In what order do you rate the Indiana Jones Movies

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I post in others occasionally, don't have much time to be on the board most of the time due to work and such.
I not only have no problem with the Fridge sequence, I actually love it. Still. People who use that as their touchstone for bagging on KOTCS are way off, imho. It's the portion of the film from the Russian jungle camp to the arrival at Akator that includes most of the movie's cringe moments. I still like it a lot up to that point. The Area 51, Doomtown, FBI interrogation scene, and Marshall College stuff is good. And Harrison and Shia even have some good chemistry there. But it is all more TLC than RAIDERS or TOD.
Sorry I love Crusade and Raiders, but Crusade is more fun to me. (While Raiders might be the better movie)
Last Crusade

What? there was a fourth one?? Cuz all I remember was something Speilberg tried to pass off as an Indy film back in 2008 with some no talent having screaming kid that literally destroys films.
I not only have no problem with the Fridge sequence, I actually love it. Still. People who use that as their touchstone for bagging on KOTCS are way off, imho. It's the portion of the film from the Russian jungle camp to the arrival at Akator that includes most of the movie's cringe moments. I still like it a lot up to that point. The Area 51, Doomtown, FBI interrogation scene, and Marshall College stuff is good. And Harrison and Shia even have some good chemistry there. But it is all more TLC than RAIDERS or TOD.

I enjoy the film from the jungle camp and onward, but I think it'd be quite a bit better by deleting the bits with Mutt being struck by the tall vines and either improving Oxley or deleting him entirely. He was a pretty useless character in the long run.
I think the Oxley character feels off because he was originally going to be Abner Ravenwood (who had faked his own death years earlier to go into hiding from all of these government agencies). But then Lucas & Spielberg decided against that idea so that character basically became re-worked into Harold Oxley at the 11th hour.
My head is about to explode. This back and forth about Kingdom. The whole thing about this movie is migraine inducing to say the least.

Maybe I'm officially old now,.....but I know that Kingdom is a terrible movie for more reasons than just the crappy writing,....the concept itself and the soul of the script never felt tangible or alive. This production felt like a 'movie' for movie's sake.

The original trilogy was an integral part of my childhood as was Harrison Ford. Kingdom was a straight assault and blasphemy of those beloved memories.
I think the Oxley character feels off because he was originally going to be Abner Ravenwood (who had faked his own death years earlier to go into hiding from all of these government agencies). But then Lucas & Spielberg decided against that idea so that character basically became re-worked into Harold Oxley at the 11th hour.

It probably would've been best to axe the character entirely, IMO. I think the time to have introduced him anyway would've been during a 1930s/40s-era Indy film, by the KOTCS timeframe I think they missed that chance.
Here's my ranking of the Indy movies. Harrison Ford became my favorite actor after Star Wars, and I have a special place for him in my heart to this day. I know that Tom Selleck was originally cast as Indy, but couldn't get out of his contract with the "Magnum, P.I." TV series. As much as I like him, I could never see anyone else other than Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. My favorite character that Harrison has played.

1.) Raiders Of The Lost Ark - It still holds up to this day as one of the best movies EVER made in my humble opinion. I could go on and on about why Raiders is so GREAT. But I know most all of us agree why it is. Why we love it.

2.) Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - This "prequel" to Raiders tends to get the short end of the stick so to speak. Yes, it was much darker in tone to Raiders, and the whole Mola Ram pulling the guy's heart out spurned the new PG-13 rating. But it was still a solid movie. A great script, cutting edge (for its time) special effects, worthy "McGuffin" artifacts Indy was after, and a great supporting cast, and locations.

3.) Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - This movie was just flat out fun! The addition of another one of my favorite actors, Sean Connery, as Indy's Dad was a HUGE deal to me. River Phoenix had a memorable performance as young Indy. I thought the pursuit of the Holy Grail cup was a worthy "McGuffin" for Indy to go after. I agree with others on here who have said in the end the relationship between Indy and his Dad was more important than the Grail itself. Their relationship grew stronger as the movie progressed. Marcus Brody and Sallah added some fun comedy relief to the story too. Back then I never saw it coming that Elsa would betray the Jones boys. Overall I was very happy with TLC.

