Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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My Short List:
Darth Vader (Pretty much guaranteed)
Darth Maul
Jango Fett (Shouldn't be too far behind Boba as they're doing bounty hunters)
Count Dooku
Jedi Luke

I hope SSC can finish the clones, roll out all the bounty hunters, get us C-3P0 and R2D2, finish the Separatist droids and inevitable battle droid colors, redo the Stormtrooper and Vader, and then tackle some aliens. Leave the humans to Hot Toys.
My Short List:
Darth Vader (Pretty much guaranteed)
Darth Maul
Jango Fett (Shouldn't be too far behind Boba as they're doing bounty hunters)
Count Dooku
Jedi Luke

I hope SSC can finish the clones, roll out all the bounty hunters, get us C-3P0 and R2D2, finish the Separatist droids and inevitable battle droid colors, redo the Stormtrooper and Vader, and then tackle some aliens. Leave the humans to Hot Toys.

REALLY hoping for a DX Jedi Luke. Would be great to have the Death Star outfit and a Endor Scout outfit as well.
REALLY hoping for a DX Jedi Luke. Would be great to have the Death Star outfit and a Endor Scout outfit as well.
That would be killer!! :yess:

Since the big announcement, I was thinking I'd only get one of each main character - Vader, Luke, Han, Leia etc. I think with Luke though, I'd definitely want him in his Jedi outfit - as well as the Bespin one. I've always been a fan of his Tatooine outfit, but I've never felt compelled to own a 1/6 version.. especially with what's been on offer till now. :monkey4

I guess in general though, it all depends on how strong a spell, HT casts on me in the next year or so. :lol
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That would be killer!! :yess:

Since the big announcement, I was thinking I'd only get one of each main character - Vader, Luke, Han, Leia etc. I think with Luke though, I'd definitely want him in his Jedi outfit - as well as the Bespin one. I've always been a fan of his Tatooine outfit, but I've never felt compelled to own a 1/6 version.. especially with what's been on offer till now. :monkey1

I guess in general though, it all depends on how strong a spell, HT casts on me in the next year or so. :lol

Ya, I prefer Jedi Luke and ANH Luke to Bespin Luke, but who knows how many HT will be allowed to make. I figure if I ever want to limit myself to one representation of each character, I could sell him for more than I paid. :yess:
Why would Hot Toys be the ones to make a Jango Fett when Sideshow has done Boba Fett and all of those clones? I'm pretty sure Dooku is as likely as Jango (as in, not at all). Vader is the only one I see them having a chance of doing, but I don't know why Sideshow would bother.
Why would Hot Toys be the ones to make a Jango Fett when Sideshow has done Boba Fett and all of those clones? I'm pretty sure Dooku is as likely as Jango (as in, not at all). Vader is the only one I see them having a chance of doing, but I don't know why Sideshow would bother.

Haha, I agree... Didn't realize the short list had to be for HT only. Sad to think zero chance of a Dooku though...
I thought you were making Hot Toys Star Wars wishlists.

I'd expect to see a Sideshow version of Dooku first, and if HT were to do him, it would be somewhere down the line.
Got thinking about this whole venture from a merchandising perspective. If HT/SSC were smart about this, shouldn't they try to time the release of these figures to coincide with the re-release of these movies in 3-D? Seems like that is what Hasbro is ramping up for with the overhaul of their packaging design (includes Maul next year). I think the re-release is going to stir up the nostalgia factor for a lot of fans that may have gone dormant and expose new audiences to SW in a fresh way. Seems like the demand for SW collectibles would rise correspondingly. If they used that model as their guideline, I could see HT doing:

Qui-Gonn? (SS did a solid version, could see HT wanting to outdo it)
Padme - just about any version, Hasbro actually did some good Padmes for the time, but HT's would be sick. "Invasion of Naboo" dress that actually lights up, etc.
Anakin - feh, let SS do him
NO Jar Jar

Padme - she kicks some butt in this one!
The SS version of Obi Wan still holds up - think it would be redundant
SS will grab Yoda, Dooku, Jango and anyone else

ANAKIN - so central, it's a no brainer
OBI WAN - the duel alone makes this a 'must do'
Padme??? - don't know that HT would want to do preggo Padme?

A touchstone movie, could see HT wanting to hit the core characters:
Farmer Luke
SS will want the droids and anything else

Hoth Luke
Bespin/Hoth Han
Bespin/Hoth Leia
SS will want Vader, Snowtroopers, and the rest

Endor/Jedi Luke
Endor Han
Endor Leia
SLAVE LEIA - this is the one figure that, if HT doesn't do it while they have the chance, I'd flip my obvious it hurts
Again, SS will grab Vader, biker scouts, ewoks, all that stuff...

Those are my predictions/wants - your mileage may vary.
I doubt Hot Toys would make all of those, but those would be good choices for possible figures.

