1/6 Hot Toys MMS351 Captain America: Civil War The Winter Soldier Collectible Figure

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I think he's got a weird shaped head and the long hair doesn't help

Not sure what you mean:peace, but actor IMO has mad talent and extreme genetic gifts...



I mean, the guy looks great even strangling people or shooting them in the face.:monkey3

And love Bucky's hair. It's one of the reasons I want to grab these earlier Marvel phase Buckys, 'coz IF we get a Cap Bucky and IF they chop his hair, it will make for a nice character arc - but it just won't be the same (THIS IS FAN ART!!!!)


If you mean the fig, IMO HT did a great job w. the hair, very fine detail, tho I wonder what a rooted custom might look like. Just seems like this fig really needs to be seen in hand.


HT Image: Kindar on HT facebook.
I really think HT just needs more time. Look at the first 2 Cap head sculpts, compared to the latest releases, they didn't have a good Evans likeness. I still don't think HT has managed to get Renner right and CW BW is their best ScarJo sculpt. It just needs time and they'll eventually get Seb right.
Perhaps HT should have just recycled the DX07 Bespin Luke sculpt and simply repainted it to give it a 5-o'clock shadow. :lol :dunno

Until people start getting it in hand. Then it's absolutely great and 1000x better than TWS one. Then when the next one gets released, this figure gets relegated to the crap category. :lol
There's nothing that would stop the complaining. Thy could invent a shrink Ray and send you an actual 1/6 Sebastian And some people would say it doesn't look like him. Just the way it is. Seriously, actors have entered look a like contest meant to see who most looks like them, and lost.



Sebastian Stan's a funny guy, I'd like to hear his response to someone telling him he doesn't look like him. Or Anthony Mackie's.:lol

Srsly tho, for 200$+
there's all kinds of collectors, sure, but for me if you are buying a high-end fig, if it doesn't look (enough) like the character, why am I buying it? It's not like buying a Funko or a 20$ vinyl or even a NECA fig. And I don't sell my figs, it's a more or less permanent collection. And there's the time re displaying and so on.

But if SSC and HT will throw in a shrink-wrapped Sebastian:monkey3, I will buy 100 HT Star Wars Stormtroopers.:cool::naughty:google
Well, it's not like it looks absolutely nothing like Buck. It looks great and to me that's enough, I see enough Seb in it and won't look at the figure thinking "omg, that doesn’t really look like him". I'd do that with Clint and that's the main reason I still don't have a Hawkeye figure. I always liked the TWS sculpt and I like the CW one too. For people who want a near perfect likeness, HT will eventually get there but it will take a few more releases. I'm fine with waiting. Not every head sculpt can be as perfect as the first Ant-Man.
I totally agree that if you don't like it, don't buy it. And very few figures will ever look exactly like the actor, in part because people change and move and all that, and in part because of the nature of scaled down figures. Things often times have to be exaggerated or adjusted to translate in scale. If you just shrink down a 1/1 object often times it won't look the same even though it is identical. You can notice that "effect" when you zoom out of a photo on a computer screen or if you use a copy machine to shrink down an image. The proportions and structure don't change at all but the way it looks to us is that it's distorted. To minimize that effect and to sharpen details for the production and painting process features sometimes have to be exaggerated. But like I said, even if you could exactly replicate axperson in 1/6 some people would still say it didn't lookcright. If people can be standing talking to the person(or even judging if that person looks like the real version) and say they don't look like, well themselves, you can't avoid that in a sculpt. Throw in that people are mostly comparing the sculpt to an image of the person they have in their head and not the actual source you are just never going to come close to having a group of people(large group like hot toys collectors ect) agree about what looks right.
yeah not to mention that a lot of people think that an actor looks a lot different in real life coz they're suddenly "3D". So a nearly perfect likeness in a 1/6 head sculpt is extremely hard. I mean sometimes the likeness can be improved by a certain expression that we kinda expect from the actor, like the smirk for Scott coz that's just so Paul Rudd, ya know? But since HT is rarely doing expressions that show some kinda emotion, it makes it even harder imo.
yeah not to mention that a lot of people think that an actor looks a lot different in real life coz they're suddenly "3D". So a nearly perfect likeness in a 1/6 head sculpt is extremely hard. I mean sometimes the likeness can be improved by a certain expression that we kinda expect from the actor, like the smirk for Scott coz that's just so Paul Rudd, ya know? But since HT is rarely doing expressions that show some kinda emotion, it makes it even harder imo.

Very true.
honestly,i think the first head looks better.something just seems off,cant point a finger at it

Well, after tinkering for a while - not like I'm an expert (there are some great graphic folks on SF) - one thing....


Some of the sculpt pictures were freaking me out - like the middle image capped from YT vid - it's Zombie Bucky! What the ******* - well, anyway, I don't know what's going on w. HT, because other pics more or less look like the proto. So I did a fast coat over those undereye bags just to see.

Anyway, at least SOME of what is freaking me out seems to be PAINT (or lack of it/too much of it?) - the original underlying sculpt seems to be there (SSC pics/proto) but someone decided to get creative, ending up w. Zombie Bucky that doesn't look like Bucky at all, IMO. At least with some of these. Maybe. Who knows what I'll see when I open the box, but I liked the proto. So I may end up overpainting all those POSSIBLE under-eye shadows, re-lining the eyes - stuff I never want to do *meh*. Maybe I'll get lucky. Hard to say until it's in hand, because some stuff might be the photos. I don't know why HT would have different paint jobs/batches either.
I'd wait to make judgement till there are more pics and ones done with natural light. As you mentioned there's just to much difference between the photos. When it looks like two different sculpts in two different pics/vids there's no way to know how it looks for real. Most of the pics out are from people who are taking pro or semi pro pics for review or clicks and a lot have photoshop effects and most have artificial light.

As for the paint thing...paint is as important as the sculpt itself. It makes a huge difference.
I just ordered one off eBay from a Hong Kong seller this morning,as I can't be bothered with the almost 3 month wait it takes for them to arrive in Australia,should have it in a couple of weeks,will post pics asap in natural light,and under lights,looking forward to this figure alot

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And i'm so glad these figs have been really different from each other,will be really curious to see where they take this character next

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I just ordered one off eBay from a Hong Kong seller this morning,as I can't be bothered with the almost 3 month wait it takes for them to arrive in Australia,should have it in a couple of weeks,will post pics asap in natural light,and under lights,looking forward to this figure alot

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If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay? I can't wait for him to arrive in New Zealand but I don't want to pay some of the ridiculous prices on ebay right now =/