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BvS and CW spoilers below

You'll notice that not one person is going to complain that Stark knew Parker was Spiderman with no real explanation how, but Lex knowing who Superman is, that's crossing the line! Lol

I think people are more bothered why Lex hates superman.

Also Lex knowing who he Is, is a HUGE deal. Just throwing that plot element thrown in, in his first appearance sucks
I saw civil war last night. I really liked it, but as i was watching it I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen this movie before. Civil War has all the same major themes that guide the story arc as BvS.

Both Films start with a crisis in a foreign country, heroes interevene collateral damage ensues (more unintended human deaths) foreign policy issues result, and questions of whether they cause more harm then good. This leads to the government pondering if they should be contained and controlled- who decides when they should or should not intervene. The hero(s) is/are called to an official government hearing, a bomb goes off, innocent people die, and the hero(s) are wrongly blamed for the explosion. The death of parents, and their names play a signicant role in both films. The real villian is pulling the strings & manipulating the heroes so that they fight each other... there are more similarities but I am too lazy to list anymore.

Great points. :duff I thought the same thing. It was déjà vu all over again.
I saw civil war last night. I really liked it, but as i was watching it I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen this movie before. Civil War has all the same major themes that guide the story arc as BvS.

Both Films start with a crisis in a foreign country, heroes interevene collateral damage ensues (more unintended human deaths) foreign policy issues result, and questions of whether they cause more harm then good. This leads to the government pondering if they should be contained and controlled- who decides when they should or should not intervene. The hero(s) is/are called to an official government hearing, a bomb goes off, innocent people die, and the hero(s) are wrongly blamed for the explosion. The death of parents, and their names play a signicant role in both films. The real villian is pulling the strings & manipulating the heroes so that they fight each other... there are more similarities but I am too lazy to list anymore.

Also the double standard is in full force, didnt read one review that criticizes it for how the avengers brutally kill their enemies without any regard for human life (except when they fought each other). I guess I'm sensitive to this now that BvS was criticized for it even though Supes and bats aren't shown to deliberately and brutally kill people like the avengers do. It never bothered me before but it does now. I chuckled towards the end when cap told bucky "not to kill" any of those cops as he (cap) was knocking them off of the stairwell to their impending doom.

One thing is for sure...both Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne have serious mommy issues

Agreed. I saw many of the same themes in both films, and both films really appealed to me. I enjoyed both films greatly without feeling the need to compare one to the other.

I've seen each one twice.
I think people are more bothered why Lex hates superman.

Also Lex knowing who he Is, is a HUGE deal. Just throwing that plot element thrown in, in his first appearance sucks

I could never stand that Superman's intelligent villains could never figure out Kent was Superman
Especially in this universe where his face has been plastered all over the news
Lex knowing is just common sense to me
The fact nobody knows that Kent is Superman always seemed ludicrous to me. Like ... how can't you know?! He looks the same and his voice is the same, it's not Batman with his mask, fake muscular body and voice-change thingy.
You brought up a good point but I would still argue that it slightly depends on who's writing. Also in one of the panels you posted above, Cap says "Avengers don't kill- not unless there's any other-" and it seems like he got cut off before saying "unless there's any other way" so they might prefer to not kill but I think they'll do it if it comes down to that.

Yeah, but in the MCU movies, killing is like at least the second option they go with, if not the first. Again: Falcon with double uzis is just crazy wrong on every level.

And yeah, I agree with Tourist as well. It is kind of an unfair bias, but due to the fact that most people have a preferred version of Bats and Supes, while they only know one for the Avengers characters. When the MCU will reboot someday, they will face the same problem DC is facing now. People screaming "thats not my Iron Man".

I LOVED BvS, even with its flaws and found Civil War to be pretty boring tbh. I am just not a fan of the MCU way of handling things anymore. It's too toothless and safe for my tastes. Happy most people love hat, but I am glad my darker taste gets the DC movies how they are now.
It makes perfect sense that no one knows who he is, the only people that that should/would know are his colleges at the Daily Planet
I could never stand that Superman's intelligent villains could never figure out Kent was Superman
Especially in this universe where his face has been plastered all over the news
Lex knowing is just common sense to me

Exactly! It's a standing joke how poor Superman's disguise is (a remnant from a simpler time) - the average man-on-the-street would never know because the chances of actually seeing Superman up close are small, and who knows what the reporters on their local paper actually look like?
But his foes - Luthor especially, would know straight away – it's an insult to the viewers intelligence to assume otherwise!
difference being the cw's core is enjoyable.

