Hot Toys - TMS051/2 - Mandalorian and Grogu (Season 2)

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I'm glad I waited for this version, although I was tempted for almost every incarnation that came before. Yet Pedro Pascal's likeness ultimately became a must for me.
The surprise beautiful chrome finish is just an incredible bonus!

I know the head sculpt is not the most significant for many, and I agree, Mandos absolutely look cooler with the helmet on! That mystique is the appeal, but the option for both is the ultimate figure. I am a fan of the actor, and as the character grew the theme of removing the mask became more significant part of the character's ultimate arc.

He starts firmly believing one way, helmet never comes off (repd. by the first figures)
Yet going forward every "Mando", and every experience he's encountered, slowly influences his choices, priorities, and how he defines himself as "Mandalorian".
Physically and symbolically chipping away at his acquired "armor".

From the most dogmatic never remove in front of others or you are not Mandalorian, almost cult like Death Watch, the (Armorer clan), a random gunslinger borrowing for all the right reasons, to the more loose and primarily self serving (Fett) with his own legit claims, to those supposedly fighting to bring Mandalor back (or rule it)?, Bo and the Knight Owls comfortable hanging with their helmets off.
All have different interpretations of what the armor serves, or defines a Mandalorian.
We get a fractured people, pulling in several directions, for the viewer, and more importantly for Din Djarin on his "quest".

Throughout , Mando is all of these, yet none, he inevitably walks his own path. And to what ends and purpose the Beskar Armor, the Helmet code, the "Way" , and finally the Darksaber will "serve", is all challenged, when he finally removes his helmet in front of all.

In the end who chooses and defines what it is to be "The Mandalorian", if not himself?
That moment - end of his first major arc, and set up for season 3 are for me best captured with the collector edition figure - Full Armor, the Beskar Spear, the symbolic Darksaber, and The Removable Helmet.:)

I'd also most likely display him helmet in hand, Darksaber in the other, across the anticipated Mando Luke (new robes) figure, with his own hood down, and saber in hand. The two face-to-face and Grogu standing between them.
Evocative of "The Rescue" - Which to my eyes is the cathartic moment Favreau and co. "rescued" the positive hopeful Luke Skywalker for me, from the failed horrible betrayal D took him.

Of course all this ^ overwrought weight I placed on a figure might simply change with any cool "new" S3 look :lol
Hope everyone gets the versions they love, I see it as the more options the better.
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Just rewatched S1 and 2.

Seems like a ton of scenes mando had more of a dull shine armor and in others it was shiny.

The HS is fine but appropriate for the farewell to grogu/ final scene.

But I'd rather pose a helmeted mando. So many poses to choose.

Think I'll stick w boomix uograde and mando luke robes.
I get the feeling that 99% of the salty people online are just upset about the upgraded chrome paint and nothing else. Everyone knew this v3 Mando with this particular accessory package was coming, and there probably would have been very few complaints if the armor finish stayed the same flat silver. Complete nonsense to me. I was never happy with the silver finish of the last version but I'm thrilled that they improved the v3 to chrome. And I'm still happy to own the v2 despite the shortcomings of the paint, two sets as a matter of fact;)
I knew I was buying this set if it came with a headsculpt, and that's basically it lol. The price was definitely some sticker shock, but it's not like I've got another option, so it goes.
Mondragon: I'm glad I waited for this version, although I was tempted for almost every incarnation that came before. Yet Pedro Pascal's likeness ultimately became a must for me. The surprise beautiful chrome finish is just an incredible bonus!

Great post.

I have OG Mando for Helmet Foreva, and this one will be without. Two Mandos is good. I can live with two Mandos.

With that said, getting me to buy a third will be a trick. Perhaps we can get some royal armor for when they crown him Mand'alor. I'd pay a dollar to see that. *helmet nod*


I'm glad I waited for this version, although I was tempted for almost every incarnation that came before. Yet Pedro Pascal's likeness ultimately became a must for me.
The surprise beautiful chrome finish is just an incredible bonus!

I know the head sculpt is not the most significant for many, and I agree, Mandos absolutely look cooler with the helmet on! That mystique is the appeal, but the option for both is the ultimate figure. I am a fan of the actor, and as the character grew the theme of removing the mask became more significant part of the character's ultimate arc.

He starts firmly believing one way, helmet never comes off (repd. by the first figures)
Yet going forward every "Mando", and every experience he's encountered, slowly influences his choices, priorities, and how he defines himself as "Mandalorian".
Physically and symbolically chipping away at his acquired "armor".

