1/6 Hot Toys - MMS274 - TDKR - John Blake with Bat-Signal 1/6th scale Collectible Set

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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Yup, you got it. You don't even need to state all that. All you have to say is that the League JUST knows. They just do.

He's just an incompetent man and no match for an excommunicated member and the leader's whacked out daughter that was mad at him for not recognizing her "protectah".

I feel sorry for Blake and Gotham. They're probably going to have to go up against da League too. Bruce once again, just doesn't learn. Poor guy.

Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Yup, you got it. You don't even need to state all that. All you have to say is that the League JUST knows. They just do.

Never mind that Bruce/Batman was trained by the same organization, knows what they know and ended up being Ra's Al Ghul's GREATEST student. Bruce would never be privy to any of their tactics or know how. He'd never be able to set up precautions to combat such a large scale take over to his company and it's weapons division. He's just an incompetent man and no match for an excommunicated member and the leader's whacked out daughter that was mad at him for not recognizing her.
They're not ninjas, they're hired men with guns. Some have a cult like fanaticism others are just scared.
Exactly. Good post, they're completely unbeatable.

In spite of your sarcastic post, the cards were really stacked against batman in tdkr, thats what made it suspensefull and exciting. Bruce thought the league died with ras, and just because banes men didn't have black ninja suits on doesn't mean they didn't have the training, the fanaticism was more proof that they were trained Los members, the Los was an extreme fanatical organization, did you not see the plane scene, they had amazing training, he took on new recruits in gothem that were untrained just to bolster their numbers. Bruce hadn't left his room in forever, of course he had precautions on his gear, but he is one man who had given up on batman and was closed off in his room, I don't think he would notice the league of shadows sneaking around under what he believes is his secret armory. Despite what you want to believe batman can't predict everything and stop every plot before it happens, it's what makes movies exciting.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

I'm not saying there aren't flaws in the trilogy however a lot of what you're pointing out is nitpicky things that don't have to be spelled out for a person to understand. I agree you made some points, particularly the Reese thing but a lot of this is just over-analyzing and looking for ways to pick the film apart. It's pointless arguing because we clearly see things differently and no matter what reasoning I use you'll find a way to counter it so I'm done.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Bane under the armory was never being contested, how Bane obtained the knowledge that got him under the armory is
what was being questioned. Whether it happened the way you asserted is conjecture, nothing more, nothing less.
What way did I assert it happened? I didn't assert how it happened. I simply asserted that it DEFINITELY happened "somehow, someway". Nolan doesn't show us when or how it happened, (what you may call shoddy writing if you wish) and I made no guesses about the specifics of it other that to say that the fact that the end up under the armory on-screen is direct proof that at some point in the past off screen they discovered the precise location of it.

He's on the news speaking to Engel ready to spill the beans, correct?
If so then he has to have
some evidence correct?
Incorrect. You are making a leap that just because he is on the news, it means he has tangible evidence to back up whatever he says about Batman's identity to Engel.
unless he expects Gotham and Engel to take his word for it. Is there direct onscreen evidence
substantiating my example other than Reese appearing on the news? (which is depicted onscreen)
Reese appearing on the news says precisely NOTHING about what he evidence he does or does not have to back up his claim. Absolutely nothing is presented, yet you claim it "must be there". Heck *maybe* it is there, but still, nothing is presented, and his appearing on the news IS NOT evidence that he has something. How many times in real life has a claim made on national television been debunked, or shown to be smoke and mirrors because the person making the claim has nothing to show for it. Just because someone convinces someone to put them on TV is NOT proof in itself that he is telling the truth. We know Reese really knows Batman's identity because we are the omniscient real-world audience. How do the characters in the movie know he's not full of it?
No, but then again there is no
evidence of your example either than the LOS appearing under the armory (which is also depicted onscreen)
Again, my claim is simply that the LOS definitely found the armory. That's it. And you've shown we agree on that point.
Once again, whose disputing the LOS found the armory? Why do you keep insisting that that is what's in dispute?
I don't. In fact I said (and you quoted):
this is a fact of the film, this is not in dispute
The dispute hinges on how they obtained information on an armory purportedly "off the books". You have nothing but conjecture which you arrived to based off the fact that the LOS is under the armory.
Really? Show me where I outlined exactly how they obtained information on an armory. All I claimed is that it definitely happened offscreen, I made no assertions about how it happened, just that it did happen. And you're even agreeing with me that it did happen (after all, it's indisputable)!
Just like I drew the conclusion that Coleman Reese kept something that incriminates Bruce to the point in which he is on live television about to out his former employer and the wealthiest man in the city.
Again, no, not "just like" my claim. You drew a conclusion while there is nothing to show that Reese has anything in his possession. My conclusion, on the other hand, has onscreen evidence that something DEFINITELY is the case, something DEFINITELY happened. My example can be expressed as a DIRECT and inevitable, indisputable, cause and effect (not conjecture). Yours cannot.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

We're not talking about the Energy Project, we're talking about the Wayne tech/weapon division. They're underneath as far back as Gordon being taken to Bane. That's what I stated in response to your post. Bane and his men just know to set up their operations right under it. During the fight between Batman and Bane, you can see Bane's little command center that he was working at shirtless when the mercs bring Gordon to him.

