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I do have ONE question... when my friend repacked the figure, the cape got a little kink in it, near the edges where it feels like there's some kind of thicker support material there. Is there a good way to get this crease out?

Yup. Get your iron out, the settings are gonna be subjective on the kink...
the kink though refers to which shirt you are wearing, so, set your settings to whichever shirt you're wearing.
Iron your shirt.
Go to work.
Log on to FB and look for Unrealtoys.
Order the particular cape you like. I suggest the ultimate version.
Its a long wait, but worth it.
Once you receive the cape, Pop the old cape...literally only takes 10 seconds.
Look at the old cape...look at not just the kink, but the whole cape. You can laugh if you want.
Place the new Unrealtoys cape. Also takes just a couple of seconds.

Now your cape is fine.
Oh, you're welcome.

Kidding aside. If you're perfectly happy with the stock cape, that's perfectly fine of course.
But after having my custom cape, its a high recommendation cause I believe this is such an awesome figure,
that would elevate even more with a custom cape.
Last edited:

It's definitely a keeper.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hey! Great pic!
Is that cape from Jaxon Xu? Or Unreal customs?
It's always a good sign when you see new posts in an older thread and get excited, or go to them first.

To me it shows that figure is still very important. Interestingly enough, this BvS Batman is in that category for me.

Such an awesome figure ! Best Batman out there IMO.

Can't wait to get my JL WW and Supes !
Do people still love this version of Batman? The movie didn't do too well and the actor is leaving the franchise. This version will not have much of a legacy.
Do people still love this version of Batman? The movie didn't do too well and the actor is leaving the franchise. This version will not have much of a legacy.

Doesn't matter at all. It's the best live action Batsuit we've ever had, the only one close to comic accurate.

Keaton and Bale have more of a legacy as you suggested but on the shelf their figures don't come close to this one. Just an awesome figure.
Do people still love this version of Batman? The movie didn't do too well and the actor is leaving the franchise. This version will not have much of a legacy.

If anything, Ben Affleck’s Batman is the only thing that people like about that movie. Its just they ****ed up His character in JL.

Edit: I keep forgetting about Wonder Woman, she was awesome in it too.
Yep totally agree. Admittedly JL was pretty average, they really dropped the ball there. But I still love Extended BvS (not the standard version !).

And while I also considered the Bale Batman as the best movie rendition, when you compare just the look of this Batman he wins hands down.

As as figures go what looks the best on the shelf often wins with me. That's probably half the reason that characters like Boba Fett became so popular. Cause he was the coolest looking character, even if only for a short bit of screen time.
Do people still love this version of Batman? The movie didn't do too well and the actor is leaving the franchise. This version will not have much of a legacy.

He’s already appeared in three films and is at least going to be in another. That’s more screen time as Batman than at least Keaton. So I think he’s earned a spot in Batman lore.

Yep totally agree. Admittedly JL was pretty average, they really dropped the ball there. But I still love Extended BvS (not the standard version !).

And while I also considered the Bale Batman as the best movie rendition, when you compare just the look of this Batman he wins hands down.

My sentiments as well.
Do people still love this version of Batman? The movie didn't do too well and the actor is leaving the franchise. This version will not have much of a legacy.

To me, this is the best Batman ever.

I'm old enough to have seen and even enjoyed the Adam West series on TV as a little kid.
Then I saw the Burton/Keaton Batman at the movies in my late teens when it first came out, and was mildly disappointed. Keaton just didn't seem the dashing playboy Bruc Wayne was supposed to impersonate, nor did he seem to have the physicality to be Batman.
Batman Returns almost won me over, but that was probably more Pfeiffer's Catwoman than Keaton's Batman.
Kilmer seems a good fit, but the movie was so-so.
Clooney seemed a good fit, but the movie was terrible.
The along came Bale, but again, I wasn't completely sold. The Voice was just too distracting, the funny way the mask squished his face... but the movies were great. Even though there was a huge change in tone and look from the first to the second. The suit made sense, too, even if it strayed pretty far from the comics. Then again, so had all the others, except for West.
And finally there was Affleck. To me, simply perfect. The suit, the role, the physicality. And I loved BvS. JL made a mess, and SS was pretty forgettable, but Affleck's Batman is the best Batman so far IMHO.
To me, this is the best Batman ever.