From the most dogmatic never remove in front of others or you are not Mandalorian, almost cult like Death Watch, the (Armorer clan), a random gunslinger borrowing for all the right reasons, to the more loose and primarily self serving (Fett) with his own legit claims, to those supposedly fighting to bring Mandalor back (or rule it)?, Bo and the Knight Owls comfortable hanging with their helmets off.
All have different interpretations of what the armor serves, or defines a Mandalorian.
We get a fractured people, pulling in several directions, for the viewer, and more importantly for Din Djarin on his "quest".

Throughout , Mando is all of these, yet none, he inevitably walks his own path. And to what ends and purpose the Beskar Armor, the Helmet code, the "Way" , and finally the Darksaber will "serve", is all challenged, when he finally removes his helmet in front of all.

In the end who chooses and defines what it is to be "The Mandalorian", if not himself?
That moment - end of his first major arc, and set up for season 3 are for me best captured with the collector edition figure - Full Armor, the Beskar Spear, the symbolic Darksaber, and The Removable Helmet.:)

I'd also most likely display him helmet in hand, Darksaber in the other, across the anticipated Mando Luke (new robes) figure, with his own hood down, and saber in hand. The two face-to-face and Grogu standing between them.
Evocative of "The Rescue" - Which to my eyes is the cathartic moment Favreau and co. "rescued" the positive hopeful Luke Skywalker for me, from the failed horrible betrayal D took him.

Of course all this ^ overwrought weight I placed on a figure might simply change with any cool "new" S3 look :lol
Hope everyone gets the versions they love, I see it as the more options the better.

Well said! I feel the same way for Mando/Din. Great arc from him, plus I liked how some previous foes are turned allies throughout the show.

Per the figure, i'm most definitely looking forward to it. Though, I only opened the box of my deluxe Mando once to look it over and still yet to fully play with him and delve into the surplus of accessories!

Just rewatched S1 and 2.

Seems like a ton of scenes mando had more of a dull shine armor and in others it was shiny.

The HS is fine but appropriate for the farewell to grogu/ final scene.

But I'd rather pose a helmeted mando. So many poses to choose.

Think I'll stick w boomix uograde and mando luke robes.

Yeah I like to think both versions of the beskar armor are representative of the show.
“I’m glad I waited for this figure”

You’re still waiting, for another year or two, and by then there’ll be yet another “definitive” Mando figure :lol
With that said, getting me to buy a third will be a trick. Perhaps we can get some royal armor for when they crown him Mand'alor. I'd pay a dollar to see that. *helmet nod*

Ha! That'd be great is there really such a thing, a crowned Mandalorian helmet? There should be! I know Armorer had some spikes (and there are illustrations of a Maul(ish)Dathomirian Zabrak one. I'm not entirely up on the canon. Although shouldn't it be The Manda'lord!?:lol



As far as S3 story arc, I don't see Mando claiming the throne, maybe helping free/unite his peeps, but not to claim power. The only reason he ended up with the Darksaber was to save the Yoby, he had no interest in power, or what the saber symbolized.
And even tried to surrender it to Bo.

He might inadvertently lead people into action for a greater good, but that's a different kind of power. I think he walks from the throne, and leaves the rule to Bo or that Sabine character if she shows.
Then the trope is- he walks off into the sunset to continue his wandering - cue theme music.


As to those for some reason mocking me for choosing to wait for the figure I want, you sound bitter, if you feel slighted that's on you.
I explained why his unmasked likeness was a key character element for me. And I choose to wait.
The chrome armor is just a great bonus (for me).

Those who can and are getting or already have more than one version I think that's great too!
The "ability" to remove the helmet is part of the story arc, that the figure evolution reflects .
If I could afford more, I would gladly track down the first appearance one, to reflect exactly that. And would be no regrets about having two. To the contrary, I'd celebrate it.