They only needed Wayne and Fox for the bomb. Bane and the mercs were under the actual armory in the beginning of the movie.

The nuclear bomb is no where near the applied science division. It's out by the docks under the river so that they can drown it. Digging around aimlessly isn't what they were doing. It's never suggested that they're just burrowing for the orb.

OK, I agree, but all I've been just trying to say is Talia is the one that put them there. Many posts back someone made it sound like they thought Bane & his men were just lucky to be there to find the armory, they didn't understand how he found it, but what I'm saying they knew the Armory was there because of Talia and her infiltrating Wayne Enterprises.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

I could go on, but I think I'll save that for later. Bottom line. I love how people find it easy to rip apart things like the Star Wars prequels, Spider-Man 3, or other big dumb fan boy movies because of their lame stories and scripts, but when ever it comes to "Nolan's Batman" it's treated like it's sacrileges. I just don't get that.

What "people"? :dunno That's a straw man attack without even identifying the straw man....just y'know, "people". If there's some specific person or persons that are ragging on other films for committing the same sins that they casually excuse in Nolan Bat-films, then by all means, call them out on it when they do it!

That's quite a list, and you do list some plot beefs, but many of your points are NOT even plot points or errors, just filmmaker decisions you personally didn't like. Well, it certainly helps make the list longer. Like you said, you just didn't like the movie, and you actually dislike it so much that to you, it's a "what if" story that didn't happen. You absolutely don't have to justify your opinion with a laundry list. Even if I spent all day countering each of those points (I won't, but not because I can't) it would be pointless. We can argue details until we're blue in the face (and that's fun sometimes) but we can't argue someone into liking or disliking something.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

No, I won't counter it don't worry. I agree with you that it's pointless to argue. I agree with a lot of what you say.

I'm just saying, if you don't see the value in the story/film that is unfolding before you, it's much easier to rip it apart because you're not invested in it. A lot of that is over-analyzing and nitpicking, a lot of it is real, genuine gripes. What can I say.

Bottom line, someone either likes something or they don't (or they just don't care). Atleast we can agree and have a common interest in other things. I also happen to like these sort of back and forth conversations on certain occasions.

I agree, its one of the only back n forths i got involved with where people actually were pretty civil to each other. Sometimes we misread things or misinterpret what each other say, and that can usually lead to a lot of nasty things, but ill just say thanks to everyone involved that kept this civil and respectful, especially compared to other debates Ive seen. :)
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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

It seems like you struggle with people just liking something that you don't. Does it really matter? Just enjoy what you like.

That's what most people on this forum do. You're not allowed to enjoy anything. You're actually supposed to "hang out" in a thread relating to a film you absolutely HATED. :lol

It does make sense to post/discuss why you (not you specifically) didn't like a certain film and even wanting to go in-depth with the flaws you personally had with it, but months/YEARS later? We get it, you didn't like it, but why try and hinder other's enjoyment because they did?
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Finally: :yess:


Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

So Blake is more important than Ra's Al Ghul. Great figures nonetheless but not so interested in them. Unless... they show for 180 EUR.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

I bet they are going to be a set.
Jim and Blake

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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

If that's the case, hopefully there's an option for just Gordon and the signal, ala the armory vault.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

The 3 piece set sounds very possible because I can't imagine Blake would be a big seller on his own. I just started bashing a Gordon so it would have to be priced right for me to even consider buying him.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

If that's the case, hopefully there's an option for just Gordon and the signal, ala the armory vault.

Dunno about that. While the Armory with Batman alone is the most attractive option to some people, lots of people had no interest in the Armory and wanted JUST Alfred and Hot Toys knows it.....so what do they do? They made the only options for getting an official Alfred be to get him bundled with the full set or the Armory.

I bet they'd do something similar here knowing that a lot of people want JUST Gordon, or JUST Gordon and the Signal. Force collectors to buy a complete bundled set including Blake or settle for the prices of a parted-out set on the secondary market (or buy the full set and sell off Blake if they don't want him).

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even offer different versions of this set (if they do make it a set)---just two-figure bundle with the Signal. Knowing Blake isn't as popular as a Gordon, they may see mandatory bundling as their best option to sell that figure.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Well, hopefully Hot Toys thinks Blake is the one everyone wants, ala Alfred. If they do have different options that is.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Go to 0:30 for the Blake figure. Great great likeness imo!
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