HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

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Batman sucks. ;) All kidding aside I miss the days of yore when figures were $90-$125, when HT blew everyone away (now everyone has entitlement/spoiled brat mentality) with every release, when they made awesome military figures, when SSC was good enough (there paint apps have come a long way), Pix was a MOD, etc. It was a simpler time, now it seems we've peaked as a hobby and I think the bubble on 1/6th scale is about to burst. This thread is a great example of what’s wrong with the hobby.
Wow. This thread is like a broken record, isn't it? Are people still complaining that they were able to order their figure from Sideshow? Can't the mods give an infraction to the same group of people that have been doing that constantly since PPO day?
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Wow. This thread is like a broken record, isn't it? Are people still complaining that they were able to order their figure from Sideshow? Can't the mods give an infraction to the same group of people that have been doing that constantly since PPO day?

See the little read and white triangle with the "!" in it? Click that on the left of their post and report them for "trolling" when they do it again.
Batman sucks. ;) All kidding aside I miss the days of yore when figures were $90-$125, when HT blew everyone away (now everyone has entitlement/spoiled brat mentality) with every release, when they made awesome military figures, when SSC was good enough (there paint apps have come a long way), Pix was a MOD, etc. It was a simpler time, now it seems we've peaked as a hobby and I think the bubble on 1/6th scale is about to burst. This thread is a great example of what’s wrong with the hobby.

I blame Photoshop.
Batman sucks. ;) All kidding aside I miss the days of yore when figures were $90-$125, when HT blew everyone away (now everyone has entitlement/spoiled brat mentality) with every release, when they made awesome military figures, when SSC was good enough (there paint apps have come a long way), Pix was a MOD, etc. It was a simpler time, now it seems we've peaked as a hobby and I think the bubble on 1/6th scale is about to burst. This thread is a great example of what’s wrong with the hobby.

Do you understand the definition of "limited edition?" And Sideshow never said they weren't limited. They said there'd be enough to go around. Stop twisting things to feed your anti-SSC ranting. At this point, it's trolling.

You're complaining. You've been doing it all week long. The only thing that will make this PPO better is lining up the overhypers here and giving them all a good solid backhand, treating them like the hysterical _____es they're acting like, each day, every day, and even PPO day. And I'm calling BS on your "erroneous confirmation with errors" statement. It's automated. I don't see people getting order confirmations with errors in them unless they, themselves ____ed up when entering their account info.

You have to constantly defend SSC's. Do they give you free stuff? Seriously, if you still don't get the point, you never will. You are hell bent on just accusing me of stuff and acting immature. What is your definition of limited edition and if these are limited then aren't ALL SSC's limited i.e....their ES?

No, not really. I made a comment and you went on the personal attack, with several of your cronies. People were on here talking about the email errors, but of course you couldn't be bothered to pay attention to that as I am sure there was a post to misinterpret and them flame.
No one is complaining. People are bringing up things that could be changed for the better for the next PPO. Companies usually like to hear where they can improve and #1 is a better network infrastructure to handle the streamline ordering without crashing, not loading, and sending out erroneous confirmations with errors.

I don’t' get it dude, why put all that energy into being upset, either buy it or don't. There is no smoke and mirrors, everything is transparent. :huh

I blame Photoshop.



I thought you'd like that. :wave
I have to constantly attack SSC's. Do they give me free stuff? Seriously, if I still don't get the point, I never will. I am hell bent on just attacking SSC and acting immature. What is my definition of limited edition and if these are limited then aren't ALL SSC's limited i.e....their ES?

Limited is in reference, again, to distribution rights. Not ES. HT has never attached an ES to ANYTHING. Ever. Period.
Limited is in reference, again, to distribution rights. Not ES. HT has never attached an ES to ANYTHING. Ever. Period.

Thanks and it wasn't so hard to provide some helpful information to those of us that haven't been on here for years.
You have to constantly defend SSC's. Do they give you free stuff? Seriously, if you still don't get the point, you never will. You are hell bent on just accusing me of stuff and acting immature. What is your definition of limited edition and if these are limited then aren't ALL SSC's limited i.e....their ES?

I'm not the one acting immature and blaming SSC because I was incapable of reading what the PPO meant and took it at "face value." That's serious entitlement crap. Monday you were ranting about Sideshow devaluing the figure by releasing so many - which was inaccurate. Yesterday you were ranting that they created the hype over the figure - which was also inaccurate. And surprise, surprise, another day, another ____ing rant to _____ about, them stating it wasn't a limited edition - which IS inaccurate. If they're still making these things next year, feel free to call it otherwise, but given this was a do-and-done run, if it's 1k, 5k, 25k, it's still a limited edition. :cuckoo:

No, not really. I made a comment and you went on the personal attack, with several of your cronies. People were on here talking about the email errors, but of course you couldn't be bothered to pay attention to that as I am sure there was a post to misinterpret and them flame.