So killing is ok if it's enjoyable? That's a messed up attitude right there!
The whole DC ethos is that there are consequences to your actions... CW may be an enjoyable film, but it's been admitted that it was only made because of DC making BvS, and the MCU has not bothered or focused on consequence until now... in fact it MCU fans go to great lengths to point out how few people (unrealistically) died during the battle in Avengers – suddenly it's an issue. The fact they made CW actually comes across as petty to me.
To be fair it's almost like they saw BvS announced and then just thought 'anything you can do I can do better'.

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I could never stand that Superman's intelligent villains could never figure out Kent was Superman
Especially in this universe where his face has been plastered all over the news
Lex knowing is just common sense to me

Most of the more recent superhero films I've noticed with both Marvel and DC seem to be eliminating the camp aspect from a lot of the films with regards to characters that traditionally have dual identities, and not making their identities such a secret.
It makes perfect sense that no one knows who he is, the only people that that should/would know are his colleges at the Daily Planet

That's part of it...how many, in the past, would know who Clark Kent is? And if you think just glasses don't work go grab the vid of Cavill walking in time square in a SUPERMAN tshirt and a pair of glasses and see how many people notice. No one does. And he gets noticed everywhere. Or watch some of those late night talk shows where they have famous people do normal jobs and talk to the customers about "themselves" and the person they are talking to doesn't even put together it's the same person hey are talking about that is talking to them. People are very bad as a whole on face recognition.

That's part of it...how many, in the past, would know who Clark Kent is? And if you think just glasses don't work go grab the vid of Cavill walking in time square in a SUPERMAN tshirt and a pair of glasses and see how many people notice. No one does. And he gets noticed everywhere. Or watch some of those late night talk shows where they have famous people do normal jobs and talk to the customers about "themselves" and the person they are talking to doesn't even put together it's the same person hey are talking about that is talking to them. People are very bad as a whole on face recognition.


Saw that video recently. I thought it was hilarious.
So killing is ok if it's enjoyable? That's a messed up attitude right there!
The whole DC ethos is that there are consequences to your actions... CW may be an enjoyable film, but it's been admitted that it was only made because of DC making BvS, and the MCU has not bothered or focused on consequence until now... in fact it MCU fans go to great lengths to point out how few people (unrealistically) died during the battle in Avengers – suddenly it's an issue. The fact they made CW actually comes across as petty to me.

I haven't seen CW yet. But saw AoU and they are killing people left and right. I begins to bother me, that all my friends thinks Marvel is good and DC is bad, cause in DC films they kill people... well...
Exactly! It's a standing joke how poor Superman's disguise is (a remnant from a simpler time) - the average man-on-the-street would never know because the chances of actually seeing Superman up close are small, and who knows what the reporters on their local paper actually look like?
But his foes - Luthor especially, would know straight away – it's an insult to the viewers intelligence to assume otherwise!

I didn't mind Luthor figures it out. I minded that we didn't see him do it (cause it is VERY important to the movie) and that Luthor didn't make better use of it. The BEST example is Kingpin in Daredevil. He doesn't just kidnap those he loves - he destroys his life. THAT is to me a master criminal. I know Luthor in this movie is more vengeful and spiteful than in the comics, and I like that portrayal. He wants to destroy God - that is awesome. And he think he can do it. And he is so full of spite, that he ends up kidnapping Supermans foster mom. Okay, not the best plan ever, but when you are clouded by hate, that is fine.
Still, we need to see, n basic storytelling, Lex figure out that Kent is Superman and Bruce Wayne is Batman. The scene is probably there, in the longer version, so we get to see it soon. I still think this is one of the best films this year (beaten only by Steve Jobs and Deadpool). I'm not a fan of the MCU, I like that DC has done something different. And the score to this film. Brilliant.
For some of us, like myself, our last memorable experience with DC came with TDK trilogy where "no killing" was Batman's mantra, an ideal pounded into our heads for 3 movies. Inadvertently or not, even though TDK trilogy isn't contained within the DCEU, it set-up future DC movies to follow that same ideal. So when people do die, it becomes a big deal.

Contrast that with Marvel. Once Iron Man punched a man 2 stories high and into a concrete building in Gulmira, the tone was set that killing bad guys in the MCU was fair game.