Kick Ass 2

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Re: Kick *** 2

On subject dont own a single Superman Woverline or Ironman Hot Toys figures because they are over priced for what the movies are... IMO

What about scar? I guess not too overpriced to own because alien vs predator was a great movie....
Re: Kick *** 2

This one I would give a 6. It wasn't as sharp. Colonel Stars and Stripes getting knocked off wasn't close to Big Daddy's.

Agreed, I had said before none of the major fight scenes in this could match BD's warehouse assault or HG's penthouse assault, but Carey's goodbye scene was definitely underwhelming compared to BD's. Everything about this seemed like KA 1 on a lesser scale.

I wish they would have stuck to KA2 material and not thrown in the HitGirl mini-series stuff, I really didn't care for the Date Ditch crap. Now if she had broke that *****'s jaw and taken the dudes truck for being a ****head... :lol
Re: Kick *** 2

This movie made over 75% of its 28 mil budget back in 3 days. Now realizing that this is less than it cost to make Flash Gordon and its no longer 1982, I'd say it had a pretty damn good weekend.
Re: Kick *** 2


How so, grasshopper?

Box Office Mojo Kemosabe.

2010's Kick-*** may have built a following on home video, but that didn't translate in to stronger attendance for the sequel. To the contrary, Kick-*** 2 only opened to $13.57 million, which is way below the first movie's $19.8 million debut. It's also only a bit ahead of fellow Universal Pictures comic book adaptation R.I.P.D., which bombed earlier this Summer with $12.7 million.

The first Kick-*** has been portrayed as a cult hit that wasn't fully appreciated during its theatrical run, though in reality Lionsgate did a great job getting the message out about it back in 2010. The movie looked fresh and fun, and did well-enough for a superhero comedy (a genre with a poor track record). By nature of being a sequel, Kick-*** 2 lost many of the first movie's advantages, and on top of that the marketing did almost nothing to differentiate it. As a result, Kick-*** 2 had a steeper drop in attendance than recent sequels like Red 2 and The Expendables 2.

Kick-*** 2's audience was 63 percent male and 58 percent under the age of 25. They awarded the movie a "B+" CinemaScore, which doesn't really give a good indication on word-of-mouth. Regardless, the first movie did have good word-of-mouth, but still plummeted coming off opening weekend; if the same thing happens for Kick-*** 2, its final total will be just over $30 million.
Re: Kick *** 2

You're lending credence to an article comparing a 28 mil rated R movie to a 130 million dollar PG-13 flop?

Re: Kick *** 2

I liked KA2, but with it doing poorly, guess KA3 is gonna depend on how dvd sales are. Personally already have Ka2 on preorder via AMAZOn
Re: Kick *** 2

Box Office Mojo Kemosabe.

2010's Kick-*** may have built a following on home video, but that didn't translate in to stronger attendance for the sequel. To the contrary, Kick-*** 2 only opened to $13.57 million, which is way below the first movie's $19.8 million debut. It's also only a bit ahead of fellow Universal Pictures comic book adaptation R.I.P.D., which bombed earlier this Summer with $12.7 million.

The first Kick-*** has been portrayed as a cult hit that wasn't fully appreciated during its theatrical run, though in reality Lionsgate did a great job getting the message out about it back in 2010. The movie looked fresh and fun, and did well-enough for a superhero comedy (a genre with a poor track record). By nature of being a sequel, Kick-*** 2 lost many of the first movie's advantages, and on top of that the marketing did almost nothing to differentiate it. As a result, Kick-*** 2 had a steeper drop in attendance than recent sequels like Red 2 and The Expendables 2.

Kick-*** 2's audience was 63 percent male and 58 percent under the age of 25. They awarded the movie a "B+" CinemaScore, which doesn't really give a good indication on word-of-mouth. Regardless, the first movie did have good word-of-mouth, but still plummeted coming off opening weekend; if the same thing happens for Kick-*** 2, its final total will be just over $30 million.

Re: Kick *** 2

Kick *** 2 is BADASSNESS!!!
ironman 3 please lol piece of ****...
wolverine was a laugh
man of steel not the best at least it beat out
ironman 3 and the journey for money to line RDJ pockets...
wolverine where he loses his claws... need i say more lol...

Re: Kick *** 2

Kick *** will be fine and I am sure after worldwide sales come in, DVD, merchandising, et al everyhting will be all good. Millar was paid up front just like the first KA.

The bad things is the trickle down effect.

After Dredd and now this, Fox has to be crapping themselves that they were even considering a big budget R Rated Deadpool movie. Maybe its for the best that he just stay in X-Force in the X-verse.