What email errors. I haven't read anybody talking about email errors other than you pulling this out of your ass today. Quote one and show me. I don't think you can. Nobody's _____ed about inaccurate confirmation emails. Again, the system's automated so if the info was inaccurate, the idiot ordering it entered the wrong info.

As for "cronies" remark, which they should report you for namecalling... My grandfather used to have a saying. "If everybody around you seem like an ___hole, maybe it's not them."
Thanks and it wasn't so hard to provide some helpful information to those of us that haven't been on here for years.

This has been said again and again for weeks. You just glossed over it like you did with the SSC newsletter. Taking things at face value again eh? :slap

I just wanted to say this was never considered by HT or SSC as Limited Edition. It was a 2011 Toy Fairs Exclusive. Meaning it was going to be available at the 2011 Toy Fairs but then also SSC was going to carry it as well. They never said this was limited to 500, 1000, 10,000 copies. I always just thought EXCLUSIVE meant that it will be available for a certain amount of time. To me it was the people "on this site" that started labeling this as Limited Edition. It never was LE. Just look at the promo photo. It says only 2011 TOY FAIRS EXCLUSIVE. Thats all it says. Then people interpreted it as LE.

I just wanted to say this was never considered by HT or SSC as Limited Edition. It was a 2011 Toy Fairs Exclusive. Meaning it was going to be available at the 2011 Toy Fairs but then also SSC was going to carry it as well. They never said this was limited to 500, 1000, 10,000 copies. I always just thought EXCLUSIVE meant that it will be available for a certain amount of time. To me it was the people "on this site" that started labeling this as Limited Edition. It never was LE. Just look at the promo photo. It says only 2011 TOY FAIRS EXCLUSIVE. Thats all it says. Then people interpreted it as LE.


Well, ToyHunter did have a sign out infront of the store saying they would only be carrying 800 of them and 800 of the Shadow Predator, and HT did state that there would be an allotment of 800 per toy show. But for the record, Sideshow never stated anything about the edition size.
Nam, I'd seriously cut it out with the accusations.

Ughhh, I can't stand by the sidelines anymore :gah:

Whomever you are, please go away if all you're going to do is complain.

Everyone here is being really nice to you by kindly giving you advise to just stop what you're doing, but you're being stubborn about it.

No one wants to hear it anymore, we get it already.

If you were just a child then I would understand your behavior, but unfortunately you're not so it's all rather annoying and sad really that you've allowed yourself to go this far with it.

By all means, please hang out and chat if you're going to stop with your perpetual rant, but if not can you please leave us in peace.

Thank You

I hope that you enjoy your Batman once you have him in hand, he looks awesome no matter what it took to get him or what he will be worth.

There, new beginning.

Go Batman!

Go Nolan!

Go Hot Toys!

Go Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines!
I'm not the one acting immature and blaming SSC because I was incapable of reading what the PPO meant and took it at "face value." That's serious entitlement crap. Monday you were ranting about Sideshow devaluing the figure by releasing so many - which was inaccurate. Yesterday you were ranting that they created the hype over the figure - which was also inaccurate. And surprise, surprise, another day, another ____ing rant to _____ about, them stating it wasn't a limited edition - which IS inaccurate. If they're still making these things next year, feel free to call it otherwise, but given this was a do-and-done run, if it's 1k, 5k, 25k, it's still a limited edition. :cuckoo:

What email errors. I haven't read anybody talking about email errors other than you pulling this out of your ass today. Quote one and show me. I don't think you can. Nobody's _____ed about inaccurate confirmation emails. Again, the system's automated so if the info was inaccurate, the idiot ordering it entered the wrong info.

As for "cronies" remark, which they should report you for namecalling... My grandfather used to have a saying. "If everybody around you seem like an ___hole, maybe it's not them."

Nice way of twisting things, Nam. You must have a pretty good job to be on here 24/7. Keep the insulting up. You haven't respectfully replied to any of my posts when I was asking questions, but you have no problem being an idiot, which I gather comes second nature to you. What exactly would cronies report me for? Asking questions, making comments like the 1,000's of other members on here. Just because you don't like them or they don't? Sorry I haven't been a member for years and this forum is not my life and social outlet. That I actually was looking for answers, like others, as to why this wasn't sold out if it was so crucial to have a PPO and set time to order it last week.
Ughhh, I can't stand by the sidelines anymore :gah:

Whomever you are, please go away if all you're going to do is complain.

Everyone here is being really nice to you by kindly giving you advise to just stop what you're doing, but you're being stubborn about it.

No one wants to hear it anymore, we get it already.

If you were just a child then I would understand your behavior, but unfortunately you're not so it's all rather annoying and sad really that you've allowed yourself to go this far with it.

By all means, please hang out and chat if you're going to stop with your perpetual rant, but if not can you please leave us in peace.

Thank You

I hope that you enjoy your Batman once you have him in hand, he looks awesome no matter what it took to get him or what he will be worth.

There, new beginning.

EVERYONE has been nice to me? Ha. There's more insulting posts directed at me. I asked questions in the beginning and people were not so nice. So please, don't jump on the Nam bandwagon and lower yourself to his level.
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