Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 Mandarin Figure

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I don't get why people buy based on what they see in a movie :dunno. No matter how crappy a movie is or how bad the character was, if the design was kick *** people should at least give it a try.
I don't get why people buy based on what they see in a movie :dunno. No matter how crappy a movie is or how bad the character was, if the design was kick *** people should at least give it a try.
If that's the case, why make figures based on movies at all? Just let artists create all kinds of wacky characters with no basis in nostalgia, film, comics, or other geek media.

It's because those things I mention is what drives collecting behavior for these kinds of things. Not just something that looks "kick ***," though that certainly helps.
If that's the case, why make figures based on movies at all? Just let artists create all kinds of wacky characters with no basis in nostalgia, film, comics, or other geek media.

It's because those things I mention is what drives collecting behavior for these kinds of things. Not just something that looks "kick ***," though that certainly helps.

Yes, while that is true. I did walk into iron man 3 having high hopes but was letdown. While I know the twist was horrible, his design was cool and that alone warrants me to look out for this figure. To each their own.
I don't get why people buy based on what they see in a movie :dunno. No matter how crappy a movie is or how bad the character was, if the design was kick *** people should at least give it a try.
I agree to a certain extent. I'm not really a huge fan of Iron Monger and especially not Iron Whiplash from the movies (annoys me to no end that he lands for the final battle, then immediately makes himself vulnerable by removing his face plate), but the design is close enough to the comics that I'm fine plonking my money down for the IM1/2 'versions' of these characters (same with Mark IV or MILK WM).

Mandarin's not really a character I would've been interested in, regardless or how he was portrayed, but there is no getting past in my mind that it's Kingsley playing a joke of a villian in the movie. It's just too specific a human/character likeness from the movie and there's no way to mentally gloss over it, like there is with say Iron Whiplash.
This will be a really tough figure because 1. I can't see many people at all being willing to spend over $200 for him and 2. He would be much cooler if he came with his chair, maybe a couple of blue helmets and dog tags, and those two gargoyle statues next to his chair.

However, if he comes with all of that stuff....he's going to be well over $200.

I'd be really interested in seeing the sales numbers from this figure, if they do end up making him. It's been SO quiet on the IM3 figure front since the movie actually came out, I can't help but think that HT is seriously rethinking their strategy.
...I'd be really interested in seeing the sales numbers from this figure, if they do end up making him. It's been SO quiet on the IM3 figure front since the movie actually came out, I can't help but think that HT is seriously rethinking their strategy.
Yes, totally interested in this, too, and wish we had more insight into the business side of 1:6 production (kinda surprised there don't seem to be any trade publications or sites that offer any info). Although I wouldn't make a bet one way or the other, I could see HT quietly dropping this fig and a bunch of other stuff from the IM3 line.
I agree to a certain extent. I'm not really a huge fan of Iron Monger and especially not Iron Whiplash from the movies (annoys me to no end that he lands for the final battle, then immediately makes himself vulnerable by removing his face plate), but the design is close enough to the comics that I'm fine plonking my money down for the IM1/2 'versions' of these characters (same with Mark IV or MILK WM).

Mandarin's not really a character I would've been interested in, regardless or how he was portrayed, but there is no getting past in my mind that it's Kingsley playing a joke of a villian in the movie. It's just too specific a human/character likeness from the movie and there's no way to mentally gloss over it, like there is with say Iron Whiplash.

True. But what I'm trying to say is don't pre-judge before you see actual pics. I also agree that kingsley played a joke and that literally every hardcore comic book lover could have written twice a better story than what they did. Ironically I was looking forward to iron man 3 the most this year, but it looks like Man Of Steel really will be spectacular and perhaps best comic movie of the year based on early screening reviews.
This guy has exclusive written all over him now. I really wouldn't be surprised if we don't get him and then all of a sudden he ends up being a Toy Fairs exclusive one year. Personally, I really want him, so I hope they've done enough pre production on him that they sort of have to release him, and I do really hope he comes with the chair and a backdrop so that we can do the poster pose. I have no problem plunking my money down for him, and would still like the real Mandarin too, especially if he has the tats and a light up chest.
True. But what I'm trying to say is don't pre-judge before you see actual pics...
No problem, there. Given how nicely HT did Loki's outfit and the general quality of their stuff, I have no doubt that Kingsley Mandarin would look amazing. The only problem I have is Kingsley was already a deviation from the comics (so I couldn't convince myself it was sort-of comics accurate) and his character is also a punk in the movie. I agree with kara -- if they release him, then they should embrace the campy aspect of it and include beer cans, etc. I think HT was expecting a badass villian, though.

