Hot Toys Grand Moff Tarkin

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Save yourself the trouble and buy a bunch of spare pegs. No reason to regret the purchase. ToyAnxiety should have some spare ones from some other HT figure for cheap.

That's a good tip, thanks TonTon. This is my first Vader, so I wasn't prepared for trying to get the pegs into those deep gloves. Definitely was a rookie tonight. I'll check out ToyAnxiety and order a bunch. Appreciate the advice, thanks again.
Even though I stated before that I can't really say one is better than the other stock because both contain better parts than the other, at the same time, my eye still goes to the original one whenever I see them both side by side. I think it's mostly because of the sculpt, shoulder armor (still inaccurate, but it still looks a bit more accurate stock) and the chest box.

Is that little round metallic silver disc on the belt just to the left (from Vader's perspective) of the buckle accurate?

I don't believe so. That's a detail seen on the ESB belt, not ANH. Even the RO belt didn't have that silver dot. Don't know why they added it. Same with the 4 silver dots on the straps for the chest armor. I don't believe that is accurate to ANH either, nor was it on the RO version. HT made some strange choices with this ANH v2 Vader.
But don't both the original ANH Vader and the Tarkin ANH Vader have the exact same headsculpt?

To me from the pics the Vader Helmet looks pretty much identical except maybe slightly different weathering/paint apps.. But that could also differ from item to item...
Finally got my Tarkin from my local shop today. I was really tempted to buy the two pack instead of the single. Is the ANH Vader v2 better than the R1 version? I thought about selling the R1 to buy the two pack.
i just picked up the clenched hand from TA so that I can use with ANH Obi Wan. whoot!

Question: Are the hands the same on both figures? If not, I may get a set of relaxed Tarkin hands to ease Obi-Wans "big hand" syndrome.
Crappy ipad pic, currently looking for suitable camera for future shots...damn this hobby :lol


Dint have much time yesterday, im trying to play around with them more in the weekend. But here are some noticeable issues:

-Tarkin hair as you all see is brown, completely different that promo pics which is white
- He looks like a hoobit standing next to Vader. I need to rewatch the film ANH and RO, but my impression of him is not this small..not ? I remember hes taller than Krennic in RO
- Interrogation droid looks cheap, hate that plastic stand
-Vader is HUGE, no complanis except minor problem with his right wrist peg

Overall I love this classic combination of two bad @ss SW villians together...such a great set!
The way it was going, I never thought I'd see the day I'd have Tarkin on the shelf. And this is TRULY Tarkin on the shelf! Haven't had time to dissect the new/old Vader yet, I can't stop looking at the Moff!

Took this earlier tonight... "You may fire when ready."

It was a while since I last changed my RO Vader's hands and the peg stayed on the wrist when I did it so it wasn't too hard to shove the hand onto the wrist. I picked up the first Vader's interrogation droid this week and was equally like wtf? at the stand. I can't think of a reason they didn't include the same style/quality stand, but smaller, to use for the interrogation droid on a $250+ product. I'd love a detolf shelf sized big block to plug all of the crotch stands and interrogation droid into.

BBTS has Tarkin in my PoL, struggling not to send them but I keep thinking any day they'll get the Spider-Man Homecoming Deluxe in.

edit. That's an incredible shot Comatoast!
For those of you that got the two pack, are you having any trouble getting the pegs in/out of the glove on the Vader hands? I'm been trying to get the wrist pegs in a glove for 45 minutes and I'm pretty sure I have no nerve cells left in any of my finger tips at this point. I'm so frustrated I almost regret buying this. Does anyone have any tips?

I had the some problem with that Vader too, very hard time get the wrist pegs in a glove, especially the right one to hold the LS
When's your review?

Absolutely amazing figure, isn't it? Even though its so simple. Maybe that's what makes it work so well.

Should be up next week - I got the two pack so I have to go over Vader as well. I have the first one so I'll try to compare /contrast.

He's really one of the best-looking , in the SW line anyway , since Leia (but with better clothing!). They got the body, height, just about everything but the collar right and that doesn't bother me.