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Looks great. Nice work. :clap :duff

thanks buddy. :)

北京国安;9125441 said:

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Thanks Jaxon.

The lighter grey is an improvement, I like it!

Would the paint not crack or chip away with posing?

I dont think so. But I also dont pose my figures much, I find that one good pose and leave it alone. My repainted MOS still looks the same even after two years of getting repainted.

Looks sick bro. Ill do your CW Cap mod if you paint my BvS Batman. LoL!

Thanks man.
I really prefer not to mod other people's figures cause I dont want to take the chance of ruining the figures in case the result wasnt satisfactory.
I dont get a chance to mod often so many times, its all trial and error.
That's the reason why I didnt do the mod until I bought a 2nd batman, with the chance that if I butchered the mod, I still have my other batman.
I did the same when I repainted my MOS, kept another one in hand in case I ruined the mod. lol.
Thank you though for the offer. :duff

Nice work remy

Thanks man.
Yes, we don't want more fake news like 'last night in Sweden'. :lol

Affleck might have made the decision to walk away from the role, only he will know, but without forfeiting a load of cash he can't do that before making one more movie. If he's adamant on only doing the three movies they'd have to seriously change the script to give his character some sort of exit. I don't see them straight up recasting the role but who knows.

It's pointless speculating let alone worrying about it. Right now I'm just looking forward to the WW movie and JL. It's sad that many seem to have already written those off as duds months before release.

Finished repainting my 2nd Batman.
As I mentioned before, I wanted to lighten the suit and also add blue hues to the suit.
Very happy with the results. :)

OMG that's beautiful work Remy! :clap How tricky was it to do? I'm tempted to try something on mine but scared of messing it up. :lol
Sigh-- Affleck is certainly going to make this movie and has a hand in picking the director I'm sure- Trolls keep making up stuff to keep the ball going

I will say WB doesn't give a crap what trolls on internet sites are saying....I've yet to see a single one of these guys run a film studio let alone get a job as a caterer to a film. Weak minded know-it-alls who grow brave behind a keyboard

Last time I checked they seemed at least a little concerned with what the "trolls"/critics were saying when they made the unusual move of bringing a bunch of news sites to visit the production of JL, and let those news sites immediately publish their set visit reports to try, and show people "We're going to do better with this one! We promise!" David Ayer has come out, and said Suicide Squad wasn't what it was supposed to be, and would have liked to do things differently if he could. They ain't exactly coming out, and taking on all the naysayers defending these movies to the death. They know the films have had issues, and they have been trying to show people they're fixing them.

Also, nice pics of the figure the last page. It's a great looking figure for sure.
OMG that's beautiful work Remy! :clap How tricky was it to do? I'm tempted to try something on mine but scared of messing it up. :lol

Thank you so much buddy.
I'm not gonna lie, this mod almost failed at one point and got so frustrated it almost went to the trash. lmao
Then, it just dawned on me I may need that body for another kit bash, so I didnt throw it away. :lol
I had to step away and regroup.
Like they said in art school...just walk away, take some breather and leave it alone.
It did take a lot of trial and error to get the color I like.

If you want to do it the safer way, I suggest to do a quick wash of silver. Then a quick wash of blue.
If you're not familiar, if you're gonna do acrylic, then have a lot of water and put a few drops of gray, and blend that so that its pretty much watery with some gray in it. Then do the same also if you want a blue hue.

I had a hard time cause I used lacquer paint, so I had to use paint thinner instead of water.
The reason I prefer lacquer, cause just like in my MOS superman repaint, lacquer is very vibrant.
But it took me a lot of trial and error to get the results I wanted.
I hope someone takes the risk and goes all the way with a grey and blue custom.

Easy to say I hope someone else risks doing it, I know. If done well it would look awesome though.
Thank you so much buddy.
I'm not gonna lie, this mod almost failed at one point and got so frustrated it almost went to the trash. lmao
Then, it just dawned on me I may need that body for another kit bash, so I didnt throw it away. :lol
I had to step away and regroup.
Like they said in art school...just walk away, take some breather and leave it alone.
It did take a lot of trial and error to get the color I like.

