Hot Toys- TRON: Legacy: 1/6th scale Kevin Flynn Collectible Figure

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There's other movies that cost that much and ended up making about the same amount and still got sequels. I think if it were just $300 million, it would be an issue.
I would think the arguments in previous posts about future figures and whether or not it is contingent on whether the movie made its money back is a apples and oranges argument. I bet with Predators they sold 20 percent of the tickets Tron:Legacy did and look how many Predators figures got made. I would think Hot Toys decision making for Tron is based solely on preorder numbers. As far as the film's profitably I have wondered if Disney's goal was mainly to establish a brand name. The fact that they dusted off an old film like tron and got the excitement they did I think is impressive. I just wonder is a fair comparison is when sony or microsoft release a new console and they lose money on it until they get it established and start making money on the software.
Predators was pretty different for Hot Toys. Those releases would have sold well if there had been NO movie. Pre-existing audience for anything Predator related. No risk there.

About your views on Disney & Tron, perhaps that is what Legacy will become (I certainly hope so, as I'm a Tron fan). But word is they hoped for another Avatar, which was never going to happen.
They missed out on the younger market, kids didn't go to see the movie and the toys failed. The majority of it's audience were teens and young adults as well as old time Tron freaks like us. Thats why the animated series is going ahead, I believe. To bring in the youth market, if thats a big hit, maybe we will see Tr3N sometime.
Predators was pretty different for Hot Toys. Those releases would have sold well if there had been NO movie. Pre-existing audience for anything Predator related. No risk there.

About your views on Disney & Tron, perhaps that is what Legacy will become (I certainly hope so, as I'm a Tron fan). But word is they hoped for another Avatar, which was never going to happen.
They missed out on the younger market, kids didn't go to see the movie and the toys failed. The majority of it's audience were teens and young adults as well as old time Tron freaks like us. Thats why the animated series is going ahead, I believe. To bring in the youth market, if thats a big hit, maybe we will see Tr3N sometime.

I agree Hot Toys could make purple Predators and they's probably sell, same with Terminator, the last movie didn't perform great but they moved a lot of product. I'm curious how their Sucker Punch stuff does because if it did halfway decent, it would show a major gap between box office mainstream success and what the high end 1/6th scale collector wants to buy.

I think Disney's mistake with Tron was something like Tron: Uprising should have come out first. Kids I know that saw Tron really loved it but it was because they had parents that were Tron fans take them to see it. The price of a 3D ticket makes a lot of parents really think twice about whether its something they want to fork over the cash for. And if its not some thing a kid is chomping at the bit to see the parents aren't going to take them to see it. I think now that the movie is in homes it will be interesting to see how it takes off with kids.
It did seem to get Avatar comparisons but I think the success of Avatar is like catching lightening in a bottle. Hopefully Tron as a franchise now has a sturdy foundation Disney can build on.
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Yeah, I agree. I watched it last night on a 3D TV, the lightcycle sequence is just amazing once the daft punk score gets going.
Pity there wasn't more of that type of action sequence in the movie. But it looks pretty fantastic in HD at home. So hopefully the sales will be massive.
Honestly, I think the major problem was the story; it was too complex for a younger audience. Kids want to see whiz-bang fights and races, not long talking scenes about ISOs and miracles.

I enjoyed the hell out of it, but I've also been a Tron fan since opening day back in 1982. Even so, I can take a step back and realize that the story could have probably been dumbed down a bit to appeal to a wider audience.

I honestly can't understand why they didn't go with a viral infection storyline, like they did in Tron 2.0 Killer App and Tron Evolution. Straightforward, good guys versus bad guys.
Honestly, I think the major problem was the story.

Exectly but...

... it was too complex for a younger audience.

Script was written by a dumb adults for some modern children.
Seriously this is one of the most poorly written script from Disney by now.
I meen really, it's a great story with interestin characters and W0W lookin CGI and stuff... but it's so poorly shown, so little attention paid to obvious details.

I love this movie but not so... blindly...

Anyway don't take it too seriously. PEACE MAN :peace

So in your mind, a story involving spontaneously evolving electronic "miracle" lifeforms, the ISOs, and having triple-strand DNA that will allow them to cure all the ills in the real world, THAT'S not too complex for little kids to understand?

Or how about a computer program that goes effectively insane and commits genocide because of its drive for perfection - that's Saturday-morning cartoon stuff to you?

You didn't like the movie; that's fine. But I think the reality is that YOU didn't understand it, either.
So in your mind, a story involving spontaneously evolving electronic "miracle" lifeforms, the ISOs, and having triple-strand DNA that will allow them to cure all the ills in the real world, THAT'S not too complex for little kids to understand?

I didn't get any of that from the movie, so I could see that going over kids' heads.
So in your mind, a story involving spontaneously evolving electronic "miracle" lifeforms, the ISOs, and having triple-strand DNA that will allow them to cure all the ills in the real world, THAT'S not too complex for little kids to understand?
Well maybe it shouldnt be marketed to kids then. Disney seems to be targeting older audiences in alot of its other media, so whats wrong with this movie appealing mostly to teens and adults?
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Well maybe it shouldnt be marketed to kids then. Disney seems to be targeting older audiences in alot of its other media, so whats wrong with this movie appealing mostly to teens and adults?

Absolutely nothing. But someone should have probably told the marketing department that their target audience wasn't the under-12s.

As such, they marketed most of the promotions towards a very young audience and now they're surprised that the toys and Hallowe'en costumes didn't sell like gangbusters.

Tron isn't the kid-friendly license that, say, Pirates of the Caribbean is.
interesting conversation that should be had in the main thread...but, personally I think the movie was almost perfect mix of mythology, sci-fi, philosophy and action.

The only thing that really brought it down was the Zeus/Castor scenes, imo. Replace that with a better action scene, such as a jail break or ambush scene with a lot of disc throwing and it would have been better.

But I felt the complexity of the story was fairly perfect. Those that choose to analyse it have enough to begin their conversation and those that are too young weren't beat over the head with it.

The same could be said with the level of sophistication in TRON. I loved Tron as an 8 year old that didn't know anything about religion or philosophy and I love it as adult that has been through college courses of the stuff.
I do think as far as the critics go there were some really lazy reviews of the film.

Back to the topic at hand. I am so close to puling the trigger on this figure. I just wish I knew if we were getting a Sam without lightcycle, Clu or Quorra. If I knew we were getting at least one more the decision would be easier. I just think the Kevin Flynn would look weird to display if he was just by himself. It would just seem like something was missing.
I never saw the original Tron but did anybody think that Alan Bradley was played by Rutger Hauer? I could have sworn that was him but it's Bruce Boxleitner.
I went ahead and ordered this, I figure what the heck.

I’m now seriously doing preliminary work on Quorra, I’m working out the outfit (when I have a moment) and will start the head sculpt soon. I’m most likely no going to try to light it, I’ll probably use a bright gloss latex or vinyl in the lighted areas. EL wire is too fussy, believe me I worked with it a lot back in the day, and the lights are too broken up all over the outfit. Not to mention even the smallest EL driver is still too big to fit on the figure. And the “white” EL wire is still has a blue tint.

Any thoughts?
I’m now seriously doing preliminary work on Quorra, I’m working out the outfit (when I have a moment) and will start the head sculpt soon.

This is fantastic news. Who needs HT? We have Spencer! :D

I am interested to see your CLU especially looking at your Flynn.