1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise

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This will be my first ever Star Wars figure/toy/anything. Down the rabbit hole.
There is zero difference in the headsculpt and hair piece between this and the farm boy luke right? Except this one has eyes looking sideways. Sideways eyes can be a dangerous proposal. Some people's AOU chris evans headsculpts look like it is making the derp face.
Is it just me, or does this stormtrooper luke look younger than the Farm boy luke even though it is the exact same sculpt? I heard rumblings the the farm boy luke forum that the stormtrooper luke has a different paint job?
Something about this one looks better to me but I can't figure out what or why. The hair looks slightly different but I think it's the same. The eyes don't look as close together but I think they're also the same except the positioning. The unibrow doesn't seem as bad. :dunno
Hair's slightly darker and eyes slightly turned to the right. But its the little things that make the difference.
I think even though he looks like he just went to his stylist, the darker hair works okay on this as it evokes the wet hair from the trash compactor scene. You're right about having too many Lukes though. They're piling up quickly and episode 7 and ROTJ haven't been announced yet. Doesn't help that the Bespin DX came with two complete figures either.
I like the dark haired Luke better too. Not sure why -- I'm guessing because the slightly turned eyes make him look less intense and more like an innocent caught up in an adventure.

That said, never had an interest in Stormtrooper Luke. I like my heroes and villains cleanly delineated. Love the disguise, just don't feel I need the look for the shelf. Don't need Ceremonial Luke either. Just give me Farmboy... Bespin... and Jedi Lukes and I'm covered.

Of course, Pilot Luke always gives me trouble. :lol
Of course, Pilot Luke always gives me trouble. :lol
I think a pilot suit is inevitable for me. I guess visually I prefer the snowspeeder look as there's a bit more going on, but it's hard to deny the version of Luke that blew up the ****ing Death Star. :) If I was hard-pressed to pick a version for each film it'd be either X-Wing, Bespin, Jedi, or Tatooine, Snowspeeder, Jedi Luke. It'll probably come down to how I want to display everything. Hard to imagine displaying Yoda without a Bespin Luke, etc.
I've always felt that the Bespin outfit (not sure why its called that) was the best middle ground for Luke... no longer an innocent farmboy yet not quite a Jedi yet... but he has the "rebel look".

That said, if I could only put one display together, I would -- and have decided to -- choose the original STAR WARS line-up just because it is what started it all for me and millions of others.
I've always felt that the Bespin outfit (not sure why its called that) was the best middle ground for Luke... no longer an innocent farmboy yet not quite a Jedi yet... but he has the "rebel look".

That said, if I could only put one display together, I would -- and have decided to -- choose the original STAR WARS line-up just because it is what started it all for me and millions of others.
Yeah, there's something to be said for going with how we first see/are introduced to the characters. Much of Luke's transition can be measured by his belt. In SW he doesn't even carry a weapon to start, just some binoculars for his bird watching. Then all of Empire he's keeping his feet in both camps with the blaster and saber. I love how in Jedi he doesn't even need any of his pouches on his belt anymore. I get that he doesn't need the blaster anymore, but what about all the snacks or whatever he kept in the pouches?
Jedi Luke is bad@$$ and doesn't need food till he's good and ready. I know it would be Luke overload between the 2 companies, but HT needs to get on this ASAP.
Jedi Luke is bad@$$ and doesn't need food till he's good and ready. I know it would be Luke overload between the 2 companies, but HT needs to get on this ASAP.

Luke: The Force?
Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. You can eat it too.
I really like that first appearance Luke. No denying the nostalgia.

But for me part of Star Wars is technology and fast machines. Pilot Luke is the kid who drove fast and blew away the bad guys. It's hard to beat.

With that said, pilot gear and Tatooine gear are a very tough choice. They're my two favourites with a bias towards snowspeeder pilot.

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.........I bit the bullet used some reward points and ordered this. I never got a Kenner Stormtrooper Luke, (I had my parents looking for one for two years probably) I missed on the Sideshow version, (and kicked myself for the last few years) so this was kind of a must for me.
Oh yeah, that's the other thing about the Bespin outfit -- he uses a blaster AND a lightsaber. Best of both worlds.
Yeah, always liked that. Part of the reason that that's my favourite version of Luke.

Have to admit, if they do a Jedi Luke with his hair swept back like it is on Jabba's barge, I'd be tempted to pick it up (though that would then be four Lukes in my collection -- ANH, DX07 and Jedi -- seems like crazy overkill). Dislike his 'regular' hair in ROTJ so otherwise it won't be something I'd consider.
Hot Toys - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper ...

Bespin outfit (not sure why its called that)

Yes, technically it's "X-wing Pilot Ground Uniform". Just like his "Ceremonial Outfit" is just standard-issue Rebel gear.

Oh, and for any Aussies who are wondering, Popcultcha have confirmed they're getting Stormie Luke in. I'm gonna risk waiting for their preorder.
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I was waiting for this cause i didn't order a stormie, so i kinda get a two in 1 here. (interchangeable head we'll see how that works out)

Plus it just looks awesome, and i can skip out on EP4 Luke and wait for EP6 Luke. Plus being Limited doesn't hurt.