How many prefer OT characters over PT characters?

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This thread is kind of crap if you ask me, i mean i'd say even fans that like the PT like the OT better, not to mention the people that don't even like the PT. Of course there are some exceptions but for the most part what I said is pretty much true.
Visually I like the PT more. There are more unique characters and ships. The OT is my favorite overall though. The characters are more developed and a much better story. Also, since I grew up with OT it will always be my prefered one. The PT just ruins the surprises of OT if you watch them in order now. I still tell people to watch the OT then go and watch the PT after.
Ok fine we can have those but then we must stop.

But...but what about the jedi from the Dark Horse comics? There's atleast 6 or 7 more they could do. :monkey3

I love the OT and the characters are like gods in my head, but the PT characters have something that they don't. I don't know what it is. The OT seems like someplace you could actually end up. The PT seems like a place out of a dream. Maybe just because technology in the galaxy had collapsed so utterly in the 20 years between them. I'm sure the sense of life from the PT collapsed too. Things in the OT seem a lot more homegrown, and that makes it seem more comparable to life on Earth. I can remember being a kid and being dumbstruck by how everything in the movie looked impossible. It doesn't now, but the PT does have that feeling to it.

I like the characters in the OT better, but I'm more attracted to PT figures. Especially jedi.
Bump cause i didn't want to start a new thread.(and this thread has history :)) And i felt like venting.

I pretty much disregard the prequels these days. I can't even watch any one of them all the way through. I just find them unwatchable. So yes, as far as collecting goes it will only be OT from here on out. The PT has some cool scenes, but i think i kinda lied to myself back in 99' i wanted to like it, but deep down i knew...I knew it sucked, and i didn't want to admit it. Now i think i am FINALLY ready to admit to myself that i didn't care for them save a few cool scenes here and there. (and i don't look down on anyone that likes or loves the PT. But i do look down on myself for lying to myself in the past about them...but i'm recovering now :)) So i hope SS makes that Luke X-wing!!!! :)

Still like me some good EU though.

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So...what sparked the sudden revelation and the need to vent? :lol

Watching AOTC/TPM with my daughter. :)

It finally just hit me, i can't stand them anymore. (well it's been 'hitting' me for a while but i think that was my 'moment' with her the other day. I knew i just couldn't watch them anymore with any enjoyment)
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Well...on the bright side your daughter is getting into Star Wars. That's a good thing.
But...but what about the jedi from the Dark Horse comics? There's atleast 6 or 7 more they could do. :monkey3

I love the OT and the characters are like gods in my head, but the PT characters have something that they don't. I don't know what it is. The OT seems like someplace you could actually end up. The PT seems like a place out of a dream. Maybe just because technology in the galaxy had collapsed so utterly in the 20 years between them. I'm sure the sense of life from the PT collapsed too. Things in the OT seem a lot more homegrown, and that makes it seem more comparable to life on Earth. I can remember being a kid and being dumbstruck by how everything in the movie looked impossible. It doesn't now, but the PT does have that feeling to it.

I like the characters in the OT better, but I'm more attracted to PT figures. Especially jedi.

Cooler designs? :dunno

The OT's fine and dandy, but the PT was something I honestly thought would never happen. While it didn't happen the way I thought it would, nonetheless, it was still awesome to watch all that stuff we knew would happen come to light. I think any real Star Wars fan is doing a disservice to themselves to toss the blinders on, plug their ears and rock back 'n forth saying, "Only the OT for me!" Star Wars is much more than the stale 3 films we grew up with. It's a living breathing universe that continues expanding even today, with a fantastic animated series (that's canon BTW), novels, comics, and a soon to see the light of day live-action TV show. There's never been a better time to be a SW fan.
I did not like the prequels, but they do not bother me in any way.

What I hate beyond words are the "Special Edition" films that literally seek to steal part of my childhood from me. Lucas is so unbelievably arrogant that he has the nerve to attempt to suppress the original version of ANH in particular, the version that the American Congress elected to preserve as a cultural treasure.
I did not like the prequels, but they do not bother me in any way.

What I hate beyond words are the "Special Edition" films that literally seek to steal part of my childhood from me. Lucas is so unbelievably arrogant that he has the nerve to attempt to suppress the original version of ANH in particular, the version that the American Congress elected to preserve as a cultural treasure.

Yeah, I really don't get his seeming contempt for the originals. If he wants to make souped up versions of the OT with cgi that's fine, but release properly restored and presented versions of the original unaltered films as well. Don't just pretend like they never existed that way.
I did not like the prequels, but they do not bother me in any way.