If you want to do it the safer way, I suggest to do a quick wash of silver. Then a quick wash of blue.
If you're not familiar, if you're gonna do acrylic, then have a lot of water and put a few drops of gray, and blend that so that its pretty much watery with some gray in it. Then do the same also if you want a blue hue.

I had a hard time cause I used lacquer paint, so I had to use paint thinner instead of water.
The reason I prefer lacquer, cause just like in my MOS superman repaint, lacquer is very vibrant.
But it took me a lot of trial and error to get the results I wanted.

In that case I'll leave it a while but might try the silver wash eventually if that carries less risk.
I admire your bravery in going further. Even having a spare, writing off a figure this valuable would be a pretty terrible experience. Glad it payed off for you. Really love how the belt, abs and bat symbol pop so much more post mod.
If nobody can come up with a quote where Affleck stated that he's planning on or is leaving the role, or an official quote from the studio that stated Affleck is considering or is leaving the role, then it's probably best not to keep restating that he's contemplating leaving the role. That would be the very definition of "fake news", when there's just no facts that corroborate that statement.
awesome work and photos as always man :rock:

As always, I appreciate the feedback Gipetto. :)

In that case I'll leave it a while but might try the silver wash eventually if that carries less risk.
I admire your bravery in going further. Even having a spare, writing off a figure this valuable would be a pretty terrible experience. Glad it payed off for you. Really love how the belt, abs and bat symbol pop so much more post mod.

Thanks man. :1-1:
I would say, if you're tempted to just do just the the gray wash, its not that hard to do. There's quite a few people here already who have done just the gray wash with great results.
And even with that alone, the results look great cause you get a nice contrast between the suit and the cowl, boots, and gloves.
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Wow I'm always amazed at the work done by others. Well done Remy he looks amazing. I also repainted my batman but redid it for the grey to be dark not like it was stock but not to light nor dark in the middle. Will keep the SS batman stock. But your work gives me the urge to repaint him again. Lol
Firstly the script HAS been re-worked by Terrio, and Affleck is extremely happy with it by all accounts. As for dropping out from directing he has publicly said that trying to direct the film whilst wearing the suit would be problematic and he would need the suit redesigning for ease of getting in and out... obviously though the way these suits are designed it would be near impossible with the current design to do that... so he stood down for logistical reasons... but eh, don't let that stop the trolls and people with an agenda making something out of this that doesn't exist! :slap
Affleck simply said that wearing the suit would mean he couldn't give proper attention to directing – the guy wants the film to be the best it can be – incredible that people can turn that into a negative!

One thing I will say though is that WB need to sort their **** out... the constant leaks are shocking. Take for example the social-media uproar about Matt Reeves - the guy is in negotiations with WB to direct Batman... i'm also hearing somebody is in negotiations to direct Shazam – when was the last time you heard that Marvel were in 'negotiation' with a director? You don't – WB need to keep things like this quiet and announce when a director is assigned to the project and not give the trolls fuel for their bull****! Marvel have negotiated with director who didn't take the job, they've even had directors walk away from projects they were directing – but do they get the rubbish the DCEU is getting?

It'll be hilarious if Affleck actually does drop out and all these people that are like "he would never do that, hurr durr fake news sources" are put in their place.

Just a couple of weeks ago there were rumors that Affleck wasn't going to be director and the same fan boys were like "lies!", "Disney/Marvel shills spreading disinformation!", "it's all fine!", then the next day he was out of the directors chair and they put in Matt Reeves (who has also dropped out mind you).
How can DC struggle to get a director for Batman, but somehow *appear* to succeed in getting Mel Gibson to direct a Suicide Squad sequel? (I get the Mel Gibson thing is still early on, but...) Is the Batman movie that off-putting to directors?
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