Hot Toys - TDK - TWO-FACE / Harvey Dent PHOTO Thread

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I think they were trying hard to make it look like a split suit and have just little bits to imply the duality of him. I actually like that design choice, he looks right without having to fall into the exact details of the comics.

I agree. But I just think they really blew it on the pants. I don't expect them to be burnt when only the top of of the jacket is, but some gas stains would have helped. Again, not something you'd see in the film really, but for the costume's sake it would have made more sense.

But the burnt jacket did give that "split" look without taking a white and black suit and sewing them together. Much more realistic this way, especially if he went on a killing spree right from the hospital. He wouldn't have time to go make a custom suit and then go on his rampage :lol
The figure is really nice in person. When I was looking at the pictures I thought it was very flawed, and could have been a lot better. When I got it though, I forgot about those things and just thought about how awesome it is. I don't even notice any problems when I have him displayed with the rest of the Dark Knight figures.
I agree. But I just think they really blew it on the pants. I don't expect them to be burnt when only the top of of the jacket is, but some gas stains would have helped. Again, not something you'd see in the film really, but for the costume's sake it would have made more sense.

But the burnt jacket did give that "split" look without taking a white and black suit and sewing them together. Much more realistic this way, especially if he went on a killing spree right from the hospital. He wouldn't have time to go make a custom suit and then go on his rampage :lol

What i like too is that the split costume, like his wounds, is incidental and not intentional. It works in comics, but in the real world, even if he was a split personality, the notiion of making outfits (or in Forever, a hideout) be divided into two styles seems out there.
For custom folks, here's a shot of the actual Two-Face suit from TDK.


I don't mind the look of the full damaged side on the HT figure, but for posing and all, probably would be much better if it was more minimal like the actual burns.
Do you have rear shots of the actual coat Heath Ledger wore, I'm planning on buying second purple coat for customizing, the 3 slits on the back look too small
Interesting to see the real suit, alot of differences. I wonder if one could mod the regular jacket, to make it screen accurate to that burned style.
I agree. But I just think they really blew it on the pants. I don't expect them to be burnt when only the top of of the jacket is, but some gas stains would have helped. Again, not something you'd see in the film really, but for the costume's sake it would have made more sense.


I think it's safe to assume the reason HT didn't put any stains on the pants is the same reason they didn't add stains on the shirt: They wanted people to JUST swap out the jackets/Heads to go from Harvey to Two-Face, etc. Kinda stupid but I'm sure it kept the price down.
The Aaron Eckhart head is a little weak in the likeness department.

We're looking at a completely different head then, thats the only reason I can think of that anyone would think this doesn't look like Eckhart. I think its the best likeness in the line, even counting the batman heads
We're looking at a completely different head then, thats the only reason I can think of that anyone would think this doesn't look like Eckhart. I think its the best likeness in the line, even counting the batman heads

I concur, the Eckhart likeness is dead on.

I think it's safe to assume the reason HT didn't put any stains on the pants is the same reason they didn't add stains on the shirt: They wanted people to JUST swap out the jackets/Heads to go from Harvey to Two-Face, etc. Kinda stupid but I'm sure it kept the price down.

Exactly, if all the damage there was to the paints was staining, it'd force them to make 2 pairs and they cheaped out at one.

I have to say, the HT jacket is more believable for the damage. The actual coat was soaked all over that half with gas. It makes sense if only the shoulder were charred, but the 2 random patches at the back bottom suggest flames there too, I would imagine if his coat catches fire, anywhere soaked with gas would go up in flames at the same time.
The shoes on that display are also different. I cropped one of the pics if anyone wants to see it. The shoes (for Two-Face) were dirty as hell. Not shiny and brand new like the ones that come with the HT figure. But just like the coat, shirt and pants, the reason is probably the same.
well I like him have very little complants with him i think its mostly because he wasn't very present in the movie I think was a mistake but who am I in the comic two face is a very real threat to batman being they where good friends the movie hinted to that but the joker just stole the show

I like the fact that there's no commas or full stops in zeelhar's post, which got me quite confused on what he was trying to say, But still managed to use an apostrophe when typing "wasn't":rotfl