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It’s so cool that you were able to pick up this awesome figure like that when she has apparently become so hard to find!

Also thanks for sharing those pics, they are great!
Again, I was only told what was done but apparently the amount of the beeswax lip balm used wouldn?t even have been enough to moisturize half a lip. She did tell me that it was mainly the top of the head that needed the ?work? and said she was impressed how well done the rest of the hair was out of the box. I do not want to contradict official instructions but sometimes they do say things to cover their asses. I believe the water warning was more in saying not to try to wash, rinse and then dry all the rooted hair at once. I?m sure that a small bit of moisture on the top of the head to help lay the hair flatter will be fine. Mine still looks better than new.

Hope that helps.
Yeah, thanks for the tips! I was definitely working to strike the balance between futzing with the hair and keeping her standing without assistance. Too much futzing and I?d knock her over :rotfl


It?s so cool that you were able to pick up this awesome figure like that when she has apparently become so hard to find!

Also thanks for sharing those picks, they are great!
Thanks! Yeah I really lucked out. I saw how she suddenly sold out everywhere online this week and began to skyrocket in price so made some local calls that paid off. I hope Sideshow ends up getting another batch so more people can enjoy this figure without having to pay through the nose.
Again, I was only told what was done but apparently the amount of the beeswax lip balm used wouldn?t even have been enough to moisturize half a lip. She did tell me that it was mainly the top of the head that needed the ?work? and said she was impressed how well done the rest of the hair was out of the box. I do not want to contradict official instructions but sometimes they do say things to cover their asses. I believe the water warning was more in saying not to try to wash, rinse and then dry all the rooted hair at once. I?m sure that a small bit of moisture on the top of the head to help lay the hair flatter will be fine. Mine still looks better than new.

Hope that helps.

She looks great blingus!
Thanks for sharing that suggestion. I’m going to try that with Gamora and my CW Black Widow!
She looks great blingus!
Thanks for sharing that suggestion. I?m going to try that with Gamora and my CW Black Widow!

Yeah CW BW needs a bit more than just some water and beeswax In my opinion. When she was pegwarming everywhere awhile ago, I picked up a spare headsculpt for $20 and did a little work on it. Basically I colored in her roots to look more in line with the film. Thanks for mentioning her as I will pull that head aside to ask my friend if she thinks she can do something with her to help as well.


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Yeah CW BW needs a bit more than just some water and beeswax In my opinion. When she was pegwarming everywhere awhile ago, I picked up a spare headsculpt for $20 and did a little work on it. Basically I colored in her roots to look more in line with the film. Thanks for mentioning her as I will pull that head aside to ask my friend if she thinks she can do something with her to help as well.

The head looks really cool, you did a nice job with the coloring.
Your picture also reminds me that the Infinity War out fit was pretty cool. I think that overall the IW version of Black Widow was probably sort of under appreciated.
The head looks really cool, you did a nice job with the coloring.
Your picture also reminds me that the Infinity War out fit was pretty cool. I think that overall the IW version of Black Widow was probably sort of under appreciated.

Thank you, it took a good deal of time and patience and I?m not completely happy with it but I do think it is better than the stock color. Speaking of BW outfits, I?ve actually liked all of them so far without judging the figures that represented each version. And even though the IW outfit was understandably based on the CW one, it being worn and tactical makes it stand out in a sea of black. In my opinion, the worst screen to figure representation was easily IM2, which I still own and has the strange thing of looking better in 2D pictures than in hand:
Over the years I had always hoped that I?d be able to ?update? the body and head because her outfit in the movie was awesome, her hair was luxurious and the rest, well she looked beautifully deadly in that tight shield outfit ?what are you wearing?-Happy Hogan. Unfortunately, the body used was just too big for any swap so mine has remained stock.

As far as my least favorite outfit, I would definitely choose AoU every time. Regardless of how terrible the hair on the figure turned out, Tony?s money that paid for everything, designed everything and made everyone look cooler went a bit too far for my taste. It?s like the design team knew how well the A1 suit was received but decided to screw with it by adding all that blue and extra red. And as far as the figure went, it was too bad because the AoU BW came with a bunch of stuff.

