Hot Toys Death Star Gunner

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This gunner is an easy pass for me. So decided to spend the money on these !!!!

How awesome are they !!

Yep trooper with the console is what I'm waiting for.

I want both but I hear ya on the console. To bad they couldn't have made a different Death Star main weapon type console with the little lever he pushes in the movie to come with the gunner. That would have been awesome!
I also agree about the gloves. I will need to find suitable replacements for these and the Death Star Trooper' s.

Until then, it looks like I will be posing these guys with their hands behind their backs.

Think I may just use extra sideshow tie pilot gloves or altered at-at driver ones

Yeah, there's a few of the SSC TIE Pilot hands that don't look too bad - certainly better than this pleather/scrawny plastic hand combo. One thing to do to improve the SSC gloves look would be to gloss up the gauntlet part and leave the glove part more matte - most (but not all) Imperial gauntlet gloves are like that.

Anyone know when you'd see them in the ribbed shirt versus the smooth one. Is it a difference between movies, or even scenes in the same movies?

Both styles appear in the movies, but also some have shoulder emblems and others don't. It's like the Death Star Troopers have belt, emblem and uniform type variations between SW, ESB and ROTJ (the ROTJ DSTs in particular have a quite different belt.)

Not sure if the ribbed vs fabric (and emblem/no emblem) on the Gunner was meant to be a rank thing - it appears that sometimes differences in DST's (some have Imperial officer tunic type uniforms while others have the black jumpsuit like TIE Pilots) is meant to show rank.
I noticed when rewatching ROTJ that t he canon operators in the films have the ribbed vest while the one that has his close up when firing the Deathstar is the cloth suit.
Man that was fast! Looks like a really nice figure. Congrats to those getting him.
Man that was fast! Looks like a really nice figure. Congrats to those getting him.

Yeah lets hope the Imperial Guards are also as fast. I think they must have been originally shown as far back as the Gunners. Plus they're not as complicated.

Fingers crossed
I think one reason that both this figure and the big robot from RO are out already is there was no actor/character likeness to worry about and they flew through licensee approval.
I think that's the reason all of the TFA figures came out fairly quickly as well. I prefer that method since I don't ever care for human headsculpts and would rather save a few bucks.
That date is most likely for overseas folks getting it from Hong Kong warehouse. Good to hear though. Hope the wait isn't too long Stateside.