How could Old Ben be so wrong?

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I think it was later stated that Han took the more dangerous short-cut on the kessel run, thats how he did it in less distance

When Obi-Wan said that Yoda instructed him, he was probably reffering to the teaching yoda did while Obi was a youngling.
I think there's a great deal Lucas had not yet decided while making "Star Wars". (NOT ANH or Ep. IV. That stuff was added later)

"Splinter of the Mind's Eye" was written as a lower budget sequel to Star Wars. It was a contingency plan if they couldn't get Harrison Ford to return for a sequel. The book makes it pretty clear there is an attraction between Luke and Leia, so the brother/sister thing clearly was decided much later.

I've always found it amazing it was printed since it's full of ideas that were later discarded. It really tips George's hand that there was any long term plan.

Interesting - I had no idea!

Yoda to Ben:
"Who is the guy next to me, I don't remember him being here 29 years ago.."
"Well... just look in the camera and smile"

Other guy
"Hi mom I can see you from here!"

OK, so here's how this all began: I woke up to begin yet another day and for some reason I hear Ben lines in my head. Each time he speaks from ANH, I hear myself say "You lie!". So this gets me aggravated. Thus, the thread.

Ah WG I think you're just letting it get to ya. Personally, I look at it as Ben just tells Luke what he needs to so he goes down the path of becoming a Jedi and helping destroy the Sith. Kind of one of those a little white lie wont hurt.
Ah WG I think you're just letting it get to ya. Personally, I look at it as Ben just tells Luke what he needs to so he goes down the path of becoming a Jedi and helping destroy the Sith. Kind of one of those a little white lie wont hurt.

Then Ben should have really lied to Luke:

"Luke, you have to come with me to Alderaan. There's a wealthy man there who is going to give you one hundred million dollars. We need to leave right away."
Then Ben should have really lied to Luke:

"Luke, you have to come with me to Alderaan. There's a wealthy man there who is going to give you one hundred million dollars. We need to leave right away."

Nah, you're more likely to get the kid to go the path you want when the lie is mixed with some kinds of truth. Even the smallest bits. Trust me it works.
Guys, guys, this point Luke was pretty young and weak minded. All Ben had to do was use the Jedi mind trick on him. "You will come to Alderran with me" End of story!
^^ i bet if Luke knew he'd lose his "Mr Happy" hand and discover his dad was a cyborg maniac, he'd have stayed for one more harvest.

I dunno. I got the impression if Obi had said, "look, do this and you'll get to kiss the only hot girl in the galaxy. She is your sister, but hey, it's either her or that prune Mon Mothma." he would've gone.
That's true. The Gay Porn industry would be dead without that fact....I kid....