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Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Rey & D-O

Yeah I agree he might be the more interesting character, but personally I still find Rey a compelling character to watch as this scavenger living a life of solitude who suddenly finds herself in a much larger world, meeting living legends like Han and Luke, and coming to terms with her newfound powers, all while still haunted by the abandonment of her parents. And of course Ridley's charming performance makes her pretty darn hard not to like.

Yeah Luke probably developed a lot more during the OT, but he also started out from a much more naive and innocent place so had a lot further to go.

Agree 100%. I love Rey as a character.
While I still can't make it through TFA all the way again, I have watched TLJ multiple times and yes, both Rey and Ren have significant character development and that does make them more interesting. I don't know what JJ will offer for the conclusion of these two. I just hope it goes forward. I know a lot of people were put off by TLJ, but I actually appreciate what Johnson was trying to do here.

Now back to this figure. I keep looking at the PO gallery and can't get past how lazy and half-hearted the presentation is. The focus is almost more on Ren than Rey and the photos just look like different angles of the same thing.

This is the lead character of this trilogy and she's presented like a throwaway. I for one hoped for more for her final bow.
It was just a huge, shapeless tunic over some yellowish jeans. It may have been serviceable enough on Tatooine, but it's not what I would call an inspired design. And even next to other ANH outfits it looked very basic.

Uh oh, you committed a cardinal sin and maligned the beloved character of OT Luke Skywalker. How dare you. :lol

I agree with you about Rey though. She’s not a horrible character and I feel she has some development and is slightly compelling (compelling enough to make me want to see TRoS), but I do think she could have been handled better and her arc is nowhere near as compelling as Luke’s (including ST).
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Rey & D-O

I disagree 100%. The thing is while we are two movies in the ST we still don?t know what the point of Rey is. She has no depth to her character. Finn has more depth to him than Rey. In the OT we know who Luke is and his purpose but the same can?t be said with Rey. The second movie was supposed to answer the questions and mysteries about her and Rian didn?t give it to us. Same with Kylo ren. If all ST characters were killed I could not care less because well, no one even knows who these new characters are.
I'm not sure how Rey being revealed as the daughter of Luke or Obi-Wan would have suddenly given her greater depth. And the point of the character is pretty clearly for her to be the new champion and savior of the galaxy who will help defeat the First Order. Not really sure what more people are wanting, and I don't remember getting any greater insight into what drives Luke in the OT.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Rey & D-O

I disagree 100%. The thing is while we are two movies in the ST we still don?t know what the point of Rey is. She has no depth to her character. Finn has more depth to him than Rey. In the OT we know who Luke is and his purpose but the same can?t be said with Rey. The second movie was supposed to answer the questions and mysteries about her and Rian didn?t give it to us. Same with Kylo ren. If all ST characters were killed I could not care less because well, no one even knows who these new characters are.

I can somewhat agree with Rey, but disagree with Finn having more depth than Rey. I really liked him in TFA, but I feel he’s pretty much forgettable now at the moment.
I don’t so much agree that Rey hasn’t been developed very well. She’s pretty much following the same path Luke did in the OT. Lonely kid stuck in the desert who finds herself part of a much bigger world > searches for answers regarding this larger world and receives training/guidance and develops what she’s learned and embraces it (although she actually succeeds in rescuing her friends in TLJ where Luke fails) > whatever will happen in TROS. I think Rey will shine in the final film.

Regarding Finn, I really liked him in TFA and I was kind of disappointed that he was very secondary in TLJ. Finn and Rey were pretty much equals in TFA and they made a great duo, I hope we see more of that.
I think that right now, the most interesting thing about Rey is that she's a "nobody " - no "forced" family connections, just another being in the galaxy that is strong with the force. I will find it extremely lame and disappointing if she turns out to be Palpatine's neice or granddaughter or related to ANY of the legacy characters. It'll be a cop-out if that is where it's going.

Finn is the character who has been short - changed the most. From the interesting premise of being a stormtrooper that escapes and abandons his "programming", he's been left as plucky whooping sidekick with a different lady in each movie. Talk about vapid and boring. It's not Bodega ' s fault the story and scripts fail the character.

Oh yeh... about this Rey figure...:)
The facesculpt looks bad as most have pointed out but the prospect of a "Dark Rey" has me waiting on this figure. I do like the Kylo Ren though. I skipped TLJ Kylo but I might have to grab this one to post next to the TFA version.
Why do they always make her a long face?

I think that right now, the most interesting thing about Rey is that she's a "nobody " - no "forced" family connections, just another being in the galaxy that is strong with the force. I will find it extremely lame and disappointing if she turns out to be Palpatine's neice or granddaughter or related to ANY of the legacy characters. It'll be a cop-out if that is where it's going.

