1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 320 - Star Wars Ep.VII - Kylo Ren

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Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Where you been, a hole? I've been saying Kylo's a Skywalker (and Solo since he's Leia and Han's kid) since I first heard of the character. Rey is too (it's like Luke and Leia all over again -- could it be any more obvious?). Others have also noted that. I got no time to prove a point to someone who can't keep up.

And don't have such an ego that only you can solve the mysteries of the world. Jesus.

Well I'm not on the internet every single day. All I know is what I've seen from the trailers and figures.

Anyways, this figure looks GREAT! I'll take it!

So if you guys know a lot about the new movie, is Finn gonna be Finn Calrissian? Why else would his last name be withheld unless it's something we're already familiar with. I'd guess he'd reunite with Lando/Dad in Episode 8?

Also, if Luke's Empire saber made it out of Bespin, I'm sure Vader's could make it out of the Death Star. Maybe it fell down to the Endor moon.
Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Good prices on these figures all around but since they aren't being released for a while and no exclusives I'll wait to order.
Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Ditto but I'm upset that we're not getting the Adam Driver sculpt.

Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

I really loved seeing the Biblical/Star Wars parallel infographic you posted here the other day. Very interesting!

Thank you. Here's the full article I wrote on it, along with the infographic I designed in full resolution - Theology in STAR WARS

Really curious to see how J.J. tackles the mythology.
Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

DEEP THOUGHT......did Palpatine really die? Never confirmed. What it fell through a vent and landed on a weather vain. Stayed there until a tie fighter picked him up!!!

In the Dark Empire comic series he returned as darkside energy inhabiting a series of clones of his human form. Kinda cool - Lucas at the time said that's what he woulda done for the sequels.
Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Haters gonna hate!!

This fig looks cool.

And obv they going to double dip this is Star Wars + HT. Maybe some battle damaged version with sculpt.
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Re: Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Perhaps they are saving it for a double dip deluxe version down the line?

My sentiments exactly. The only way I could justify buying another Kylo is if the next one has the Driver sculpt and has him in his X-Wing uniform.
Re: MMS 320 - Hot Toys Kylo Ren

Rather wait and see how good the new movie is before picking up any of these figs...but the power of the dark side is strong with this one..looks fantastic!
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