As to a likely S3 armor/costume/gear change, I expect it.
Again the armor evolution both simultaneously growing, while also revealing the human underneath is part of his story arc and visual language of the narrative, and that's reflected in the toy makes t a great synchronicity. This is the brand that had no problem blowing up the main hero ship to close out the first arc, there will be change, and with it more figures.
Bring them, I expect it!
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“I’m glad I waited for this figure”

You’re still waiting, for another year or two, and by then there’ll be yet another “definitive” Mando figure :lol
Yeah, target is Q4 2022 which is 18 months away. That's the new normal. Only good news is that these Mando figs seem to jump to the front of the line frequently and we might actually get this on time...
Yeah, target is Q4 2022 which is 18 months away. That's the new normal. Only good news is that these Mando figs seem to jump to the front of the line frequently and we might actually get this on time...
Sideshow on the other hand....
Ha! That'd be great is there really such a thing, a crowned Mandalorian helmet? There should be! I know Armorer had some spikes (and there are illustrations of a Maul(ish)Dathomirian Zabrak one. I'm not entirely up on the canon. Although shouldn't it be The Manda'lord!?:lol

AFAIK, the Mand'alor had a special mask/helmet? All this has been declared no longer canon by Disney, I think. But yes, he did have special headwear of some kind. More costumes = more merchandising monies, remember.
As far as S3 story arc, I don't see Mando claiming the throne, maybe helping free/unite his peeps, but not to claim power. The only reason he ended up with the Darksaber was to save the Yoby, he had no interest in power, or what the saber symbolized.
And even tried to surrender it to Bo.

I do see it, because it would create a huge amount of conflict which would help drive the storyline nicely. I think a lot of Mandos will not be too happy at the idea of Din ruling Mandalore, having their own ideas on the subject or perhaps being loyal to Bo. And then we have the Armorer contingent. How are they gonna feel about unhelmeted Din ruling Mandalore, that planet they regard as cursed? By what right would he rule, in their eyes? that *heretic*!! Stay tuned, Bat-fans.
As to those for some reason mocking me for choosing to wait for the figure I want, you sound bitter, if you feel slighted that's on you.
I explained why his unmasked likeness was a key character element for me. And I choose to wait.
The chrome armor is just a great bonus (for me).

I didnt get the impression that anyone here was really, truly bent out of shape over the issue but just voicing some frustrations. Which I get! But if anyone understands the ins and outs of multiples of the same character, its people here. Lord knows. Almost all of us do it. Often we do it again and again. lol
“I’m glad I waited for this figure”

You’re still waiting, for another year or two, and by then there’ll be yet another “definitive” Mando figure :lol
So what happens when the Toy Fair Exclusive S2 Frosty Mando (Spider Ep) is announced?
A 2 pack w Frog Lady? 😂

How many will they make?

Anyhoo, I do like this release, just saying...

How many
In this meme Clark represents all HT collectors and the guy in the overalls is the guy who now sets the price for HT...
Yup especially when the dude said “ All of It Boy! “ that pretty much sums up HT

R.I.P. Mickey Jones the actor who played the dude in the scene
I get the feeling that 99% of the salty people online are just upset about the upgraded chrome paint and nothing else. Everyone knew this v3 Mando with this particular accessory package was coming, and there probably would have been very few complaints if the armor finish stayed the same flat silver. Complete nonsense to me. I was never happy with the silver finish of the last version but I'm thrilled that they improved the v3 to chrome. And I'm still happy to own the v2 despite the shortcomings of the paint, two sets as a matter of fact;)
Agreed. Sure it stings that they upped their game for the new figure and addressed a very common complaint from their season one edition but at the same time what are people expecting? That Hot Toys just keep getting it wrong so as not to upset existing owners? A lot of people passed on the season one figure because they felt the armor was not accurately represented: given that the suits ARE so similar otherwise, maybe THAT'S who this new figure is actually intended for.

Even then, between the Blurrg and the Swoop Bike there's going to be no shortage of places to seat a second Beskar Mando if one decides to own both.
Agreed. Sure it stings that they upped their game for the new figure and addressed a very common complaint from their season one edition but at the same time what are people expecting? That Hot Toys just keep getting it wrong so as not to upset existing owners? A lot of people passed on the season one figure because they felt the armor was not accurately represented: given that the suits ARE so similar otherwise, maybe THAT'S who this new figure is actually intended for.

Even then, between the Blurrg and the Swoop Bike there's going to be no shortage of places to seat a second Beskar Mando if one decides to own both.
People need to understand that HT did not upgrade the v1 beskar Mando.

The v1 beskar is a representation of Season 1 Mando , HT released the Season 2 beskar Mando.

Just like we have different HT Vaders representing different Episodes.

Like I mentioned in my previous comment, most likely the salty ones are those who have worked on some length to mod their v1 beskar Mando to Season 2 version (although some of them are contempt with their upgrade), and now HT is making that season 2 Mando complete with everything incl HS.

The chrome paint is just a cherry on the top.