HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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Snagged these pics off EBay:







I'd say this makes it clear why the shoulder mount can't be removed, looks like a solid unit for the wiring to run through from the front of the mount into the back of the armor to the switch and battery compartment.

I'd say this makes it clear why the shoulder mount can't be removed, looks like a solid unit for the wiring to run through from the front of the mount into the back of the armor to the switch and battery compartment.


All the wiring (REAL wiring not the asthetic stuff) Batteries and Electronics are on the right side of the chest armor. So I don't follow how all that stuff on the right side could affect the cannon or the mount.

:confused: The wiring from the Bio!?

Yeah, like the Sideshow dio has. He unplugs the gun from his bio before removing it for the fight with Dutch. In the movie it links the sighting of the bio to the aiming of the gun, and I thought HT was running the wires through plugs in the canon the same way.

Yeah, like the Sideshow dio has. He unplugs the gun from his bio before removing it for the fight with Dutch. In the movie it links the sighting of the bio to the aiming of the gun, and I thought HT was running the wires through plugs in the canon the same way.


This is the only wiring attachment from the bio:
I got my notice today. so does this means next month we can expect these in the States????
Having had tiime to look over the figure now i must say ht did a great job on this one. The faults i can find with it are very minor to non existant. The base plate/diorama is one of the best ive seen with this type of figure. The tribal bone pieces attached look so cool on this figure.

The water effect on the plate really stands out and it has a 360 degree viweing angle so it doesn't just taper off at the back for the benefit of foward viewing. The tree log on the back of it is a very nice addition.

In terms of the figure the legs look fine imo don't think they look small at all. Its just if you pose them too wide apart which is required to place them on the base plate they can appear thin. The paint app on the face and the glossing make the colors really stand out.

The very fact that he comes pre assembled takes the whole worry of ripping a part or damaging the netting etc away and makes it a total joy to unpack and set up. The worry of setting up preds like wolf is a thing of the past it would seem.

The only possible issues i could see would be the led light in the helmet and maybe the medical kit not being as detailed as in the proto/packaging photos but they are non issues to me.

In terms of the helmet led, If you pull it too much on the wire connected to the helmet in the wrong direction i'd say its possible to easily break it. The hair kind of gets in the way of the input jack to the led lead so just be careful of this i guess. Other then its just a beautiful piece, the best predator yet, bar the elder predator from p2 and the wolf predator.

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WOOOT !!! got notice from SIDESHOW !!
15-50 days !!

I am so pumped to get this bad boy !
I got an EX on order.

cant wait to do the video showcase.
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Anyone know if the batteries used in this figure can start to leak in time and damage the figure?
Anyone know if the batteries used in this figure can start to leak in time and damage the figure?
i think it's the same as the batteries that come with the endo and mine haven't leaked yet.

still, probably better to be safe and take them out when you're not playing with it.
that's what SHE said.
Im sure its been asked before but does the Ex version Pred come with the reg light up version helm in addition to the Ex. battle damage helm?
Seems logical.