Finn is the character who has been short - changed the most. From the interesting premise of being a stormtrooper that escapes and abandons his "programming", he's been left as plucky whooping sidekick with a different lady in each movie. Talk about vapid and boring. It's not Bodega ' s fault the story and scripts fail the character.

Oh yeh... about this Rey figure...:)

My sentiments also.
I'm not sure how Rey being revealed as the daughter of Luke or Obi-Wan would have suddenly given her greater depth. And the point of the character is pretty clearly for her to be the new champion and savior of the galaxy who will help defeat the First Order. Not really sure what more people are wanting, and I don't remember getting any greater insight into what drives Luke in the OT.

I respect your opinion but to me Luke wasnt perfect which made him believable. Rey is a mary sue. You never believe she is in danger as she never loses. I mean she had no training and literally discovered the force on the same day she beat Kylo, a trained sith, who Luke feared. Also we are two movies in and still have no idea who Rey is. You cant name a trilogy where two movies in you still had no idea who the main character was.
The facesculpt looks bad as most have pointed out but the prospect of a "Dark Rey" has me waiting on this figure. I do like the Kylo Ren though. I skipped TLJ Kylo but I might have to grab this one to post next to the TFA version.

Definitely looking forward to a Dark Rey as well. I hope she won't be a convention-only exclusive or something though.
Why do they always make her a long face?


That edit makes the sculpt look so much better. I really hope HT improves the sculpt before release but who knows if they will.

I respect your opinion but to me Luke wasnt perfect which made him believable. Rey is a mary sue. You never believe she is in danger as she never loses. I mean she had no training and literally discovered the force on the same day she beat Kylo, a trained sith, who Luke feared. Also we are two movies in and still have no idea who Rey is. You cant name a trilogy where two movies in you still had no idea who the main character was.

Here's the thing: Rey's no more a "mary sue" than Luke was in ANH. Rey grew up on her own on Jakku without anyone caring about her in the same way that Owen and Beru cared for Luke. Rey had to learn to protect herself, which she did with her staff, which gave her basic weapons handling. Luke had people that cared about him and didn't need to fight for survival. Rey learned how to pilot from flight sims she repaired and trained with (source: TFA novel). Luke trained presumably in a similar way, maybe more practical training. Reminder: Rey may have flown the Falcon in TFA, but she did not do a good job at it, crashing and breaking things along the way. Luke, meanwhile, flew an x-wing for presumably the first time in the fight to destroy the Death Star with little to no problems. As for the Force, Luke had minimal training in the Force as well before he destroyed the Death Star over other pilots that were more overall experience than him, whereas Rey spent the majority of her fight against Kylo running away from him. She only started to beat Kylo when he reminded her of the Force, and she became focused rather than panicked, and reminder: Kylo was wounded pretty badly, so naturally he's not going to be at his best. I'm a huge Rey fan but had Kylo been at full strength, he would have beaten her. Also just on Kylo: He's not a Sith. He uses the dark side, but in TFA at the very least, he hadn't given himself completely to the dark side in the way that Vader had, which makes him weaker.

TL;DR: Rey and Luke are equally "mary sues" in the first film of their respective trilogy due to both of them receiving minimal training and yet have miraculous victories/achievements in what they are minimally trained in.
The thing that's off about this figure is honestly the eye. I know they are kind of going for that "snarl" look, but it really looks off to me...
That edit makes the sculpt look so much better. I really hope HT improves the sculpt before release but who knows if they will.

Here's the thing: Rey's no more a "mary sue" than Luke was in ANH. Rey grew up on her own on Jakku without anyone caring about her in the same way that Owen and Beru cared for Luke. Rey had to learn to protect herself, which she did with her staff, which gave her basic weapons handling. Luke had people that cared about him and didn't need to fight for survival. Rey learned how to pilot from flight sims she repaired and trained with (source: TFA novel). Luke trained presumably in a similar way, maybe more practical training. Reminder: Rey may have flown the Falcon in TFA, but she did not do a good job at it, crashing and breaking things along the way. Luke, meanwhile, flew an x-wing for presumably the first time in the fight to destroy the Death Star with little to no problems. As for the Force, Luke had minimal training in the Force as well before he destroyed the Death Star over other pilots that were more overall experience than him, whereas Rey spent the majority of her fight against Kylo running away from him. She only started to beat Kylo when he reminded her of the Force, and she became focused rather than panicked, and reminder: Kylo was wounded pretty badly, so naturally he's not going to be at his best. I'm a huge Rey fan but had Kylo been at full strength, he would have beaten her. Also just on Kylo: He's not a Sith. He uses the dark side, but in TFA at the very least, he hadn't given himself completely to the dark side in the way that Vader had, which makes him weaker.

TL;DR: Rey and Luke are equally "mary sues" in the first film of their respective trilogy due to both of them receiving minimal training and yet have miraculous victories/achievements in what they are minimally trained in.

They still haven't shown a final product for Solo Han. If this gets an update it will be a long while.

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