How the hell do you decide what to buy?

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With all the good stuff coming out from both Sideshow & GG, its becoming so difficult to decide what to buy! I just tend to stick to my favourite characters - and buy mostly from the sideshow 12" line and the GG mini bust line. I would love to get more of the PF figures but I just don't have the space!
Currently I buy solely 12" from SS simply due to $$$. I'd love to get involved in the PF's but they're just too expensive. Of course as I was a completist with SW in the 3 3/4" format (Hasbro) when ROTS came out (I had to choose one of the PT and the last one to me looked like the best to go for) but when the three Stooges were announced--- excuse me---- Endor Troopers for the price that was being asked my completistsitis was cured!!! (Also after completely embracing the SS 12" line I no longer look or purchase Hasbro-- except the odd one or two of a favorite character--- the new super-articulated Mace for example or MacQuarrie's concept Stormtrooper).

I own every Bond of the 12" line. Every LOTR (that's only three at the moment--- but still) and every SW that's out... I'll continue to support all three of those lines-- but I'm starting to examine them with a fresh perspective.

Jabba and his throne rock and I can't imagine a 12" SW collection without him. The Endor Troopers--- not so much. Buy what you like--- leave off what you don't like.

Collect for fun--- not for profit.
I had to set up rules for myself.

For SS 12", the main part of my collection, I limit myself to one version of a character. (That's going to be hard when Luke X-Wing pilot goes on sale.)

For other lines, such as the GG minibusts, I only buy them if they're ones I can't live without, such as Chewie and Mara Jade. If they're at all mediocre, like Qui-Gon, I pass.

For other higher-priced lines, such as the GG animated statues, I only allow myself one purchase from the line. (I went with Leia & R2.) Only one LE saber from MR, even though I want a bunch of them.

And I collect one character, Obi-Wan, meaning all bets are off and the rules don't apply. I can pretty much get anything for that character. Multiple 12", PF, minibusts, nesting dolls, Galactic Heroes.

It's tough, since I have to pass on so many great items, like the animated Boba statue, the SS 12" Boushh and a bunch of other things, but there's only so much money and display space for this stuff.
My rules:

1. GG mini-busts (OT only) this is where I got back into SW collecting, and since the intro of the 12" line I've only bought a couple.
2. 12" Sideshow - Almost Everything! (I've only skipped the Endor Troopers and Plo) The only way I'll skip one is if its a fringer I have no feelings about.
3. Vader & Ben PFs and thats it, to be honest I'm suprised my wife let me keep them :)
4. Dios look great but it will depend on size and price for me, the Obi/Ani duel is just to expensive and considering I already have 2 Obi/Ani battles going on in my office (12" & PF) I don't need a third. Now if some of the smaller less expensive dios are from a great scene I might pick one up. The CIV exclusive may be my first in the line if its priced and sized right.

Other then that, the only rule that really matters is, I buy what my wife lets me. "Except for Jabba, that was a secret untill it was displayed in my office" :lol ;)
RogueJedi30 said:
the only rule that really matters is, I buy what my wife lets me. "Except for Jabba, that was a secret untill it was displayed in my office" :lol ;)

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

RogueJedi30 said:
Other then that, the only rule that really matters is, I buy what my wife lets me.

It does always boil down to that.

My lone exception was the Obi-Wan PF, and fortunately she liked it, and I spent much less than she guessed.
DarthNeil said:
Collect for fun--- not for profit.

I always wonder when I read these types of statements in threads that usually are detailing people's difficulties in affording their collections. I am not trying to pick at you DN, but it does truly strike me as ironic.
LOTRFan said:
I always wonder when I read these types of statements in threads that usually are detailing people's difficulties in affording their collections. I am not trying to pick at you DN, but it does truly strike me as ironic.

I'm simply saying buy what you want (and can afford to)--- don't be one of these people who buy what they think will be worth something (or to flip it). My collection is made up of many things that I enjoy having-- and I'm not a millionaire... I buy when I have money and when I don't I cross my fingers that the item will still be around/available when I do have funds... Buy within your means--- I collect the 12" line... But only the ones I want and CAN afford.

Budget---- enjoy collecting. Not soo hard.
Khev said:
Profiting is fun. :monkey3 :D

Agreed. My point earlier was that collecting doesn't have to be so taxing. Buying for investment is part of just about everything we do in life, and so if I can profit by collecting things that are rare and valuable I will. Their is no elite path here, I can and have turned many a profit on items that have allowed me to fund other purchases.
Profiting while collecting is just part of the game. Like it or not. However, that is not the reason to collect IMO.
For me I consider what I really want out of a certain line.

With StarWars I decided early on that 1) I wanted the complete ROTS Jedi Counsil. 2) I want, as my main centerpiece/attention grabber to be the final duel from ROTJ. 3) I want a representation of all the core characters from each film.

This has helped as it 1) helped me define which secondary characters I want and which ones I don't. 2) Cancel Jabba and all other future huuuuuuge sets that are not set in the Emperor's chambers in ROTJ. 3) Given clarity as to which figures I really want.

But I also give myself some wiggle room as with Asajj. I just like her character too much to pass her buy.
Polystone only (as befitting my user ID)!

Which is why I cancelled Fett!

(Just kidding. I wouldn't have cancelled Fett if I could have afforded both the Ironman LS Exclusive Bust and Exclusive Fett. But thought it might be easier to get Fett from secondary sources later, a couple of months down the line when I have a bit more money).

Although, in SW I only have the Leia PF. I only buy the PFs if I think the likeness and pose are perfect, since they are so much. Sold off Luke and Han PFs because the likenesses bugged me, just a little too off. Returned Vader and Obi PFs because I thought Vader's pose was too placid. I want something more menacing. Obi's was great, but since I wasn't keeping Vader decided to return Obi. I might buy that one back later...

I'll look into the diorama's also, which satisfies my need for a wider variety of characters. Don't have to buy the 12" inchers.

So having a small collection doesn't bother me, I'd rather have a small and perfect collection, than a wide one of varying quality.
I just buy what I like.... and if payment time comes and I can't afford it... I lose it altogether. Mainly for me it comes down to space and how much I like it. If it's something super special to me, I'll fight tooth and nail to have it on the shelf... but if not... I do what has to be done and cancel.

Some I have to just gaze from afar and know that I will never have it.... Hulk PF, Capt America PF, Doom PF, Predator Maquette...etc, etc...
I pretty much stick to the 1/6 line because of cost. I did get Jabba since he has always been a favorite. He is probably the closest thing to a PF I'll ever get. Other than that I stick to mostly OT stuff. I did get Anakin, Obi and ordered Plo Koon just because of the PT he is my favorite side Jedi character. Otherwise I stick to the main characters. I have a few lightsabers so I will definetly get the figures of their owner. i.e. Vader, Old Ben, Bespin Luke and ROTJ Luke. Other than that some troopers of course. Hoth stuff will be a big one for me too. Space is also a big issue for me so I rotate my stuff every three months of so.
I just picked the lines I liked best and pretty much stick to those. Keeping it narrowed to my favorite lines keeps it easy.