I'm old enough to have seen and even enjoyed the Adam West series on TV as a little kid.
Then I saw the Burton/Keaton Batman at the movies in my late teens when it first came out, and was mildly disappointed. Keaton just didn't seem the dashing playboy Bruc Wayne was supposed to impersonate, nor did he seem to have the physicality to be Batman.
Batman Returns almost won me over, but that was probably more Pfeiffer's Catwoman than Keaton's Batman.
Kilmer seems a good fit, but the movie was so-so.
Clooney seemed a good fit, but the movie was terrible.
The along came Bale, but again, I wasn't completely sold. The Voice was just too distracting, the funny way the mask squished his face... but the movies were great. Even though there was a huge change in tone and look from the first to the second. The suit made sense, too, even if it strayed pretty far from the comics. Then again, so had all the others, except for West.
And finally there was Affleck. To me, simply perfect. The suit, the role, the physicality. And I loved BvS. JL made a mess, and SS was pretty forgettable, but Affleck's Batman is the best Batman so far IMHO.


Except I don’t think JL was a mess. It was simply just fine.

Except I don’t think JL was a mess. It was simply just fine.

Yep also agree. I need to re-watch JL to re-assess. Was really hoping for the Synder Cut, but isn't going to happen by the look of it.

Does anyone with all Batmen have a lineup picture of them all ? Would be interesting to see a comparison shot.
JL was a messy but good film. Lost potential. I still think BvS is a GREAT film(extended version). We'll never see the likes of something like that again for a long long time
JL was a messy but good film. Lost potential. I still think BvS is a GREAT film(extended version). We'll never see the likes of something like that again for a long long time

It's really sad.
Mos and bvs were really unique.
Both visually and thematically.
Movies with balls and guts.
Not all is perfect but they are at least not bland.
I think Affleck was a great Batman that hasn't QUITE been served well by the scripts he's had so far. I know there's been a lot of speculation about whether he'll be in Matt Reeve's Batman movie or not, but I hope he is. I enjoyed BvS for what it was. Justice League I liked better the second time I saw it on Blu Ray. It still has problems, and I sort of wish they'd just let Snyder put out his version of it, as what we got felt like it suffered a little from the shift they were trying. That being said, I'm all for where we left the team at the end of the movie. I hope we get a new Justice League movie some day with at least MOST of the same cast.

Anyway, back to the figure... I think the suit itself is just iconic. And I'm excited to get a Trinity together, at least, for my display. Sure, Superman will be from MOS, Bats from BvS and WW from Justice League... but I'm cool with that. I might add Flash in if he gets a better costume in his own movie. I'm still undecided about Aquaman. I don't know whether to get his JL look or solo movie look.
It's really sad.
Mos and bvs were really unique.
Both visually and thematically.
Movies with balls and guts.
Not all is perfect but they are at least not bland.


MoS and BvS has the balls to try something different and made the films a little more grounded in reality. Naturally, this was going to divide fans, but I personally thought it worked and made for two interesting films.

With JL, it seems like the Snyder/Whedon version was more going for a “safe” film. Don’t try and do anything different and make a good film; just play it safe and don’t make a bad film, which they succeeded at. It wasn’t bad, but could have been a lot better.
I think Affleck was a great Batman that hasn't QUITE been served well by the scripts he's had so far. I know there's been a lot of speculation about whether he'll be in Matt Reeve's Batman movie or not, but I hope he is. I enjoyed BvS for what it was. Justice League I liked better the second time I saw it on Blu Ray. It still has problems, and I sort of wish they'd just let Snyder put out his version of it, as what we got felt like it suffered a little from the shift they were trying. That being said, I'm all for where we left the team at the end of the movie. I hope we get a new Justice League movie some day with at least MOST of the same cast.

I've heard he will be in it, for at least a part of it. Which suits me, better than nothing. I can totally understand a guy like that wanting to walk away. Sure it's complex, he's not clean himself with the alcohol etc. But he's the level of actor that can pick and choose, and if the Execs at WB are ****ing him about then I'd want out too. Such a waste IMO.

But I'll take my HT trinity, pretend they are more for the representation of the characters than the films and all will be good :lol