Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Not getting my hopes up, probably not even true. But if it is I'll be totally surprised. That will be awesome if it's true.

Either way, I can't wait.
I gotto pay Eric a visit anyways so might as well pry the answer out of him and interrogate him about his relationship with HT :D
Erm, no... if it was stated June/July and the DCD release was December and the HK release could be November late December that means the DCD would be May or June. I thought DCD's releases were always 6 months behind HK's releases?

I however have no issue with this delay. "why so serious....... geez, chill out .... it'd be better for them to make it right the first time, instead of rushing it."

I don't think there's a set gap between DCD and HK, first Joker and Batman were only like a few months, even BR I think, only Two-Face was a huge gap that I can remember.

As for the wait, I think it's just the ugliness of things that's getting to people, and understandably. Sadly, most of us bought into the notion of him being out July-August on time, which looking at when he went up, isn't very realistic but it's what HT said and we were so excited, reason didn't kick in.

So fine, it's been delayed, but the updates on the delays has been a mess. No official word from HT, so all we have is conflicting reports from all over. It'd be nice if something concrete right from HT would come out, doesn't even have to say why he's not out, just say, here's the new official release, then there'd be no he said she said crap or anything like that which we're facing now.
At this point, until someone has a post, look, I've got him in my hands, or finds some site showing someone has this thing in their hands, I don't care who says what about release, there's too many conflicting stories, I don't trust any source anymore other than photographic proof it's in a consumer's hands.
That's the only problem I have with Hot Toys, their communication or lack thereof. I really wouldn't haveknowledge of any sort if I didn't come to these message boards and relied solely on Hot Toys.

So far nothing official has been stated so I'm not going to get excited just yet until I see actual evidence of people having them in hand. Could be next week, could be in two months.
Yup, I think Hot Toys, given it's current size, could and should do a weekly, or even bi-weekly, newsletter. Even though they don't do direct sales like Sideshow, it'd be nice if they had a little coming in 30 days and rescheduled posting like Sideshow's newsletter, it's not like you lose customers that way, I think it's actually been beneficial for Sideshow, having up to date information allows for people to schedule things and whatever. Granted it's bad people need info to schedule paying for this stuff (probably means you barely have enough cash :lol) but still, people will cancel less if they have pretty solid information to know when to expect items. If it's posted as October but gets bumped to December and you don't know, someone might go, oh, i can't get it this soon and cancel where if they knew it's not for 2 more months, they could keep the order because they'll be fine by then.
I just put in my pre-order with goodshipped and they sent me an email saying they expect shipment in november. How accurate this is i dunno but just thought i'd share.
I pre-ordered this guy back at the end of April, on Ebay (the DX Joker is actually one of the releases that finally pushed me over the edge, into 1/6 collecting), so it feels like it's been a LONG time for me...

The delay wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that now I'm obviously worried I'm never going to get it. The seller had almost 2000 sales, almost 100% positive feedback, and assured me he had a great feedback record even with pre-orders lasting more than 3 months long, but still...he could scam me out of my money now and I'd have no recourse.

Of course, I've learned my lesson - next time, either pre-order from someone willing to use an escrow service, someone who will accept a small deposit until the item's ready to ship, or wait until much closer to (or after) the item's release....but that doesn't help me with this order.

And I've got no specific reason to believe I'll be scammed - but it's a possibility that I'm now helpless to.
That's the only problem I have with Hot Toys, their communication or lack thereof. I really wouldn't haveknowledge of any sort if I didn't come to these message boards and relied solely on Hot Toys.

:lecture Word. Way too many people with 'inside' information but nothing from the official source.

No worries, I will believe it when I will see it.
Exactly, not to say I don't trust the people posting things they hear, some I know very well have the contacts and such, but when everyone's getting conflicting reports, it devalues all the reports, only one can be right, and maybe it's not even one anyone's hearing.

At this point, when someone gets him in hand, we'll know, figure 2-4 weeks after that for U.S. distributors to get it out and 1-2 for HK fed eBay dealers.
Hi everybody,

Do you think the price of the Bank Robber Joker will drop after the DX version comes out? I am planning on getting the BR Joker, but if the price is going to come down, then I don't mind waiting til the DX version comes out. :angelsmil

I doubt by much, V1 for sure. BR Joker is it's own figure, a completely different costume for a unique scene in the film. I think of it as a complete separate figure but with two bonuses for people who bought the V1 (the headsculpt and the gun). People won't want V1 for any reason anymore, but BR Joker is different enough from DX Joker. Plus, if you've got V1 with BR and DX Joker you get all of his alternate incarnations in the film, cop, interrogation/street battle, mob meeting, and the opening sequence.
I believe what Wookster says. He was right about the tumbler and so many other things. Besides going by what Wookster said (within 4 weeks) that would bring us to mid October which isn't that far off with what others are saying (mid Oct to Nov).
I can only report what I hear, but my 'very' reliable source did say within a month... with an aim to have it in some shops by the end of September if possible.
The delay wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that now I'm obviously worried I'm never going to get it. The seller had almost 2000 sales, almost 100% positive feedback, and assured me he had a great feedback record even with pre-orders lasting more than 3 months long, but still...he could scam me out of my money now and I'd have no recourse.

I ordered all three of my Dark Knight HT figures on Ebay via a Hong Kong based dealer ( I'm based in the UK ) I have never been let down. I used two different dealers and paid upfront Months before the figures were released.

I agree that it's essentially a risk due to the EBAY rules and the time issue, but I would be very suprised if you were ripped off.

I can only report what I hear, but my 'very' reliable source did say within a month... with an aim to have it in some shops by the end of September if possible.

Wooks, you da man. You paid your dues and earned your cred. It is the "others" who haven't earned their stripe we raise an eyebrow too :D