Is there always going to be a Force Friday type event for every new SW film from now

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Super Freak
Feb 14, 2008
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I went by TRU last night and saw a big poster on the window 12am Rogue One launch Sept 30

I can't believe it. Another merchandise event looks like

This must be Disney just going with these from now on
I went by TRU last night and saw a big poster on the window 12am Rogue One launch Sept 30

I can't believe it. Another merchandise event looks like

This must be Disney just going with these from now on

Yes all in the $$$$$$$$$$$$- however I bet this film doesn't do anywhere as big in box office or merchandising as TFA (which I think was a unique event that anticipation was at a zenith and the $$ it made shows)
As long as its profitable, I'm sure there will be Force Friday-type things.

My LCS is having a big event for it, where he's not only putting out all of the new toys, but he has several artists coming in who draw for comics, a big lot of vintage SW stuff for sale, and even a local collector bringing in original props and a copy of one of the daily films used during the filming of ESB to show. I'd actually love to attend and see the film especially, but work and all...

If only it was Sith Saturday instead of Force Friday. Oh well.
I hope so, if I gotta listen to people talk about dumb **** like Black Friday, people can listen to me hyping Force Friday. :lol
Appreciate all the responses guys, I thought I wasn't imagining it:wave

Here's the thing it really worth going to the stores again. Remember the lack of product that was collectible on Force Friday. Mostly an abundance of kids stuff was at the stores :lecture

All BS was very limited to a case or two per store. Maybe people that are the diehard collectors should just wait until the stores get the stocks of Rogue One figures gradually weeks later.

What does everybody think..I'm interested :dunno
I went to the night opening of TRU just before TPM opened up, waited in line, got caught up in the excitement, bought a lot of stuff. It was fun, but that was a long time ago. Now I'm content to let the dust settle before I even try to get anything I might be interested in. There will be plenty of stock later on.

I'm possibly interested in the BS Stormtrooper helmet, but I'll wait until it's easier to find, and I'll be able to check out a few online reviews to decide if it's something I really want, instead of just buying because I was caught up in the frenzy.
I went to the night opening of TRU just before TPM opened up, waited in line, got caught up in the excitement, bought a lot of stuff. It was fun, but that was a long time ago. Now I'm content to let the dust settle before I even try to get anything I might be interested in. There will be plenty of stock later on.

I agree......I enjoyed it back in the day. Why not provide newer generation the opportunity to enjoy the chaos. I find nothing wrong with it as long as folks enjoy it.
I agree......I enjoyed it back in the day. Why not provide newer generation the opportunity to enjoy the chaos. I find nothing wrong with it as long as folks enjoy it.

Oh, I agree completely. If people enjoy going, and as long as it's profitable for stores, I figure it will be around for a while. When I did attend, there were even several kids there with their parents, and they really enjoyed the excitement. And I'm glad to report that there were none of the horror stories that seem to crop up every once in a while about some collector competing with little kids for figures. If I recall correctly, everybody let the kids go first before we even got started.
The answer is yes. Every single one will have a "midnight madness" event. We will keep showing up and plopping down cash.
But why is it so far before the film?
Surely it should be like a couple of days before the film.
But why is it so far before the film?
Surely it should be like a couple of days before the film.
For the prequels all the merchandise was available about a month before the film was released.

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For the prequels all the merchandise was available about a month before the film was released.

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Closer to two months. I was working in Walmart's toy department when Revenge of the Sith came out. It was nuts when we released that stuff. And all sorts of incidents happened before and after that. For example, when me and the other regular toy guy were off, someone put out episode 3 puzzles and of course people went ape***** when it wouldn't scan or if it did, several managers were alerted. Then there was the fact that my friend and I intended to bust open some cases and get ones for ourself which we couldn't do cause those pallets were kept further in the back than normal. And then the night we put them out....madness. I even got a little nuts. I stole an emperor palpatine from some ladies cart when she wasn't looking lol.
But why is it so far before the film?
Surely it should be like a couple of days before the film.

Last year it was a legit 3.5 months before TFA's release. That was absurd and way too far in advance though. All the momentum was lost by the end of September.

I agree, it should be within a month of the release date, maybe 2 months at most.
Last year it was a legit 3.5 months before TFA's release. That was absurd and way too far in advance though. All the momentum was lost by the end of September.

I agree, it should be within a month of the release date, maybe 2 months at most.

Even that is too far. I remember aotc and the spoliertastic jango and anakin figures.
Go online guys or save your gas for tomorrow. I checked with all my hunting grounds today, only TRUs are doing midnight

I did see target putting up the displays but they said tomorrow at normal hours. Disney store is opening early though