Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Premium Format

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Hate to interrupt this debate :), but thought I'd share a few better shots than the ones I posted earlier:






Great pics. I just got mine, I'm very pleased with it overall.

I might dirty up the shirt and pants a bit though, and that machete blade could do with some chrome spray instead of that dull silver paint, it also needs a new mfisher holster but other than that, it's awesome!!!
Nice pics! Thanks for sharing.

My TOD Indy PF is on Flexpay and will only be in-hand in Feb 2011. At least I still get to enjoy these awesome pics you guys posted. The more I look at these pics, the more I am loving this Indy PF.
Always might be a strong word but I can personally say for myself that every single sideshow figure I've ever owned even the recent ones that they have jakked the prices on have never been impressive to me or left me without wanting a repaint. Maybe others disagree but they might just have lower standards overall.

They simply don't have the means, budget, technology, desire or whathaveyou to improve. Or at least watch the quality control on their substandard paint jobs. At quarter scale there is no excuse for sloppiness.

Anyways im sure there will be a PF or two I might be intrigud with in the future but generally speaking unless sideshow starts to wow me there's lots of places I'd rather put 300 bucks .
Hopefully since they're requiring non-refundable deposits with their PFs now, they'll have a little more quality control. If they don't, they should.
I won't be getting mine to next month. I agree that Josh's original proto paint was freaking fantastic but from the pictures the production paint looks pretty good.
Raymond Ferraro - In all due respect - what do you expect for $300? It really isn't all that much if you think about it. All the people involved need a cut and I bet the painters aren't the ones who make the most bucks at the end of the day. I don't even think they earn $20 a pop.

Admittedly I don't know how long it takes to paint one PF, but if SS got every figure painted to the standards you apparently expect, they couldn't find artists who were willing to do that without wanting a fat paycheck at the end of the day. Would you pay $1000 or more for a more nicely painted figure?

The Dark ROTLA Indy aside, IMO the paintjobs are really good for the price.
i havent had a premium format statue before but have had this on order since early august AND i am receving Mola tomorrow ... i am glad the feedback about the extra hand got to them but doubt the paint apps will as they are painted a few thousand miles away from the US ( this is where hot toys has the upper hand as they have the painters in tiger cages next to the factory *) Maybe sideshow will start selling these in grey and do a paint by numbers pack .

* this is what is known as a joke and i mean no offence hehe
when will someone post a review on youtube PLEASE!!! Everyones photos are great but would be really greatfull of a video , Bazza -Scotland
Mattman-Those are great pics. Love them

Always might be a strong word but I can personally say for myself that every single sideshow figure I've ever owned even the recent ones that they have jakked the prices on have never been impressive to me or left me without wanting a repaint. Maybe others disagree but they might just have lower standards overall.

More than might. :lol You just said it for yourself. That doesn't mean always nor does it mean others have lower standards. As far as not wanting to improve again I find that totally off the mark.

That all being said. Enough from me on this issue.
when will someone post a review on youtube PLEASE!!! Everyones photos are great but would be really greatfull of a video , Bazza -Scotland

Video is for amateurs who can't capture the material in a still. :lecture

Just received mine and opened it about 10 minutes ago. I'm happy with it. Is it as nice as Josh's paint? No. But I'll rank it up there with Jack Sparrow and Gandalf.

As for the suggestion by someone that Sideshow's quality shows no signs of improvement, well ... I have no idea where that comes from. Place a Jedi Luke PF next to a Farmboy Luke PF, then compare the fabric, the sculpting, the paint, and everything else. It's clear that they keep raising the bar.

Not that PFs in general are not without flaw. But I have to point out that most of those flaws come from the factory they've contracted with, not Sideshow themselves.
Video is for amateurs who can't capture the material in a still. :lecture

Just received mine and opened it about 10 minutes ago. I'm happy with it. Is it as nice as Josh's paint? No. But I'll rank it up there with Jack Sparrow and Gandalf.

As for the suggestion by someone that Sideshow's quality shows no signs of improvement, well ... I have no idea where that comes from. Place a Jedi Luke PF next to a Farmboy Luke PF, then compare the fabric, the sculpting, the paint, and everything else. It's clear that they keep raising the bar.

Not that PFs in general are not without flaw. But I have to point out that most of those flaws come from the factory they've contracted with, not Sideshow themselves.

Great quote. Uh, pics? :wave
As for the suggestion by someone that Sideshow's quality shows no signs of improvement, well ... I have no idea where that comes from.

Not that PFs in general are not without flaw. But I have to point out that most of those flaws come from the factory they've contracted with, not Sideshow themselves.

i also agree that it's not fair to say ss has not shown signs of improvement, or that they don't listen to customer feedback. the inclusion of the t.o.d switch-out hand is proof enough.

but whatever flaws that come from the factory ss is contracted to IS and ALWAYS should be the responsibility (and fault) of sideshow's, if something goes wrong. in fact, that is the entire crux of the problem with ss---poor quality control. they use factories in china, as does hot toys. yet ht enforces a very stringent and exacting QC standard, so their paint app output is regularly top-notch.

c'mon ss. get your QC act together. u CAN do it.
I did that already. I never cared for your proto paint job. :dunno
You're welcome. :)

No actually you didn't because it was never shown. Nice try though. The proto paint that was in Sideshows original pics wasn't my work. However if you would like to see what it was suppose to look like visit my blog. :wave
I'm usually more critical of Sideshow than anyone I know. I saw this PF in-person today and it's easily the best thing they've ever done (within the same price-range). One of the few SS items that is worthy of "box-to-shelf" displaying.

Don't let the complaints sway you from ordering. I don't really have the $ to spend, but seeing it first-hand drove me to order one. It's good enough to drastically "date" the Raiders and KoTC pieces.
I'm usually more critical of Sideshow than anyone I know. I saw this PF in-person today and it's easily the best thing they've ever done (within the same price-range). One of the few SS items that is worthy of "box-to-shelf" displaying.

Don't let the complaints sway you from ordering. I don't really have the $ to spend, but seeing it first-hand drove me to order one. It's good enough to drastically "date" the Raiders and KoTC pieces.

Thanks for that RJ, all the negativity in here was starting to get me down about this piece. Bring on Christmas so I can unbox this bad boy! :rock