So when it comes to my favorite on screen representation of BW, I?d probably have to go with a tie between Cap:TWS & EG. Both are relatively simple, mainly black and tactically rely on pistols and ?widow?s sting? with EG adding only batons. Lastly, from what we have all seen so far of BW Snow Outfit, it could be a contender depending on how it turns out in the film.
Wow, was NOT expecting my day to go this way. I lucked out and managed to grab Gamora at a local comic shop today. Snapped a few photos this afternoon already. Beautiful figure!

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Epic, epic photos and poses as always!!! :clap :clap Glad you were able to attain and be happy with her, she's fabulous indeed.

You must be a professional photographer!
Again, I was only told what was done but apparently the amount of the beeswax lip balm used wouldn?t even have been enough to moisturize half a lip. She did tell me that it was mainly the top of the head that needed the ?work? and said she was impressed how well done the rest of the hair was out of the box. I do not want to contradict official instructions but sometimes they do say things to cover their asses. I believe the water warning was more in saying not to try to wash, rinse and then dry all the rooted hair at once. I?m sure that a small bit of moisture on the top of the head to help lay the hair flatter will be fine. Mine still looks better than new.

Hope that helps.

Nice result on Gamora's hair!
This coating has some color but also rubs off with a little work. The underlying rubber color is closer to where we want to be to use on this version of the figure but still isn't quite right. I bought some Peacock Green Rit dye for synthetic fabrics and soaked the seamless arms in the bottle for 20 minutes. The results were surprising good. With a little experimentation and some mixing I think a perfect match is possible.

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Thank you for the info Darth Fail, it is appreciated! Is there anything else you can tell me about removing the coating on the Vol. 1 arms? Did you use any specific tools, chemicals and/or types of cloth?
Thank you for the info Darth Fail, it is appreciated! Is there anything else you can tell me about removing the coating on the Vol. 1 arms? Did you use any specific tools, chemicals and/or types of cloth?

I did try isopropyl alcohol at first but it had no effect. The outer coating with the color rubs off with a bit of thumb pressure. Make sure you get it all or you’ll have dark spots. After that I rinsed it and dunked it right in the bottle of dye, 15 minutes first then another 6.
I did try isopropyl alcohol at first but it had no effect. The outer coating with the color rubs off with a bit of thumb pressure. Make sure you get it all or you’ll have dark spots. After that I rinsed it and dunked it right in the bottle of dye, 15 minutes first then another 6.

Wonderfully detailed, again Thank you! I have been copying these posts and filing them under my notes on modding collectibles. The “note” has been going for over a decade, is too lengthy and is in complete disarray. I should have made categories like paint, glue, materials, material types, all with sub categories but it is just one long disorganized “note”. There’s some good information in there like the complete instructions on using a MoS body for Stealth Cap and numerous statue fixing tips but I always have to search in order to find anything. I’m sure I’ll be doing this Gamora arm mod soon enough so I’ll know where to find the info but if someone were to ask me in say 2 years, good luck :lol :wink1:

You are right, lots of fun options with the shirt/jet pack look!
These are awesome photos Spanbauer, they really show off how dynamic this figure can be!!!

You are right, lots of fun options with the shirt/jet pack look!
These are awesome photos Spanbauer, they really show off how dynamic this figure can be!!!
Thanks! Yeah she has a good range of motion. You can even push the legs quite a bit but the fabric will slowly return them to a less extreme position. Wish she had ankle tilt of course but with a lot of patience and a little luck you can even get her to stand dynamically unassisted.

WOW! extra cool Photo's and posing Spanbauer.. love this figure.
Thanks! Yeah she’s a winner.

How hard was it to swap the outfit?
Not difficult at all so long as one follows the included instructions (I would not have realized without reading them that her arms pop out). Just have to be super careful with the zipper down the side of the vest and be mindful of where one is applying pressure when pushing and pulling things. That said, I have yet to switch her back to the vest and jacket which could prove more challenging.