This guy has exclusive written all over him now. I really wouldn't be surprised if we don't get him and then all of a sudden he ends up being a Toy Fairs exclusive one year. Personally, I really want him, so I hope they've done enough pre production on him that they sort of have to release him, and I do really hope he comes with the chair and a backdrop so that we can do the poster pose. I have no problem plunking my money down for him, and would still like the real Mandarin too, especially if he has the tats and a light up chest.
Yeah, that's a good point. He'd probably do very good business as an exclusive. Regardless, hope this figure happens for those that want him.
I actually don't have a huge problem with how Mandarin was handled in the movie. In the comics he was originally a bad Asian stereotype, so the filmmakers not treating him with a lot of respect doesn't bug me so much. On the other hand, it is a bit crummy that one of Iron Man's most important comic villain is treated this way. Maybe I don't care so much because I've never been the biggest fan of the comics, though. If Magneto or Red Skull were treated this way it would bug me much more. The way Doom and Galactus were (mis)handled still pisses me off to no end, though those were just incredibly ****ty movies in general.
It's 50/50 that they're rethinking their strategy, either they saw the movie and changed their minds or they know this is the last iron man film for a while and want it to go out with full force.
The Mandarin looked great but the movie absolutely shat on his character. If this actually sees production, I'll get it because it's the closest approximation of the Mandarin we'll see in the near future. At least Bane was still Bane at the end of Rises. LOL.
The Mandarin looked great but the movie absolutely shat on his character. If this actually sees production, I'll get it because it's the closest approximation of the Mandarin we'll see in the near future. At least Bane was still Bane at the end of Rises. LOL.

You know, its funny you bring up Bane. As much as I liked Tom Hardy's performance in Dark Knight Rises, Bane' depiction onscreen bothers me more than Kingsley's fake Mandarin. I really wanted the juicer Bane and really hated that they gave his origin to Talia. I thought Guy Pierce made a pretty decent Mandarin, if you look at the film in that sense. It all comes down to everyone's own personal OCD. :)
To those who are saying that they shat on the Mandarin's character, I'm re-posting what I said before along with the interview quote:

Kingsley’s true character? A clueless, cowering, dim-witted actor named Trevor.

It’s not that The Mandarin isn’t in the movie — it’s just that he’s not the character you think he is, which leads to one of the most unexpected twists in the mythology of any recent superhero saga. Instead we find out that Guy Pearce’s scientist-entrepreneur Aldrich Killian is the true mastermind, although in the Extremis graphic novel, he is merely a desperate scientist who commits suicide after selling the formula to a domestic terror group.

In Iron Man 3, the character gets to go full on Big Bad. “Ultimately we do give you the Mandarin, the real guy, but it’s Guy Pearce in the end with the big dragon tattooed on his chest,” Black says. “He says, ‘You don’t understand, I’ve been this guy since I was born. I’ve been embodying him in this [actor] that I’ve had proxying for me, but it’s really me.’”

Feige notes that every character in the movies — from Tony Stark to his various villains — has some degree of variation from the comics.

“There was a point where it becomes an extreme change,” Feige acknowledges. “It was nerve wracking.”

Again, from there, you can see that the Mandarin character was divided between Killian and the terrorist persona as depicted by Trevor. You can find the rest of the whole interview surrounding the twist and the idea behind it in the following link:

Factor in how Drew Pearce said that he researched on all the various versions of the Mandarin, it's readily apparent that they definitely based Killian on his modern version. Also my own analysis on the whole Mandarin controversy:

In that regard, here's some concept art for the "Mandarin" (both Killian and Trevor):




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You know, its funny you bring up Bane. As much as I liked Tom Hardy's performance in Dark Knight Rises, Bane' depiction onscreen bothers me more than Kingsley's fake Mandarin. I really wanted the juicer Bane and really hated that they gave his origin to Talia. I thought Guy Pierce made a pretty decent Mandarin, if you look at the film in that sense. It all comes down to everyone's own personal OCD. :)

Well said.
I can't understand why everyone is still calling Trevor *The Mandarin* or saying the movie ruined his character. It was a fake out, pure and simple.
The movie simply changed the Mandarin from being a racists asian stereotype into a western guy as much of a genius as Tony is(But bearing a major grudge) and into the kind of nemesis we didn't really get in IM2(I am probably in the minority of about ten people on this forum who not only liked IM2, but can't think of anything wrong with it other than a scary enough bad guy).
Anyway, i understand a lot of people felt slightly cheated when they watched the movie, but claiming that Marvel "shat all over the mandarin" seems a bit strong. They just changed who the character was for the movie. It was just a fake out people. Movie people do it all the time. If you go and see Man Of Steel and find the twist to be that General Zod isn't the main bad guy, and Faora is the leader, is that going to ruin your life too?
And correct me if i am wrong, but they have pretty much done that with EVERY character in all the movies. Just a little nip/tuck of the comic characters to make them relevant in a modern world and believable to modern audiences.
I am also getting a lot of bitterness as though Marvel have somehow *done an Episode I* and ruined people's childhoods...
I go to the cinema to be surprised.
If everyone here goes to the cinema to be shown things they already know, with no deviation, why go to the cinema?
Anyone that doesn't want this figure is small in the pants.

Now, now, this is not HT Bane thread :monkey3

I don't get why people buy based on what they see in a movie :dunno. No matter how crappy a movie is or how bad the character was, if the design was kick *** people should at least give it a try.

I don't get why people don't buy based on what they see in a movie.
It's important how crappy a movie is or how bad the character was, even if the design was kick *** people should not give it a try.