1/6 Hot Toys -Terminator Genisys: T-800 Guardian

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This figure is underrated. The sculpt might even be the best Arnie HS they've produced.

I think it looks really great, and given the lack of Terminator Genisys figures, we probably won't get the white haired version or any other figure besides the endo.
Am I remembering wrong that they said they would be announcing the T-1000 ''soon''?

I'll be surprised if they don't make him, he might be part of the reason Genisys apparently did better in that market than in the US.

I'd include this headsculpt^ I thought that was a pretty cool moment....even though I'm not sure why the T-1000 would slump to the floor after a few shots from a handgun.....
I'm going to assume this figure's going to follow the Tonto model and it'll be released purely because they've already started taking preorders. Meanwhile, the Genisys Endoskeleton and T-1000 will probably be quietly shelved.

Can't say I'd be too unhappy about that, if they did end up releasing the Genisys Endo it'd probably kill any chance of them revisiting the classic Cameron version in 1/6...
Well i could see this as a one and done alright, especially with the sequels being put on hold due to genisys being poorly received. Even though thats bs since the film did like 350mil worldwide and like 80mil over here, but yup it did bad. :slap
I'm going to assume this figure's going to follow the Tonto model and it'll be released purely because they've already started taking preorders. Meanwhile, the Genisys Endoskeleton and T-1000 will probably be quietly shelved.

Can't say I'd be too unhappy about that, if they did end up releasing the Genisys Endo it'd probably kill any chance of them revisiting the classic Cameron version in 1/6...

Yeah I made a similar point earlier in the thread. It might be in our best interests that the Genisys Endo doesn't actually happen. Most people would prefer a new Cameron Endo.

So no Jai Courtney Kyle Reese doll then? Sigh. (Douses self in gasoline)

Hey! I liked jai as kyle, the only one i felt was out of place was emillia as sarah. Like her acting was fine just her age seemed too young even though she is in actuality older than she looks.
The biggest problem with Courtney in this film was that they called him Kyle Reese. And he looks, sounds and acts nothing whatsoever like Kyle Reese. They really misjudged the importance of Michael Biehn's portrayal of that character. I'm not saying it was an oscar-worthy performance, I'm just saying he was distinctive enough. Jai Courtney is as generic as they come.
This will be the only TG figure- the sequels are shelved. Interest now will be low.
If there's to be only one Arnie from this film then a 2017 grey-haired version would have been a better choice. Alas they wouldn't have had the reference material. Heck they clearly didn't have the reference material for this one. Movie poster battle-damage, really old face combined with hair that's still brown, no interchangeable endoskeleton arm etc etc. This figure is far short of what it could have been. A 2017 Pops figure coming out later could perhaps have been more accurate and more comprehensive in it's accessories and display options but likely now it will never be.
Yeah i actually liked him too :gah:


:lol :wink1:
Jai wasn't playing Kyle Reese to me. I don't know whether the blame can be placed completely on the actor as I really think the character was written differently to the Kyle we know. The dialogue was wrong and the Kyle didn't even seem serious enough about the whole situation. I can't see how Kyle would have just believed John was John so easily when he saw him. The Kyle from T1 would have been far more cautious.

As for Emilia, I don't think she is tough enough for this role. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor will always remain one of my favourite characters in film. She went from that vulnerable girl in T1 and completely transformed into the hardened fighter in T2. Even though both actors were older than than Sarah is meant to be, Emilia looks much younger and she just wasn't able to pull of the strength of Sarah Connor that Linda showed in T2.

I love Emilia in GoT, I just think she was a little miscast in this film. She just doesn't pull off the tough girl look or attitude playing Sarah for me.
Jai wasn't playing Kyle Reese to me. I don't know whether the blame can be placed completely on the actor as I really think the character was written differently to the Kyle we know. The dialogue was wrong and the Kyle didn't even seem serious enough about the whole situation. I can't see how Kyle would have just believed John was John so easily when he saw him. The Kyle from T1 would have been far more cautious..

Courtney apparently had no intention of attempting to copy Michael Biehn's portrayal but yeah, even if he did, the character just wasn't written the same. This Reese was sarcastic and quippy. Biehn's Reese was utterly serious - probably the only humour came unintentionally when he didn't know what to talk to Sarah about under that bridge.