What I hate beyond words are the "Special Edition" films that literally seek to steal part of my childhood from me. Lucas is so unbelievably arrogant that he has the nerve to attempt to suppress the original version of ANH in particular, the version that the American Congress elected to preserve as a cultural treasure.

Do you like people telling you how to dress, what to buy, and how to act? Star Wars is first and foremost, Lucas' movie. He created it, he owns it. If he wants to CG turds over the cast and release it, that's his right. Who are you call him arrogant for wanting to fix the movies he made so that they can look as he originally intended them to? I would say Lucas isn't the unbelievably arrogant one.
Star Puffs said:
Lucas is so unbelievably arrogant that he has the nerve to attempt to suppress the original version of ANH

I dont like the SE's either, but I don't think it's arrogance. I think it's a combination of insecurity over how the originals held up, and a desire to make the whole appear to be cohesive (both of which are probably two sides of the same coin).
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Cooler designs? :dunno

The OT's fine and dandy, but the PT was something I honestly thought would never happen. While it didn't happen the way I thought it would, nonetheless, it was still awesome to watch all that stuff we knew would happen come to light.

Yes. I never had expectations of how it would go down, and I have no real complaints with how it did. The imagery was and still is, amazing. The music is as well. The dialogue is superfluous, and it doesn't need to be anything else. The raw action tells the story just fine, and the story works great. There is nothing important that conflicts with the OT, and whereas it may have an occaissional inconsistency, there are no important plot holes. Sarcastic anuses making video reviews, notwithstanding.
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Yes. I never had expectations of how it would go down, and I have no real complaints with how it did. The imagery was and still is, amazing. The music is as well. The dialogue is superfluous, and it doesn't need to be anything else. The raw action tells the story just fine, and the story works great. There is nothing important that conflicts with the OT, and whereas it may have an occaissional inconsistency, there are no important plot holes. Sarcastic anuses making video reviews, notwithstanding.

:lol:rotfl:lol Exactly, some people act as if the OT didn't have it's own share of bad acting, atrocious dialogue and plot holes. :lol
Do you like people telling you how to dress, what to buy, and how to act? Star Wars is first and foremost, Lucas' movie. He created it, he owns it. If he wants to CG turds over the cast and release it, that's his right. Who are you call him arrogant for wanting to fix the movies he made so that they can look as he originally intended them to? I would say Lucas isn't the unbelievably arrogant one.

Well, if you bothered to quote the rest of my paragraph I noted that the U.S. Congress has elected to preserve A New Hope as a cultural landmark. The version they voted on and chose to spend taxpayer money to preserve is the original 1977 version. If in a democratic society, that is not proof positive that this or any film is not solely the pet property of the director to destroy (or "fix") at his whim, then I do not know what is. (I need to see if the British Parliament has done something similar.)

Besides, what was I thinking that Lucas might show some basic respect for the fans that have made him a multi-millionaire and whom he has been willing to profit from in every conceivable fashion. It involves basic ethics, foremost recognising and respecting the feelings of other people. Me calling a man "arrogant" who shows such wilful disregard for his fanbase is an understatement if anything.

Nah, I don't choose to live my life as a narrowminded OT Elitist, but thanks for playing. :lol

Well, if you bothered to quote the rest of my paragraph I noted that the U.S. Congress has elected to preserve A New Hope as a cultural landmark. The version they voted on and chose to spend taxpayer money to preserve is the original 1977 version. If in a democratic society, that is not proof positive that this or any film is not solely the pet property of the director to destroy (or "fix") at his whim, then I do not know what is. (I need to see if the British Parliament has done something similar.)

Besides, what was I thinking that Lucas might show some basic respect for the fans that have made him a multi-millionaire and whom he has been willing to profit from in every conceivable fashion. It involves basic ethics, foremost recognising and respecting the feelings of other people. Me calling a man "arrogant" who shows such wilful disregard for his fanbase is an understatement if anything.

Congress also was right there on the Iraqi war too. Just because Congress elects something doesn't mean ____. Blacks would still be considered property and you wouldn't have the right to even talk to a man this way. Congress initially elected that too. So I guess it's a good thing that even Congress changes things, right? Bottom line, it's still Lucas' to do with as he sees fit. The film belongs to Lucas, not you, not me, nobody else but him. That's it. Have a good cry and get over it. :rolleyes:

As for him showing respect, nobody put a gun to your head and made you go to the films or buy any of his merchandise. So that argument holds no water either. IMO, the very fact that he's branching out past the original sextet is him showing respect and carrying on the brilliant universe he invented. You know, the one he owns. :lol