I can definitely see them making Vader, Obi-Wan and Anakin though.
I would think we would only see about 3 HT Star Wars releases a year. They just seem spread thin with all the licenses they have.
Hot Toys should use a simple plan. Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Ben. Get all the main human and wookiee characters out first. I don't see them doing any droids, and armoured characters including Vader, especially judging how good Grievous and Boba look
Without going through a bunch of pages HT is not taking over this line at all. They're going to be going back and redoing certain characters and have chances at figures like Chewie, Droids (possibly), etc. Maybe some first run figures as well but the lions share will still be done by Sideshow.
Hot Toys should use a simple plan. Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Ben. Get all the main human and wookiee characters out first. I don't see them doing any droids, and armoured characters including Vader, especially judging how good Grievous and Boba look


Although I can do without another Old Ben. Sideshow's really is fantastic, and with a repaint it's absolutely perfect IMO.
Got thinking about this whole venture from a merchandising perspective. If HT/SSC were smart about this, shouldn't they try to time the release of these figures to coincide with the re-release of these movies in 3-D? Seems like that is what Hasbro is ramping up for with the overhaul of their packaging design (includes Maul next year). I think the re-release is going to stir up the nostalgia factor for a lot of fans that may have gone dormant and expose new audiences to SW in a fresh way. Seems like the demand for SW collectibles would rise correspondingly. If they used that model as their guideline, I could see HT doing:

Qui-Gonn? (SS did a solid version, could see HT wanting to outdo it)
Padme - just about any version, Hasbro actually did some good Padmes for the time, but HT's would be sick. "Invasion of Naboo" dress that actually lights up, etc.
Anakin - feh, let SS do him
NO Jar Jar

Padme - she kicks some butt in this one!
The SS version of Obi Wan still holds up - think it would be redundant
SS will grab Yoda, Dooku, Jango and anyone else

ANAKIN - so central, it's a no brainer
OBI WAN - the duel alone makes this a 'must do'
Padme??? - don't know that HT would want to do preggo Padme?

A touchstone movie, could see HT wanting to hit the core characters:
Farmer Luke
SS will want the droids and anything else

Hoth Luke
Bespin/Hoth Han
Bespin/Hoth Leia
SS will want Vader, Snowtroopers, and the rest

Endor/Jedi Luke
Endor Han
Endor Leia
SLAVE LEIA - this is the one figure that, if HT doesn't do it while they have the chance, I'd flip my obvious it hurts
Again, SS will grab Vader, biker scouts, ewoks, all that stuff...

Those are my predictions/wants - your mileage may vary.

Some on that list can be condensed, namely Obi-Wan Kenobi who has
the same Jedi garb throughout the prequels. All you would really need
is 3 distinct head sculpts for each of his look. The same applies to
Episode 2 & 3 Anakin. Padme wouldn't really warrant no more than
1 figure and heavy emphasis would likely be placed on the OT.

I doubt Hot Toys would make all of those, but those would be good choices for possible figures.

I can definitely see them making Vader, Obi-Wan and Anakin though.

You never know. SW is highly lucrative with a vast following. It would be foolish if HT
didn't exploit this. Also keep in mind that Iron Man has only two films under its belt
and so far HT has/or will have 15 releases in connection to that series alone. So it
would be crazy to only do 3 characters and then abandon the line.
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Without going through a bunch of pages HT is not taking over this line at all. They're going to be going back and redoing certain characters and have chances at figures like Chewie, Droids (possibly), etc. Maybe some first run figures as well but the lions share will still be done by Sideshow.

Hey get that logic out of here:rotfl
Not for nothing, but Kenobi's outfits are slightly different during each movie of the prequels. Even SS had the sense to make the releases different. The other Jedi may warrant a 1 release catch-all, but not Obi-Wan.

And as had been said ad nauseum, this is not HT's decision to make. They DON'T have the license. They will make whatever SS allows them to make or help THEM with. Which is a good thing, because despite everyone's wants, variety is not their model. That's why there's Batman re-do's, Joker re-do's, Iron Man re'dos, and Jack Sparrow re-do's to the point where it's a joke. There's no way all those characters get made while they still keep up with the licenses they DO own and make the money on.
Look for a few figures SS acknowledges were fubar, and help with the few that are more challenging.

kinda like mfoga's quote of The Josh while I was typing:lol
Some on that list can be condensed, namely Obi-Wan Kenobi who has
the same Jedi garb throughout the prequels. All you would really need
is 3 distinct head sculpts for each of his look. The same applies to
Episode 2 & 3 Anakin. Padme wouldn't really warrant no more than
1 figure and heavy emphasis would likely be placed on the OT.

Anakin and Obi-Wan's outfits are VERY different from film to film:

Obi-Wan TPM:

Obi-Wan AOTC:

Obi-Wan ROTS:

Anakin AOTC: Sites/Starwars/images/Anakin background.jpg

Anakin ROTS:

I really hope that HT doesn't cheap out. Their costumes are different, I hope that who ever does them, HT or SS, they stay true to the character and the costumes.

I would definitely like to see more then one Padme! I hope they don't treat the saga as trilogies and treat it like it belongs, a Saga, six films one story!!!!!! Even handily release pieces from ALL six films!
Not for nothing, but Kenobi's outfits are slightly different during each movie of the prequels. Even SS had the sense to make the releases different. The other Jedi may warrant a 1 release catch-all, but not Obi-Wan.

Agreed! Obi-Wan is one of the most important characters throughout the entire Saga! It's important to get him right and a damned shame that the EP 1 Obi-Wan has only been done by Hasbro in 1/6 scale...

And as had been said ad nauseum, this is not HT's decision to make. They DON'T have the license. They will make whatever SS allows them to make or help THEM with...Look for a few figures SS acknowledges were fubar, and help with the few that are more challenging.

That's exactly why I picked the characters I did - they seem the most likely contenders for HT, considering SS holds the license. SS STILL does not have a decent female body to work with, so let HT do any Padmes or Leias...especially slave Leia, since she is almost a nude! And Chewbacca, don't see SS wanting the headache of that one. Throw in the most important, iconic human characters (wellll, AND Maul - imagine that HT would detail him right down to the markings on his torso!) from each film, and that can define HTs run on SW.