4.) Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Disappointing. That's one word to sum up this movie. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to see Harrison Ford back as Indy. If and when he ever does another Indy movie, I'll be happy to see him in the role. But this movie with it's non-religious "McGuffin" that Indy and the Russians was after was very weak. An alien skull that could control minds? I didn't like the alien element to the story. I felt that the Oxley character SHOULD have been Abner Ravenwood. It would have been great to finally see Abner reunited with Marion and Indy. John Hurt is an outstanding actor, and he would have been great in my opinion as Abner Ravenwood. I had no problem with Shai Lebeouf as Indy and Marion's son. Yeah, the "Tarzan vine swing" with the monkeys was silly. But overall I felt he did fine in the movie. I really enjoyed the ending where Marion and Indy finally got married. I thought that was a nice touch showing that.
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I liked the use of the skull in KOTCS, I thought it was something unique and different. Though I do understand why some might find it out of place.
I always have had a fascination with alien life and UFOs, so I'm sure that plays a part in me liking it :D
The problem with KOTCS isn't the premise. Its how Overacted, outlandish and unbelievable the entire thing comes off. At no point do you 'buy into' what is happening on screen. I just caught this about halfway through on tv a few weeks ago (yea the absolute worst part of the movie to come into) and my mind was blown all over again at how bad it was.

Also, two more things that bugged me on a further viewing, its obvious the place is falling apart, he has more than he can carry already, why the hell is he lingering?

Also, Indy standing up as everything is swirling around and chunks of debris look like they are within inches of taking his head off but he never flinches may be one of the worst on screen effects of ANY Indy movie I have ever seen! And thats from a movie with giant ants, rubber snake rope and tarzan swing!

I have a hard time picking out a favorite from the first three, but LC comes off as the most complete movie from a story telling aspect, and so perfectly gets the characters, that I could never ask for more than what that movie delivered.
I don't think it's perfect, and the ending still makes me roll my eyes a little when I see it. Even by the standards of the series the ending is pretty outlandish.
I just watched all four Indy movies this past Saturday. What a great day! I'd never marathoned them before. What I've noticed is the drop in quality immediately in ToD from RotLA. I love ToD and have never understood the hate it gets. Until this last viewing that is. The over the top action, the slapstick comedy, the bumbling sidekick(s), and the emphasis on special effects over actual stunts really were a bit jarring to me. I understand the hate it gets and that isn't even factoring in the story or supposedly dark nature! However, it baffles me that LC gets praised so highly. It continued with all the mistakes ToD made and actually amplified them. It has some over the top action, has even more slapstick, turned returning characters into bumbling sidekicks, and many of the special effects don't hold up as well as they did in ToD. And then KotCS comes along. The first half is great. Wonderful. Amazing. But low and behold, look at what plagues the second half! Over the top action. Slapstick comedy and one liners. Bumbling sidekicks. And the CGI and digital format just make it stick out like a sore thumb. That all said? I love them all. I like how different and unique each one is from the last.

1) RotLA - 10/10
2) ToD - 9.5/10
4) LC - 8.5/10
4) KotCS - 8/10

Previously, I'd have rated KotCS lower as a 6 or 7. But seeing all the crazy antics and flaws in ToD and LC this viewing, I realized those weren't as perfect as I remembered them being. Did it hurt my enjoyment of them? Nope. It just made me a bit less cynical when watching KotCS. I have a feeling that my kids will watch all four and not have a problem with any of them the way we older fans do while waiting for sequels to things from our childhoods. I'm eager to take possession of the Hasbro Indy figures from 2008 that I have in storage at my parents' house. I had no real desire to display them but the vintage RotLA collection isn't enough. I need a Shorty, Henry Sr., and yes even a Mutt Williams on display now.
I'm eager to take possession of the Hasbro Indy figures from 2008 that I have in storage at my parents' house. I had no real desire to display them but the vintage RotLA collection isn't enough. I need a Shorty, Henry Sr., and yes even a Mutt Williams on display now.

That reminds me of how much I regret not getting more of those when they were out. I only own the ROTLA and KOTCS Indy figures they made.
I think the Oxley character feels off because he was originally going to be Abner Ravenwood (who had faked his own death years earlier to go into hiding from all of these government agencies). But then Lucas & Spielberg decided against that idea so that character basically became re-worked into Harold Oxley at the 11th hour.

Is that confirmed, though. Or was it just fan speculation? Oxley is even in the Frank Darabont draft, so I wouldn't say exactly "11th hour".

The real problem with Oxley is that his existence removed any agency from Indiana Jones. He's the main character, he should be driving the action.

Instead, throughout most of the movie, he's just retracing Oxley's steps.

"ooh, I think Oxley did this. Oxley figured this out. We're hot on the trail of Oxley!"
