Hot Toys-MS 110- IRON MAN-MARK III (Battle Damaged) spec + pics

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He wasn't specific, not sure if he even knew :p
well at least this will give me time to get some other work done :p

Darn! I was hoping to get this soon so I could replace the other IM I have on my shelf. Oh well, I hope he surprises us by getting it sooner.
With the Toys2/Asia rollout not even on SS won't have theirs yet for sure. Isn't SS rollout usually 1-3 months after the Toys2/Asia rollout. Arghhhhh wait some more!! At least Toys2 Wolverine is sold out so I won't get the itch
I just received mine yesterday, the build is actually quite good.
I think many will be very happy when they receive theirs.
I was amazed by the color of the figure, it is so much better than I had anticipated.
The articulacions are somewhat more limited, especially the legs as this one comes with the hip flares. The torso area you can turn to left and right, I tried to bend it backwards and forwards but couldn't do it. Didn't dare to try harder as I might damage it.
But overall I'm very happy with it. The base is just amazing. It almost feels like a DX really.
Are all of his little flaps and gizmos made of the same brittle, frail plastic they were on the original Mark III release, or have they improved? Ideally all of those pieces would be made of metal.
Wait can you actually make a completely clean IM with the BD version? I thought you could only make a weathered IM with this figure. That's why I bought a Mark III IM. Because that was the only clean version of IM available.

I don't believe so..I'm guessing he's going to touch up the paint in the weathered areas.

I'm getting a Mark III in the mail this week (after a year of trying, damn it), and seeing as how all I want is a clean MIII suit, I'm really on the fence about keeping my pre-order for this.
Found very cool pic of this toy when googling. Nice!


That looks really good! Might have to snag it at somepoint.
Wait can you actually make a completely clean IM with the BD version? I thought you could only make a weathered IM with this figure. That's why I bought a Mark III IM. Because that was the only clean version of IM available.

Well as clean as can be :p I don't think I will pick up the original MIII to do that as they are too different to be posed together in terms of color and design as that will only highlight the flaws :monkey3
Are all of his little flaps and gizmos made of the same brittle, frail plastic they were on the original Mark III release, or have they improved? Ideally all of those pieces would be made of metal.

They are plastic, and those flaps on his back got some thin metal parts hidden beneath the plastic outer parts.
I'll have to see what people do with this figure before I decide whether or not to get it. If someone can touch up the weathered parts to make him look clean I'll probably buy it and have it done. I'm not a big fan of the MK III paint job. Never really way so if someone can do this I'll get it.
I didn't realize this guy came with two heads and two chest plates. I quite like the clean mask and the damaged chest. Seems a better buy now. Well dammit, between this and the new Iron Man 2 trailer... Pre-Ordered.
Hi, did anybody pre-ordered this beauty from CornerStore Comics? On their site, they said the BD Ironman will arrive at end of Feb, 10, has anyone got theirs yet? Cheerz
I ordered mine through BBTS... I dont expect it to ship for an few more months... Same thing goes for places like Alterego and Cornerstorecomics... Sideshow always get them first after Japan release...