's on? C'mon unless you got something legit like another statue you can't call that yet. It's way to early

He might have seen pics taken by somebody else

Anyway, congrats on the purchase, man!
I gotta admit Koto has done things right as of late not just statue wise but good for the wallet price wise too
Thanks guys! Much appreciated! :hi5:

Looks awesome congrats koto statues just seem to be getting better and better

I gotta admit Koto has done things right as of late not just statue wise but good for the wallet price wise too

Totally agree. Koto's Fine Art line with Sosa has just been hits after hits. It's sad that he only has a few more pieces before his contract expires cause I'm ready to get the whole Marvel lineup from him!

Great statue and great pics, Drakul, congrats, but above all... boy, are you in for a treat when you get to read all those terrific runs by Frank Miller, Bendis, Brubaker and Waid for the first time. :wink1:

Yeah it's exciting to discover the whole Marvel universe. I was only reading DC until about a year ago but after I watch Spectacular SpiderMan (criminally cancelled show!) I just wanted to know more about the history of the comic and so I bought the Omnibuses and joined an OHC thread on CBR......
Since then I've got a ton of X-Men, Spidey, some Thor (Simonson and Copiel) and just got FF by Byrne and Hickman.
As they release in the coming months I plan to get Deadpool by Kelly, Byrne FF vol2, Spidey by Stern and of course Daredevil by Miller.
If I enjoy it (and I don't see why not) I'll try and grab the Miller Companion and Elektra, and Daredevil by Brubaker/Bendis.

As usual, so little money and shelf space!

Congratulations, Drakul! I am so jelly because I want this piece so bad, but right now I am holding my money for some other pieces. Thanks for sharing. :)

There are some places where you can get it for below $200. Try not to wait too long because these Sosa-Koto pieces can appreciate greatly in value.

Great pics!! I'm a longtime Daredevil fan myself and recently picked up this statue. I really like it and am happy to hear other positive reviews.

I had been looking for a DD statue for quite some time - there aren't too many out there that I really love. I quite like the Hard Hero version - but my cousin has it and I didn't want to get the same one! I also like the SS comiquette, and was eyeing it on Ebay until I saw Koto was releasing a Fine Arts version. I've adjusted the wire on his billy club like 5 times trying to find the coolest pose.

BTW the Bendis into Brubaker run on DD is one of my very favourites of all time - so check it out!!

I do like the Sideshow Comiquette as well but since it's out of stock I figured I could get it anytime later and I wanted to make sure to grab this one before the price got crazy.
My Marvel collection is all over the place in 1:6, Comiquettes and PF....
Looks great, if they make it 1:4, SS would immediately show teaser of their version of DD with one leg up pose hahaha
Hello guys,

Here is my video review of this fantastic looking piece. Check it out!


Please, like, comment and subscribe. Thanks for watching!! :)
Awesome review jp.
I gotta say Eric Sosa is pumping some serious skills. His pieces are just incredible. Needless to say I have picked this up.
Awesome review jp.
I gotta say Eric Sosa is pumping some serious skills. His pieces are just incredible. Needless to say I have picked this up.

No kidding, buddy. Erick is red hot right now!! I can't wait to see which characters are next on the line up! ;)
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